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Everything posted by JohnE

  1. my best guess is that they will be using P25 equipment, most likely kenwood since Nexedge can do 6.25Kc's. by the same token I don't know who is doing their coordination b/c there are freq's out there you just have to spend the time listening to them. the last 4 time I have had to get channels for someone I was given a list of 20-30 pairs to listen to, it takes time a lot of time. IMO there is no reason at this time to have to infringe on our small piece of spectrum. I really believe they have not weighed all their options here. I live and work in what I pretty much call the RF capital of the world. there isn't a building residential or commercial pretty much in this city that doesn't have a or multiple repeaters or simplex radios of some sort. I just find this request out of touch w/reality for now. making the exception once will open the flood gates. as an analogy look what happened to oil prices once the speculators got in.
  2. I thought about doing that on my property but have decided to go w/tower instead.
  3. use a link instead. had same problem used my photo bucket account to link.
  4. I re checked both of my plotting maps you actually might hear it at your location, but I'm betting it will be pretty crappy.
  5. I'll have to remember that one. NICE! now let see what you get out of it.
  6. your not going to hear or hit it from your location. what it would take to maybe hear it would be a 40' mast and a 6 element yagi pointed at the site according to the mapping software. I think thats being fairly optimistic though. I have not done the inverse to see what it would take for you to hit it cleanly. I do kn ow there is one member who can hit it from Scarsdale off the side of his yagi and another from Peekskill on very rare occasions and he's running a 45W mobile, unknown type of antenna though. ***edit*** listen to it and see what you get. the call sign and system name go out every 1/2 hr as a morse ID. I also "time stamp"during the day. activity around 12-1 PM and again 4;30-6PM
  7. pre-selector put back in line, still having desense issues will look into that when I have time to sit there for a few hrs. may have to get some pass/notch cans. removed my homemade RICK cable in favor of a real RICK the machine now has 1.5s of hang time. if my users have not been sure if your going through it you will be now. one small problem I noticed after I left the site is when the morse ID goes out you get cut off, so bear w/it for now till I find out why its doing that. goes out every 1/2 hr so listen for it.
  8. to the best of my knowledge there were no GMRS repeaters there but there was a HAM IIRC in the 900Mc or 1.2Gc range. the antenna's weren't on the up on the farm they were inside facing out the windows. I had been up there many time but never personally saw it, I was told about it by another tech that worked the site.
  9. the owner had shut it down for a while about a yr ago, then set it to low power w.short hang. it was put back not too long ago. there has been a long standing feud thing going on for some time there. it a shame its a good machine w/decent NYC coverage. I also have a good idea where it located, not an easy place to get into.
  10. most radios out of the box will preform well but some require a full tune to operate properly. see if you can find a service manual for it. the RSSI is likely to be too high. both of my Kenwood repeaters and 8180 needed tuning, but that isn't out of the ordinary for how I like my receivers to work. I had my 8180 too hot when I first did it. couldn't get the squelch to go tight at all. my 850's open at .23uV on their own, w/preamp my private one will do .14-.15. the city one I never tested through the RX network. one of these days I'll check it and the effective receive sensitivity, should take a half hr to do but I have to take the network off the air to do that.
  11. I have a list of users for my machines but few actually use it. most of them come through the sites directory. I also let them know I have a no hobby use policy for 650. the icing on the cake is I can shut it off remotely if I have to.
  12. pass/notch duplexer installed today and removed pre-selector, will see how that works for a few weeks. have PA but no supply to run it.
  13. DING,DING ,DING.DING.DING WE HAVE A WINNER. I will just say this it involves public safety I wish I had pics of what I built on my house when I was married, took me a week to put it together and cable. it was similar to the pipe w/discones but more elaborate and taller w/TV and separate FM broadcast antenna on a rotor.
  14. these wouldn't load into my gallery so I put them here. did this for a friend. http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/radio003_zpsbd07e293.jpg http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h358/erscom/radio004_zps75f01539.jpg
  15. most of mine is all climate controlled, in addition to thermo controlled fans on the equipment itself. in addition I'm looking into swapping out my Astron 50A w/Samlex 60 w/battery backup and 400Ah of battery on the 650 machine. the 575 isn't quite up to its full potential so that will come later as $$$ permit.
  16. and I thought it was my IP since things here have been slow in general.
  17. given a choice between 600 or 1/2" take the 1/2". have you ever worked w/1/2"? its not as bad as you think but as w/any cable when retracting a tower you have to be careful w/it.
  18. how long of a run are you talking w/tower? typical line loss for 1/2" hard line is 1.5 dB /100' ,7/8" is 0.8/100'. unless you going over 100' I would stick to 1/2" http://www.tessco.com/products/displayProductInfo.do?sku=429150&eventPage=1 http://www.tessco.com/products/displayProductInfo.do?sku=471168&eventPage=2
  19. what do you plan on doing w/radio? are you going to be using multiple repeaters, frs freq's and so on. determine you needs and possible expansion before you decide on a radio most anything you buy will have hi/lo settings in the code plug itself or front buttons.
  20. there is a 675 in NYC but I'll have to check the PL.
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