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    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRWS633 in UV-5G/New to GMRS radios   
    Who owns the repeater? Maybe they can help.
  2. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from SteveShannon in Building new house, pre-wire it for a repeater?   
    There are also 701G antennas. Better than a lot of stock antennas but not as long as the 771. Nagoya and Abbree both make a 771G but only Nagoya makes a 701G so far. They both make the 771 UV and 701 UV. I've tried both of those on a UV-5R GMRS and they both worked quite well. No doubt the G version will work better.
  3. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in I don’t think Midland radios are very good.   
    Marc Spaz is one of the nicest guys on these forums. He never beats his own chest or blows his own horn. And he does have some serious technical skills. 
    So when someone who has been here for months attacks him as posting something that’s “not real” and does it in a way that simply reveals his own ignorance, it’s a chickenshit move. 
    Then you doubled down on it as if you were somehow an expert. 
    You owe Marc a sincere apology, not “got a little silly. Sorry folks.”
    Learn from your mistakes and move on. Perhaps seek counseling. If you make an honest attempt at an apology and don’t act like that again the forum members will get over it quickly. 
    But, I owe you an apology also. I made fun of your name. That was a cheap shot. It was mean-spirited of me and completely unacceptable. I apologize for that. 
  4. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRUW493 in I don’t think Midland radios are very good.   
    As an RF engineer who has designed receivers for over 10 years, I can say that SINAD is not a receiver metric. SINAD (Signal In Noise and Distortion) is a measurement parameter to which receiver performance is measured. dBm (dB-milliwatt) is far and away the most common receiver sensitivity metric in the RF design world. Sure FM broadcast receivers are measured in dBf, (dB FemtoWatt) but that is not typical elsewhere. Actually, in the receiver world, Noise Figure (F) is the best metric as that speaks to the RF front end without impacts from the audio circuitry, see below. 
    To the person who posted dBm sensitivity measurements: Surely you used some proper RF service monitor to perform this measurement. May I ask what "weighting" you used on the audio? A or C weighted? it does make a subtle difference...
    Hope this helps.
  5. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRUU653 in I don’t think Midland radios are very good.   
    Was there ever really a question with this thread or a point to it? Was it just an excuse to engage in argument? Question might as well have been “hey you like that crap radio you got there”? 
    Thank goodness for the ignored user setting. 
  6. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to marcspaz in I don’t think Midland radios are very good.   
    That's because there is nothing left to say.  All things are self-evident. 
  7. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to marcspaz in I don’t think Midland radios are very good.   
    @WSAK691 I have been sitting back reading and I've noticed that I don't have to share any pictures of anything because you have already shown us your ass.  You are gravely mistaken in believing anyone here, especially me, has anything to prove to you.
    I don't care about your opinion. I'm fairly sure no one else here cares about your opinion.  With the exception of providing some mild and waning entertainment as you continue to show us your ass, your incessant posting is doing nothing beyond solidifying your place in purgatory of the internet. 
  8. Haha
    WRXB215 reacted to WRQC527 in Found this image online, thought it was interesting.   
    Maybe you will too, maybe not. I was casually researching how many guns were sold by state, and this image of a fully-equipped member of the Delaware Militia, including a Baofeng with a high-capacity antenna, showed up under their statistics.

  9. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRDJ205 in Setting up a UV-5R to connect with a GMRS repeater using Chirp   
    Here is the set up.  I was able to TX and RX once I was closer to the repeater.  I haven't yet tried swapping antennas.  The UV-5R antenna does say, "AR-771 VHF/UHF" where the GM-5RH says "AR-771 GMRS".  
  10. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to hfd376 in Best stationary antenna?   
    I might be wrong, but I think the cable grip's purpose in life is to hoist the coax up to you. You would use a different device to attach and support the coax on the mast.
  11. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to OffRoaderX in I don’t think Midland radios are very good.   
    Being a sad-H.A.M. is a mental/emotional-defect, not a test score/status. And while there is a very high correlation of sad-H.A.M.s having H.A.M. licenses, this does not prove causation.
  12. Haha
    WRXB215 reacted to OffRoaderX in I don’t think Midland radios are very good.   
    Sorry to have to be the one to break this news to you but bragging about not being a ham BUT how easy it would be to pass the examS "if you wanted to" is a strong indicator of being a latent sad-H.A.M. .. Your other posts already proved you also fall into the "some people" category..
    And as the inventor of the term Sad-H.A.M., my declaration is final and cannot be disputed or overturned.
  13. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRUU653 in Welcome!   
    @WRTC971 Welcome to GMRS.
  14. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRTC971 in Welcome!   
    Have been reading this forum for a bit prior to joining up. The info provided has been helpful! Have a MX115 and DB-25G. The MX115 is going to be used as a base, do to the simplicity of the unit for family members to use. Needing to gather the needed items to bring the base online. Have a couple of handhelds that will be used when traveling with others or around were we are at. (easier than a cell phone!) Thanks for having a place to share ideas and help!
  15. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRUU653 in Setting up a UV-5R to connect with a GMRS repeater using Chirp   
    My bet is on the offset but, yes, any one of those could be the problem.
  16. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRJZ939 in Retevis Ailunce HA1G Review   
    Picked one of these up and gave it a good what for.  Wrote my thoughts down on my blog.   I have a few other ham related blogs and probably some old Short Wave content as well. 
  17. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to Lscott in Aluminum Foil Ground Plane?   
    The aluminum foil won't hurt the magnet at all. Don't worry about it.
    Sticking something magnetic on the back side of the foil the magnet can be attracted to is a good idea to hold the foil in place. The foil needs to be a rough square at lest 6 inches on a side or a circle about 12 inches in diameter. Put the magnet mount in the center. 
  18. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in RT97 hanging up on transmit after rain   
    Rain in antenna connections is a fairly common occurrence if the connections aren’t waterproofed. PL-259/SO-239 connections are not weatherproof. 
    Worst case you might need to replace the cable or at least shorten the cable to get rid of damage caused by moisture in the dielectric layer. 
  19. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRQC527 in Registering a new account issues   
    A few suggestions:
    Put down your radio, take a deep breath.
    Stop calling it a BigWang. It's a Baofeng. Don't let the radio win. You're in charge here.
    They're not obstacles, they're steps. Take them in order, be patient. 
    While you're waiting for your license to be recognized by MyGMRS, read online tutorials and watch videos specific to programming your radio. I find that watching  someone else do something helps me learn. You'll get this. We all did. And most of us are more than willing to help where we can.
  20. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in UHF male pl-259 adapter for baofeng uv-5g plus   
    You need either a “barrel adapter” with an SMA female on one side and SO-239 on the other, or a jumper cable with a PL-259 on one end and an SMA female on the other. 
    Eventually you’ll have every combination of adapter 😁!
    Here’s a kit that might help get you started: 

    Don’t worry about what wrxp381 says he has never felt the need to do. He says that sometimes, but his “needs” are irrelevant to your question. It’s nice to know the output of your radio and it’s simply not true that you can’t test SWR with a handheld.
    He may have meant that testing the SWR of a handheld’s antenna doesn’t mean much and I would agree with that.
  21. Like
    WRXB215 got a reaction from WRUU653 in Is it okay to link   
    It's probably fine. People link to videos and other stuff all the time.
  22. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRUW493 in Aluminum Foil Ground Plane?   
    Same as above, plus: keep in mind that aluminum is non-ferrous, meaning that is actually repels magnetic fields. Sure it's thin, but there might be a risk of deteriorating the magnet if left on the aluminum long term. Consider a large steel washer below the magnet to "capture" the magnetic fields, then place that combo on the aluminum foil. 
  23. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to SteveShannon in Registering a new account issues   
    Hi Leo,
    Welcome to the forum. 
    Congratulations on navigating the FCC licensing site. You’re right that it is not easy. 
    It can take a few days between the time the FCC issues your license and the time the bulk download is done for this site. It will eventually happen though. 
    If some people here seem like jerks you can add them to your “ignore list.” Then you won’t have to see their posts. 
    If there are repeaters preprogrammed in your radio they’re probably just there as examples. Or it may just be that they’re the eight established repeater channels that have the offset programmed in but are waiting for you to program the correct CTCSS tone or DCS code on transmit. 
    Again, welcome!
  24. Like
    WRXB215 reacted to WRUW493 in Counterpoise   
    I have quite a bit of experience designing antennas for handheld devices...cell phones. The "ground" / "counterpoise", call it what you wish, is hugely important. It's the bottom half of the dipole antenna. My point is that without a counterpoise the upper half (whip, stubby, ducky etc) is not going to be able to have current driven into it well and thus will not radiate well. A real 1/2 wave dipole works very well of course. The metal in the talkie can and frequently does become the counterpoise especially at GMRS FREQS where a 1/4 wave is about 6 inches and that is the height of many talkies. Those smaller talkies, you know which ones, suffer from a much shorter counterpoise and unless the manufacturer has gone to extremes to make their metal housing have extra electrical length, those talkies never will perform as a longer/taller talkie. It's basic EM. 
    Back to the original question about a counterpoise: yes, it can help especially in the case where the talkie is not close to 1/4 wave. Hanging a 1/4 wave wire from the base of the antenna downwards has some chance of making a difference, probably a lot of difference on the smaller talkies. 
    I would be remiss if I didn't mention those longer whip antennas. A 5/8 wave whip antenna has "gain" over a dipole, around 2dBd, but ONLY if it has a substantial ground plane below it. Something in the order of 1-2 wavelengths in radius is required. The reason is that if you look at the E and H distributions you'll find that they only add towards the horizon when the ground plane is at least that big. If it's smaller, the radiation pattern turns into a  butterfly shape and the peak gain goes down actually getting lower than a 1/2 wave dipole. Thus I am not a proponent of the longer whip antennas, contrary to a long line of people who claim to get actual better performance with them. To them I challenge that they are basically doing annedocital testing where they are finding better results in only one location/position and to one remote location. If their setup were taken into a true antenna anechoic chamber it would show otherwise.
    The best we can do for a talkie is a 1/4 wave whip on top of a 1/4 wave talkie. This gives the best efficiency with a rather good donut shaped radiation pattern which gives the best chance of good range in a variety of use cases and scattering environments. Shorter ducky antennas suffer from efficiency loss...they have to compared to a straight 1/4 wave whip, it's in the math. 
    Hope this helps and does not ruffle too many feathers
  25. Haha
    WRXB215 reacted to back4more70 in Is it ok to put a Gmrs yagi on a metal mast?   
    I'm fine with it 🤣
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