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About WRWR489

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  • Location
    Dacusville S.C.
  • Interests
    Anything radio waves. I have OTA FTA satelitte. 11meter and now GMRS.

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  1. I don't have a problem with UPS or Fed Ex, my problem happens when my order gets, tranfered to the local PO. They have got to be the laziest worker known to mankind. It showed up twice a day as received, at the PO and out for delivery for two days in a row, Next day package never made it. Contacted the Greenvill Post master and told my story of lost for a week and it was delivered that night s 9:45 PM. Union workers that don't give a crap,My last package was showing late for two weeks, gave up on the Easley post master, called the Greenville PM and my package was delivered at 9 PM that night.
  2. Shut down the postal service and let Amazon deliver the mail. I am very rural and have four or five trucks every day out here. Jehovah's witnesses would be another good option for mail.
  3. My only complaint is the USPS. Everytime I order from Amazon and they pass it of to the Easley SC post office it gets lost. I ordered a new red dot for one of my AR's Thursday. Was to be delivered Saturday. Tracking showed they got it Friday, then tracking showed it came in two more times Saturday and out for delivery, never made. Yesterday showed it came into the PO twice yesterday and was out for delivery twice again. It's now Monday night and tracking shows my order delayed. AKA lost again.
  4. With my KG1000 plus, I run A continuous twelve 12 volt relay to power the radio on the positive side, fuse of course with a 30 amp fuse. Put the ground to the closest body ground I can find. Running off of a circuit in the truck is a invitation for noise, Straight from the battery is best although fused. the battery is a giant capacitor, lots less noise and make the ground as short as possible to a body ground, do not run it back to the battery. By doing that you just made your whole vehicle a ground plane.
  5. Now one in tents has the power to run them! Tough life out there.
  6. Call me a wimp, but good luck getting out of a perfectly functioning aircraft!
  7. Bring radios and scanners, you are not that fa away! Free room and board for many here.
  8. It is going to be interesting, Pickens proper only has about 20k In population, latest head count for the rally is 40k. Thank god I know the back ways in, but will still be a mess worth seeing.
  9. Correct Shannon, was just asking if any of the upstate repeaters were going to be updating traffic conditions, crowds, parking Ect.
  10. We have a very active upstate GMRS area here in Upstate SC. Have any of the local repeaters set up any plans for the Trump rally in Pickens Saturday? Maybe traffic updates Ect.?
  11. I have not run into that at all, been talking FM with a few folks here all weak.
  12. I have the anytone 5555. Have talked to a few local guys on FM and it sounds great. Problem is that you have to ask one to go there as they still hang out on AM.
  13. Easy to set up is a small laptop with a RTL dongle and DSD+FL, It will decode most all formats and is 10 bucks a year or 25 bucks lifetime. Get a 3 month sub at radio reference and download the sites and talk group files and your public safety is covered as long as it is not encrypted.
  14. I think we are getting way off topic here, but great info from every one. grounding is great and helps with reception, but toss those cables outside if you can.
  15. Before the area really developed into the metropolis it is now, we had major brush fires with the pine trees that were full of turpinetine. They would burn and explode starting another fire a mile away
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