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Baofeng uv-5g won’t communicate with others

Guest Shane

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This is a little weird. I have two Baofeng UV – 5G. And 2 Midland x talk gmrs radios. The Midland is set to. Channel 20 and the UV – 5G is set to the corresponding. Frequency which I think is 462.675. Anyway, the two Midlands will talk to each other and the Midlands will talk to the two UV- 5g but the two UV 5G will not communicate with each other, and will not communicate with the Midland. I don’t get it. Any ideas?

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12 hours ago, Guest Shane said:

This is a little weird. I have two Baofeng UV – 5G. And 2 Midland x talk gmrs radios. The Midland is set to. Channel 20 and the UV – 5G is set to the corresponding. Frequency which I think is 462.675. Anyway, the two Midlands will talk to each other and the Midlands will talk to the two UV- 5g but the two UV 5G will not communicate with each other, and will not communicate with the Midland. I don’t get it. Any ideas?

Someone mention about this issue when one radio is using wide band and the other narrow band check it out and let us know. 

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Wide/Narrow has nothing to do with it because that would not prevent them from transmitting/hearing each other.

The issue is he is trying to transmit in frequency/VFO mode, which you cannot do on UV-5G radios.. Assuming there are no incorrect tones, putting the radio in channel/MR mode and set the correct GMRS "channel" should make everything work.

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  • 2 months later...
1 hour ago, Guest Wrzt743 said:

Your baofengs might be locked from transmitting on gmrs

  • He already confirmed that the issue was resolved from a previous comment
  • The radio he specified, the UV-5G, is designed specifically TO transmit on GMRS.

Nice effort though .. I guess?

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Guest Bob WRZP358
19 hours ago, OffRoaderX said:
  • He already confirmed that the issue was resolved from a previous comment
  • The radio he specified, the UV-5G, is designed specifically TO transmit on GMRS.

Nice effort though .. I guess?

I like the post, and comments you post, I have learned a lot about GMRS from you do a great job, for the new GMRS operators, I have been the whole rout in radio, I started in radio as a CBer, I be came to Ham Radio operator, and now I add GMRS, To me its all about talking to new people, when ever thing goes South all radio will be needed. Thanks and keep up the great work, Randy.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest despair

mg shinny new uv 5g plus will not save or delete channles no matter what firmware baofeng will not edit. thrown it in the bin

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Rommel
On 12/14/2023 at 3:17 PM, OffRoaderX said:
  • He already confirmed that the issue was resolved from a previous comment
  • The radio he specified, the UV-5G, is designed specifically TO transmit on GMRS.

Nice effort though .. I guess?

My new UV-25 is not transmitting after a factory reset. Maybe it is locked from transmitting in GMRS? I don't know. Can you please give some advice about this?


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