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Just Ordered a Baofeng GT-3TP Mark III.


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True to my High Functioning Autistic Self I have to totally Do Things to Death so I ordered a Baofeng GT-3TP Mark III to play with.  That'll bring my totally radio count to 8(2/UV-5R's, 3/UV-82's, 2/KG-UVD1P's and now the GT-3TP Mark III) so I think I'm good for now.  Why I wanted this radio is 2(or 3) fold.

1) It seems like a pretty decent radio that's suppose to be rated at 8watts and comes with a pretty decent antenna and a car charger.

2) It'll be my Truck Radio since the higher power should give me a bit better reach(I know that's questionable but hey, a couple extra watts can't hurt) and the car charger will make it easy to keep the radio charged up.

3) The price isn't much($26 bucks) so if it gets stolen I'm not out much.

I can use the BF-F8HP Profile in CHIRP to program it and it should unlock the same as the UV-5R radios so I'll get full GMRS and MURS function out of it.  I'll do a power test(and probably make a video about the radio) to see if it'll be like the UV-82 where "high" is actually lower power than medium or low which I found to be kind of crazy. Anyway, just wanted to share and see if anyone else has or thought about getting one of these. Talk to ya'll later.

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6 hours ago, WSAA635 said:

That'll bring my totally radio count to 8

Oh yeah, you got the bug. No known cure at this point. 😂👍 I personally don’t think it’s a problem until you can’t remember what you have and even then I may change my opinion on that. 

6 hours ago, WSAA635 said:

so I think I'm good for now

You’d think but as a collector myself I’m skeptical 😀

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12 hours ago, WRYZ926 said:

I only have 6 HT's. I know rookie numbers 😆

Let us know how you like the new radio.

I'll probably do a video on it. I also want to test the 3 power levels to see which is the highest setting.

With the UV-82 the "high" setting actually put out less power than the medium and low settings.

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2 minutes ago, WSAA635 said:

With the UV-82 the "high" setting actually put out less power than the medium and low settings.

That's interesting. I haven't seen that testing my Baofeng (2 UV-5r GRMS and 1 GT-5R), Explorer QRZ1 (TYT UV88), Icom IC-T10, and Wouxun KG-935G HT's.

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On 2/18/2024 at 8:03 AM, WSAA635 said:

rated at 8watts

Have you put a Watt meter to the Radio and have it confirmed that it transmitting 8 Watts? They say it transmit 8 watts so you be suckered into buying the radio and comes to find out it doesn't transmit the 8 watts it claims to.

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Initial testing tonight gave the following readings:

Low=2.8 watts

Medium=5.18 watts

Hight=6.30 watts.

I'd think that's pretty close enough since 1.7 watts shouldn't make that much of a difference and it's right in the same ballpark as my UV-82's are. I'm happy with it so far. It unlocks the same as the UV-5R and the Radioddity antenna is a nice upgrade. All in all it's a Baofeng Radio, nothing more, nothing less, decent deal for the money.

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