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ROAST my home station setup!



Who wants to ROAST/critique my home station setup plans? I would love any constructive criticism before purchasing and setting everything up if anyone feels the need to give me a good roast, lol.


Here's the plan: 

  1. Radioditty 20W DB20-G  <-- I have an extra one, so I'm not willing to buy another radio at the moment; but of course, feel free to criticize regardless, lol
  2. Comet CA-712EFC Commercial/GMRS UHF Base Vertical Antenna
    1. This will be mounted on two 10' fence top rails with base of antenna at approximately 20' in the air
    2. https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/cma-ca-712efc#overview
  3. 10' LMR-400 N-type cable from antenna to attic vent
    1. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0752VYSST/ref=ox_sc_act_title_4?smid=A3H9JF6OQF5L9G&psc=1
  4. Cable in #3 above will connect to lightning arrester at attic vent
    1. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C6D3Y9NT/ref=ox_sc_act_title_6?smid=A3VP7QY3689O35&psc=1
  5. 30' LMR-400 N-type cable from lightning arrester, into attic vent, thru ceiling and down to workdesk
    1. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B084KNHK4X/ref=ox_sc_act_title_5?smid=A3H9JF6OQF5L9G&th=1
  6. Type N to UHF adapter to connect to radio
    1. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C68XLQ95/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A3UZ9UTGZSE0RX&psc=1
  7. Lastly, one ground wire from lightning arrester to grounding rod, and another ground wire from top of mast to grounding rod


Not really concerned with the method that I'll be affixing/securing the mast or details concerning grounding, just curious if folks have opinions on the antenna/radio/wiring. 

5 answers to this question

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You should be fine with that setup. The 1 3/8" top rails should be fine as long as they are properly supported. I went with 1 5/8" fence post since that is what was used for the original TV antenna and that size pipe is the same as most J mounts ( sat. dish mounts). 

The ground wire doesn't have to go to the top of the mast. The main thing is the mast is grounded and the ground wire doesn't have any sharp bends.

Also make sure that there are not any sharp bends in the coax either. another thing is to make sure to use a good quality N to PL259 adaptor. 

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I am not familiar with Bolton cable.   Some Amazon products have questionable heritage, so I would prefer actual Times LMR-400, (not an "equivalent")  but otherwise it all sounds good.  A miinor point: just remember to leave a drip loop at the cable's entrance to the vent, so any rain water will stay out of the house!  Good luck with the new station.

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The Comet 712efc's are a great antenna for the price. I actually replaced my Commscope DB404 with one, and right now it's up over 50' on 4 of those fence top rails (of course with guy wires)

Sounds like you'll have a nice setup

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This is darn near the same set up as I have. 20w tyt radio lmr400 and a comet712 up about 30’ to the tip.  234 miles is my best regular weekly contacts.   

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Thanks for the feedback, as well as a couple suggestions that I hadn't considered (rain drip will already be there just because that's the best path for the cable but not sure if I would have thought of that till it rained, lol). Thanks all.

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