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Ok, now what?

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Got my license and 2 HT's - OK! Now what?  

I have been listening to local repeaters for 2 days and getting the feel of the UV5G+.  I have not ventured into CHIRP because I need an adapter since I do not have an USB port on my computer (MacBook).  Remember, I know nothing about GMRS and at 71y/o I get bored and need to keep the brain working.  This will surely help, at least initially.

My understanding is we have 30 channels and 8 of those are dedicated to repeaters.  Any of the other 22 we can tx and rx.  Using the repeaters I need to get access, which will be my next move. The repeater in essence extends my reach to others within that repeaters range. I can RX /TX as long as we're both in access of the repeater.  Question #1. Can one repeater communicate with another repeater? Let's say I am in Central Indiana and my contact is in Chicago or even further.  Can my signal bounce from one repeater to another and vice versa? I have heard communication from Ohio and Chicago while I am in central Indiana.  Question #2. Do channels/frequencies ever get busy?  I remember the CB days when channels were very often very busy, often with people talking without saying anything (I think you know what I mean). What is GMRS etiquette?  And now the last, Question #3. Can you recommend reading material GMRS for dummies or anything like that?  

Thanks in advance.  I am certain I will have more questions in the weeks to come. Don't forget, we were all newbies at one time or another!  



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1 yes some repeaters are linked but most are not.  You will have to find that out on a case by case

2 yes some times they do get busy.  Especially repeaters.    IM part of a huge repeater club that covers most of Southern California.    We have 130+ members.  Some times we have to wait our turn to say hello and chit chat.   Some times it’s not busy at all.    Some times simplex channels are busy as well.  We just switch.   

3this is one of the best places to ask questions and learn.   Loads of gmrs nerds and dummies here.   Some times it gets over whelming especially when people make it harder then it needs to be or they don’t understand the rules and give bad advise.    Just keep asking questions.   I for one have helped many many people in private messages, emails and phone that got to overwhelmed with the forum and wanted to quit all together.    

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Hi Ziggidy,

sounds like a good start! You should look to get the USB adapter for your Macbook. it will make programing both radios the same much easier. (for me, I have both a conventional USB adapter as well as the Multiport adapter) If you have a newer laptop, you probably need the USB C version (linked here) or (linked here).

You still want to know how to program your radios manually but having software programing is helpful when you have multiple radios

WRXP381 is correct on your answers, so you are covered there...


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12 minutes ago, Ziggidy said:

Got my license and 2 HT's - OK! Now what?  

The question I like to ask new folks in your position is, what do you hope to use GMRS for? Why did you become interested? That will help us give better answers.

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5 hours ago, Ziggidy said:

Got my license and 2 HT's - OK! Now what?  

I have been listening to local repeaters for 2 days and getting the feel of the UV5G+.  I have not ventured into CHIRP because I need an adapter since I do not have an USB port on my computer (MacBook).  Remember, I know nothing about GMRS and at 71y/o I get bored and need to keep the brain working.  This will surely help, at least initially.

My understanding is we have 30 channels and 8 of those are dedicated to repeaters.  Any of the other 22 we can tx and rx.  Using the repeaters I need to get access, which will be my next move. The repeater in essence extends my reach to others within that repeaters range. I can RX /TX as long as we're both in access of the repeater.  Question #1. Can one repeater communicate with another repeater? Let's say I am in Central Indiana and my contact is in Chicago or even further.  Can my signal bounce from one repeater to another and vice versa? I have heard communication from Ohio and Chicago while I am in central Indiana.  Question #2. Do channels/frequencies ever get busy?  I remember the CB days when channels were very often very busy, often with people talking without saying anything (I think you know what I mean). What is GMRS etiquette?  And now the last, Question #3. Can you recommend reading material GMRS for dummies or anything like that?  

Thanks in advance.  I am certain I will have more questions in the weeks to come. Don't forget, we were all newbies at one time or another!  



Click on the 3 bars top right of your screen and select browse then select clubs. You're hearing the Midwest gmrs club. Join the club and you'll be able to talk on the network. 

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13 hours ago, Ziggidy said:

people talking without saying anything

Dorothy: How can you talk if you have no brain?
Scarecrow: Oh there are lots of people without brains that do a great deal of talking.


Here is a link to some basic GMRS info. Welcome to GMRS.

Edited by WRXB215
Added info.
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