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  2. I just installed a Cobra 75 All Road in my SUV. I like it! I bought the BlueParrott B450-XT headset to go with it. I set the BlueParrott button to be the PTT for the Cobra and it works great. Audio from the Cobra using the BlueParrott mic sounds almost exactly the same as using the Cobra mic. Now I can use the Cobra without having to pick up the mic, and a big bonus is that there is no need for an external speaker. It works great.
  3. I'm using Windows 11 and had problems with programming cables not being supported. The fix was to use an old driver. Not sure which cable you have but if you check out this video it might help you configure an older driver to Windows 11. Now all my cables work on Windows 11, even the old Baofeng cables.
  4. If you are interfering with someone listening to the repeater you are not being respectful. If the repeater is interfering with your conversation on simplex then it is not being respectful. Suppose you are having a conversation on channel 15 simplex 462.550 with someone and the repeater starts identifying? Just what or who is not respectful?
  5. Which again means that the repeater will be interfering with you, and you will be interfering with people listening to the repeater.
  6. Did you mean "Talk around?" The way I understand talk around is that if you were on the repeater channel 23, listening on 462.550, and transmitting on 467.550, and you used talk around you would eliminate the frequency shift and thus bypass the repeater, and simply be receiving and transmitting on 462.550, which is essentially simplex channel 15.
  7. I understood the question to be such that a repeater frequency is 462.550 (channel 23) and that you transmit into the repeater on 467.550. So people using channel 15 which is GMRS 462.550 simplex could interfere with someone listening to a repeater on channel 23, which they are receiving on 462.550. Also that the repeater transmitting on channel 23 freq 462.550 can interfere with people using simplex channel 15 462.550.
  8. I've seen his videos, I subscribed to his YouTube channel. He has some good antenna info as he does a lot of videos on different antenna builds. He too has an Anytone AT-6666. I live next to a truck stop just off the highway so there's a lot of trucker CB traffic. Not as much as yesteryear, but still a decent amount of traffic. Then there's the daily skip...
  9. I'm located about 50 miles north of Raleigh, NC. Elevation is about 400 feet above sea level. I do like the Anytone radio, I use it for a base station when it's not in my vehicle. It would be nice if it put out 50 Watts but wattage isn't everything. I usually use my CB in the car since there is close to zero traffic on GMRS around this area, and no repeater within range, and my CB has a greater range in the car, and more people use CB around here than they do GMRS. The AT-778UV radio has a very clean transmit and receive audio. I also have an Anytone AT-6666 as a base station and it gets very good reports on how clean the audio is. Both my Anytone radios are a good value for what they are. No problems with either in the few years I've had them.
  10. Delete the NOAA channels in Chirp and just add the frequency of your weather channel just like you would any other channel. Then skip that channel for scan. My NOAA is 162.500. Any radio I have will receive 162.500. No need for any special "NOAA" channels to be added.
  11. FYI: I too have the Anytone AT-778UV and it draws 3.25 amps on low power, 6.0 amps on mid power, and 8.25 amps on high power. I just checked it with my amp clamp. Amps x Volts = Watts. So if the voltage is 13.8 and the radio is on high power, the wattage it draws is 13.8 x 8.25 = 113.85 Watts. So the radio presumably puts out 25 Watts of RF power on high, while DRAWING 113.85 Watts from the power supply. I tested the range from the radio installed in my vehicle, to my base station, and I got about 6 miles before it started to lose reception. That's using the Browning BR-450 NMO antenna and a discone antenna about 25 feet off the ground for my base station antenna. That was on the highway which had small hills along the way so your results may vary.
  12. Get a NMO mag mount and you can swap CB and GMRS when needed. This is my setup and both of them have a 1.1 SWR on this mag mount on SUV roof, which has a less than ideal sunroof too. Very easy to change out and the mag mount is VERY strong. https://www.amazon.com/Browning-BR-140-Land-Mobile-Antenna/dp/B0043I6FJA/ref=sr_1_7?crid=3ENST7RBGEP8F&keywords=Browning%2Bcb%2Bantenna&qid=1703031244&sprefix=browning%2Bcb%2Bantenna%2Caps%2C146&sr=8-7&th=1 https://www.amazon.com/Browning-BR-450-Land-Mobile-Antenna/dp/B0043310ZO https://www.amazon.com/TRAM-1267R-Magnet-Mounting-Rubber/dp/B00E48AGC6/ref=sr_1_8?crid=2M7PLAPIIHQ3K&keywords=5.5"%2Bmag%2Bmount&qid=1703031499&s=electronics&sprefix=5.5%2Bmag%2Bmount%2Celectronics%2C176&sr=1-8&th=1
  13. If nothing else they make for a great rechargeable FM radio that has a flashlight. When the power goes out I listen to the FM radio and I've grown to love my BAOFENG radios. I have two GT-5TP and a UV-9R and if they went dead today I would immediately purchase some more.
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