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Everything posted by GreggInFL

  1. This. Although radio services are designed for certain uses, nothing is keeping you from starting a conversation.
  2. I have the 25W version and like it. It had some QC issues, but the replacement is fine.
  3. Welcome!
  4. This is important. I too was eager to set up my own repeater on day one. Now? We just use an open one down the street.
  5. Got it, and I agree on the IPAs. I keep trying to like wheat beers but I'm not there yet; not that they're bad, just odd. Local is going to be tricky. Now I have to get to work. (I'm out of the country for a couple weeks, so nothing is going to happen soon.)
  6. Style preference? Lager, pilsner, stout, etc?
  7. ^True. Steve, shoot me an address (doesn't have to be yours) and I'll send a beer of your choice.
  8. I have a GM - 30. The very last menu item is "Sync". If you turn it "on" the screen displays the title and frequency of one channel only. There are still two lines, but for only one channel. Try that; can't promise that it will work for the Plus version.
  9. We have a winner! Stop by for a beer, Steve.
  10. Welcome, Kenny! You are in the right place. I'm relatively new to GMRS myself and have found this forum to be a gold mine of information. There are some very skilled members here and (the best part) they are helpful and patient. Don't be afraid to ask what you think is a stupid question. I do it all the time.
  11. They were playing it at my recent high school reunion. Free beer to the first person to guess which one.
  12. Aw man, why didn't I think of that? (< Slaps forehead)
  13. The GMRS lingo tends to be a subset of the HAM lingo, which is extensive: https://www.arrl.org/files/file/EC-016-Course/Glossary.pdf You don't need 99% of that for GMRS. (CCR = Cheap Chinese radio)
  14. Feel free to toss them my way. I will add them to the collection of HTs that can't reach more than two miles in the woods. I hate trees.
  15. Ouch. My bad. You are correct, it is not in CHIRP. I program it with the GM-30 download from Radioddity, which apparently has the same innards. I see Radioddity has a GM-30 Plus out now, but I can't vouch for that download as I have not used it. Thanks for catching my mistake.
  16. That's a sweet package. I'll have to keep that in mind.
  17. One of my favorites. Corollary: "If it doesn't say you can't, you can."
  18. As an aside, this is the kind of thread that makes this forum so valuable. You guys rock. I love this bar.
  19. This is a good start. The wife and I use them. Simple and budget friendly. You can edit them using CHIRP. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CDKMWYGR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8 You'll have tons of other recommendations. All good. Just depends on what you are using it for. I'm in FL also and we had these fired up for the annual hurricane show.
  20. This is exactly what happened in the Orlando area. The biggest repeater went stale. 35 miles through the woods makes it a beast by local standards.
  21. Like navigating the FCC website?
  22. You're welcome. If I had it to do over again I would upgrade the radio to a good 40/50W unit with a Midland MXTA26 antenna. Just depends on your budget and how much you intend to use it.
  23. ^Welcome!
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