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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/21 in all areas

  1. Been awesome, the UHF2 seems to have better reception for GMRS. but everyone says both radios TX great. I did get the wide-band UHF1/UHF2 antenna for each radio. Picked up some hand Mics. Thanks again.
    2 points
  2. JohnE

    GMRS trunking system?

    that is why I did it
    1 point
  3. Lscott

    GMRS trunking system?

    Never though about using LTR as a means for repeater access control while ignoring the multi-repeater bit. That would seriously screw with repeater jammers and unauthorized users.
    1 point
  4. Just spot checked a few IDs and their FCC listed ranges. The only non-95 I knew was the TK-3170 but I can't say whether it is ever used for GMRS or not. Does seem to support the intent to not grant 95 for radios covering amateur bands. These grants date back prior to 2017 I think in all cases. Anything newer than this will be likely not submitted by Kenwood/Vertex/Motorola and might not be strictly the book (e.g. suspect for use as reference). Midland probably submits valid data but they wouldn't have any models with the necessary features for consideration. Kenwood TK-3170 ALH34713130 400-430 22, 74, 90, 90.21 Kenwood TK-3180 ALH37333110 450-490 22, 74, 90, 95A Kenwood TK-3130 ALH33293110 460-470 90, 95A Kenwood TK-3180 ALH37333110 450-520 22, 74, 90, 90.210, 95A Kenwood TK-3200 ALH36923130 450-470 90, 90.210, 95A Kenwood TK-3230 ALH383200 460-470 90, 95A Kenwood TK-8150 ALH32283110 450-500 90, 90.210, 95 Kenwood TK-8180 K4437313110 450-520 22, 74, 90, 90.210, 95A Kenwood TK-8180-H K4437313210 450-520 22, 74, 90, 90.210, 95A Kenwood TK-860H ALH29383210 450-490 22, 74, 90, 90.210, 95
    1 point
  5. tweiss3

    GMRS trunking system?

    Well now this is a very interesting proposition. I can't find the emissions designator for analog LTR trunked systems, but it might align with the code. LTR, along with other trunked systems use multiple repeaters per site, so you could in theory use a 4 repeater system, say 19, 20, 21 & 22 repeater pairs and LTR trunked will automatically re-route to the open pair for your specific talkgroup. My understanding of LTR is that there isn't a control channel, the control data is a burst included in the voice channel, and you stay on the frequency you are on, unless the data burst indicates a change. Now that being said, you would tie up more than 1 repeater pair, but if you were do an area wide linked system to cover an entire county or region, and worked with other users, who cares? My TK-8150 does LTR, but I have no use for it, unless its in this specific instance, which might be useful, but expensive to put out the backbone (multi-antenna, multi-repeater on really large tower), just to "stay within rules of GMRS". I don't have a for sure answer if this is within the rules because I don't have the time to research, but it seems the closest to be within the rules as written. Again, trunked systems are designed so multiple groups of users can better co-use the frequencies. In my area it wouldn't make sense, but some place with high usage it might. DMR almost makes more sense (or P25P2), since it TDMA and has 2 voice channels per frequency pair, but that's another argument. You poise a very interesting question. I will have to research more later.
    1 point
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