I'm just gonna point this out, Motorola PA's are notoriously narrow in their efficiency. A 40 watt rated PA on a Radius series mobile is 23% efficient from 40W to 25W, beyond that its efficiency dwindles. The 25W version is 24% efficient from 25-10 W (but has the same heat sink as the higher power model). In retrospective, the 20W GE custom MVP is 29% efficient from 8-20W. What do I mean by efficient? I mean that the output in RF is that percentage of the total power drawn in current. That means for your average 25% efficient radio you need 4 times the power output just to provide power. It also tells you how much heat is being generated from the circuit (conservation of energy). When it comes to solar powered repeaters, one is better off running 10W or less and focusing on antenna systems. Avoid the Chinese junk (even antennas) as you want something you only have to buy once. Quality feedline, (avoid LMR in a full duplex environment), and proper installation. General rule of thumb is your solar system needs to be able to carry your load in snow shedding. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk