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Everything posted by WRXB215

  1. In manufacturing, it is absolutely possible to have a few item get through with a problem not seen in the others. As automated as systems are these days, there are still humans involved.
  2. Thanks Randy, great video.
  3. Just saw this and at first I thought it was just miss-labeled. But there are at least 3 different listings for it. I was wondering what your take is. Are these miss-labeled or is this a new item being made available? https://www.ebay.com/itm/175688525019?hash=item28e7da24db:g:hGwAAOSwMeJkOLaQ&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4H%2F9npwPPb%2FF56f%2Fia3b6aaRA6dsSGEhZwCk11AX6HP4Weq8p7wF4sYazd0d1MH2sesHkI4xgHp%2Be%2BI9tNk%2F6c8NXV%2FW6RPdSb9awTctT%2B5fDx0NN%2FnbChEC3oSiryX9tKfikKLE%2BLWls1WRB0sFLBt3neyeeW1GDxFi8xoWB9LKBRnNXI93%2F4NE%2F3vm67NWVBSdy9xkn44bW%2BxPcz9CtKhbceJTOGLOETDH2ce5pBrYegCDdYk1iL9XGODjcLX3BxPbfpmLX%2B3TPXSH%2FAeWImJ3RVpyx7Vsq4pHkoxGRqBW|tkp%3ABk9SR4zI0ceqYg https://www.ebay.com/itm/394568607654?hash=item5bde1f27a6:g:2FkAAOSwwIVkOdsH&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4FsT1H%2BFiPTfAsVGUh4K19Hb0L%2BSDBJM4HTAG9lqW%2BIMwtya%2BYzWcJ0YIvUfktyrkKB1cgVoQwRLvLEshbu9WMZo0lB9k7pMG%2BSqDLJQcFk9Tp1L0nP088%2FgDK7PNd%2BWwT6wQByRV90r0ePtFDG1EeLHmjD1RqGh0ku%2B%2FCrylyXbaEctTp%2BQ4523gVH%2FQzf35nXflnyaQCyYGMYcQbjVTl6YgH8r4jRLTeCW7MCY6FQkYmPf9b%2Fp%2BmqmAy4HueYYHnyXEW8otBbitvNzITov16TmZ8La7A4Ix1Wr5hTcTkae|tkp%3ABFBMjMjRx6pi https://www.ebay.com/itm/175803508320?hash=item28eeb4a660:g:hJwAAOSwnvRkpRtS&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4EYtmlfrGilK16vTvwEDEASmyPprkM4HadwCpIK0%2FC3C%2BPsLyQIyho265iYCyO1vgloaJcDdomN8hYjXZoyr6BKbaKC3W0opA0lRs8X9R9et4deqfpxSyeodybC8slUDtOi428AiIMC5t5WcjuzFz4VdwVBSiqh0P%2BngdqpOouU41CvNIV5EStLpRHX%2FnDWPWgV3d8QpOY8YXPek1z%2BezJ%2BQtm4kHrjaTqoKYyM4uIQEjCMpV5SfDSSU4uasex9TlYG2Ng9QK57LhMI2m7%2Ffo3XEllQ8PlbGRhvEKNuSLehN|tkp%3ABk9SR4zI0ceqYg
  4. I was kind of on your side but this is headed down the wrong path.
  5. @WRXH357 don't confuse "simplex" with "split tones." Simplex just means that Tx and Rx are on the same frequency. Repeaters use a 5 MHz offset. Split tones means you use a different tone for Tx and Rx.
  6. @pcradio I understand your desire to have one radio for both ham and gmrs. I don't have my ham license yet but do hope to get it one day soon and it would be nice to be out and about with one radio for both services legally. Right now that just is not possible. If you will start a petition asking the FCC to change this, I will be glad to sign it.
  7. I listen to NOAA on my GMRS radio quite often.
  8. WRXB215

    antenna matching

    I enjoyed the answer that @KAF6045 gave, it was very informative. However, after reading it I did have to go back and re-read the original question. OK @OffRoaderX, I'm setting the spoon down now before I hurt myself.
  9. Make up your own caption.
  10. I was wondering the same thing. @OffRoaderX mentioned in his review that this radio gets very hot. Correction! OOPS!, My mistake. It was the Radioddity DB25-G that he said gets very hot.
  11. “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou
  12. The company my wife works for is Kenwood only. They sell, lease, and provide repeater access.
  13. Thanks @Sshannon, that makes perfect sense. I like the fact that those are available for a trip. Obviously much better than pulling over and digging out the laptop.
  14. In the programming software for the Baofeng MP31 radio it shows the normal channels 1-22, the repeater channels 23-30, and then 31-38 which appear to be duplicates of 23-30. Anyone know what these channels are? They have the exact same frequencies as 23-30. Thanks, Terry
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