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Posts posted by DominoDog

  1. I did send a letter, but haven't heard anything. The owner, from basic information available, is big in the local amateur radio community. I am set up to take my Technician exam in early January, and am hoping to join and meet those communities too. I listen in a lot; haven't keyed up the mic yet obviously. It's very tempting to chime in when they are literally asking "any other lurkers listening in here's your chance to say hello" but... I figured all that will come when I hold a ham callsign.

  2. I hear it identifying every day, but I never hear anyone on it. It's listed as being available to the community but... I dunno, I never (ever) have ever heard anyone on it. Just the repeater ID every fifteen minutes whenever I happen to hear it while scanning.

    I'd like to use it, but can't if the owner won't respond. It's loud and clear and the closest one to me so it'd be really cool to have access.

    But, who knows.

  3. Another, separate question...

    Regarding the reports export feature.

    If I go to the online listing of local repeaters, I have several that I have requested access to, and several that have replied, also several who have not responded at all.

    Many repeaters are listed as having their access tones "UNLISTED" yet, when I export a report for, say, all the repeaters in Tennessee, I am given a list with the entire tones section fully populated. What's more, is I am given a lot more info than I get from repeater owners. For example, in the reports I have DTCS tones listed AS WELL AS CTCS tones, for each repeater. I am not sure which ones to use. Do repeaters use both at the same time? Sorry if that is a newbie question I'm just trying to figure this out and don't know any local experts yet.

    And also, are the reports export supposed to show every "unlisted" repeater complete with access tones? Just curious.

  4. What does the /!\ orange triangle with an exclamation point next to a repeater listing mean? Repeater in question is online and I can hear it identify on the air regularly.

    From the forums, forums.mygmrs.com, I can find no way to get back to the main site. Not without typing mygmrs.com in the address bar and reloading it manually.

    Apologies if I am just overlooking something simple.

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