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Good Evening,

I recently bought Baofeng G11S radios and admittedly I am a rookie (at best). I know very little about GMRS, frequencies, repeaters, and general use of my radio(s). Is there classes I can take, persona tutors I can hire or in person club meetings (monthly, quarterly, etc...) that meet to meet people, gain knowledge and learn how to become an educated operator?

Look forward to hearing from you veterans as I am anxious to use my radio and participate.

Thank you 



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What area of the country do you live in?  First if you haven’t already you need to go to the fcc web page and get an frn number and then a gmrs call sign for $35 for 10years. Then bring that call sign back to this site and sign up with it.   Then people can message you directly and help with your exact set up. 

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Using a radio like yours is not complicated nor difficult - if you can read, you can use the radio and honestly everything you need to learn is right here in this forum, on other websites, and in Youtube videos..   Using a GMRS radio is not like becoming an amateur-radio operator - you basically turn it on, pick a channel, tell the person you want to talk with to put their radio on the same channel, press the button, and talk..  using a repeater is only slightly more difficult.


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13 hours ago, WRXP381 said:

What area of the country do you live in?  First if you haven’t already you need to go to the fcc web page and get an frn number and then a gmrs call sign for $35 for 10years. Then bring that call sign back to this site and sign up with it.   Then people can message you directly and help with your exact set up. 

I live in upstate NY and I have my call sign (WSCD480). I have read the manual (not very helpful) and have read others replies on there questions. I have attempted to use my radio with members of my car club and I can't seem to connect even though we are on the same channels (22-2)

I will continue to monitor this forum and look forward to learning more. Thank you.

PS: I believe I'm very proficient at reading...just wanted to get that off the table.

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"RTFM" is a really common answer but when you're NEW new, a lot of it is just gibberish until you learn the 'language' of radio jargon it's written in. So, don't feel too bad about that one.

Is this a "you can hear them, they can't hear you" situation?

When you say "22-2" that implies channel 22 with "privacy tone 2". Those privacy tone charts aren't standard across the industry, so knowing what actual frequency that tone is could be helpful. Have you tried setting the TX Code (looks like menu 2) on your radio to the 2nd option? Tho, what the 2nd option is might vary. With no tones set on your radio, you should be able to hear them without issue, but they won't hear you (as their radios are listening for the correct tone in order to actually play a transmission on that channel through to the speaker).

Your radio doesn't appear to have tone scanning, which will make this harder, but if you can get with one of your club members and sit down with your radio and theirs, and then scrolling through your first handful of transmit tones until their radio wakes up when you key up yours, you should be able to sort it out.

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50 minutes ago, SESchaal said:

I live in upstate NY and I have my call sign (WSCD480). I have read the manual (not very helpful) and have read others replies on there questions. I have attempted to use my radio with members of my car club and I can't seem to connect even though we are on the same channels (22-2)

I will continue to monitor this forum and look forward to learning more. Thank you.

PS: I believe I'm very proficient at reading...just wanted to get that off the table.

Amaff said it all; I’m just trying to offer something helpful.

If you change your tone to 0, you should be able to hear your club members and anyone else on frequency 22. That’s because having no tone set for receiving, means you hear everything. 
That allows you to verify the channel.
Then try stepping through the tones until you hear them again.

Now can they hear you when you transmit?

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