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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/18 in all areas

  1. WRCR724

    New GMRS license holder

    Hello everyone. Been lurking here for a couple of weeks before registering. I recently received my GMRS license. Was surprised to have it issued within a day of submitting everything online. I've been a licensed ham since 2001 as well. I have a family that doesn't mind using a radio but asking they are not interested in getting a ham license. Figured we could use GMRS and have better results than the cheap FRS radios we have used in the past. Plus it gives me another radio to play with. I'm now off to post a question in the technical section. Thanks for having me.
    3 points
  2. RCM

    Merry Christmas!

    Just wishing a merry Christmas to all my friends on the forum.
    3 points
  3. Elkhunter521

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas
    3 points
  4. shaine

    Merry Christmas!

    Happy Christmas.
    3 points
  5. For those MyGMRS members who celebrate Christmas, from the staff at MyGMRS - A Very Merry Christmas.
    3 points
  6. n4gix

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas, Festivus or whatever holiday you celebrate, along with my best wishes for a terrific New Year!
    2 points
  7. It is highly likely that those radios are actually 20KHz bandwidth, not 25. You'd have to be looking at radios well over 30 years old to see 25 KHz bandwidth. If the FCC Type Acceptance shows an emission code that is 16Kxxxxxx, it is 20KHz. Given the fuzzy response from the FCC, you may consider legacy 20KHz radios to be very usable in GMRS. I do. The narrowbanding effort that culminated on the the deadline of 1/1/13 brought most of Part 90 down to 12.5KHz, forcing a lot of agencies to remove their older 20KHz only radios from service which is why you see so many of them for sale on auction sites.
    2 points
  8. shaine

    New GMRS license holder

    I am new as well. I got my license for the same reason, it is easier to onboard my family. Personally, I enjoy scanning and listening. However, my family prefers to keep it on our shared DCS channel for chatting with each other. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. PastorGary

    Bandwidth question

    Just to add to what RCM mentioned - GMRS was not involved in the FCC Part 90 rebanding plan from a few years ago because it is a Part 95 service - not Part 90. Therefore 'wideband' operations on the MAIN channels listed in your post, is the normal operating mode for most licensed GMRS operators and for most repeater operations. Welcome to the Forum.
    1 point
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