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Posts posted by WSAA635

  1. Well, I picked up my H8 off of the table this morning and was manually going through the channels and MURS Channel 3 was missing. It had 1, 2, 4 and 5 but NO 3. What gives with these Tidradios auto deleting channels?? Needless to say it's going back for a refund. I'll use the funds to pick up a Retevis or maybe another Talkpod. This is getting ridiculous.

  2. Amazon just delivered it to the house and I plugged it in, opened CHIRP Next and added GMRS/MURS and the 3 local Airport frequencies to the radio and it's working like a charm. If it works out I may pick up another one because like they say "One is None, Two is One and Three is Better", LOL.



    Don't forget to unlock(expand) your radio when you get it by pushing PTT and the number 8 on the keyboard then turning it on. That'll let you transmit on GMRS frequencies.

  3. Long before I discovered VirtualBox I'd put Distros on USB sticks and boot to them to check them out, LOL.  Once I found VB I just download the ISO and spin it up in VB to give it a look. If I liked it I'd install it and run it for a while to see what I thought.  I've been pretty much set with MX-Linux/KDE for the last 3 or 4 years. It works well and is stable because it's Debian based.

  4. 23 minutes ago, Syclone879 said:

    WSAA635.  Are you having issues with the H8 too, or just the H3?

    The H8 seems to be working fine. I set it up using CHIRP Next with the GMRS and MURS frequencies and the 4 DPS(Highway Patrol) channels that I scan and it's doing fine. I don't dare try to do a firmware update or mess with it anymore because I'm afraid that something might mess up.

  5. I couldn't get the radio to work with usb-c for programming or trying to do the firmware upgrade. ODmaster worked on but I like using CHIRP Next better. 

    I have the H8 programmed with CHIRP but I'm not messing with anything else. I don't want to risk bricking it.

  6. Here's the meter set up I'm using.


    I have the HAM version that's Bern unlocked. From what I understood all the radios are the same only the firmware changes depending on the setting(HAM, GMRS, Unlocked) so with it being unlocked it should give max power. 

    As far as doing the power tune, nope, not touching anything. I already bricked an H3 trying to do a firmware update, not going to risk the H8. I'll live with it just the way it is.

  7. Please note that I sent the H3's back because of programming issues. I also bricked one trying to update the firmware. I think they're trying to pack too many features in to small of a package.

    The H8 on the other hand seems to be doing ok so far and I'm curious to see how the Retevis RA89 works out. Just be aware that the RA89 takes an SMA Male antenna, not the standard female that we're use to seeing on the Baofengs.

  8. The H8 is rated at 10 watts as a HAM radio. It's easy to unlock so you can use it on other frequencies and my power test on VHF/154.600MHz, MURS 5 Green Dot were as follows:

    Low+.39 watts

    Medium=2.45 watts

    High= 9.35 watts

    I then tested it on UHF/462.550MHz, GMRS Ch.15 and got these results:

    Low=.57 watts

    Medium=2.45 watts

    High= 4.75 watts

    So even unlocked it won't be "illegal" on GMRS even on high power. Still under the legal 5 watts.

    I'll be curious to see what the Retevis RA89 does power wise as it's also rated at 10 watts.

  9. Ok, so I used some of the refund for the H3's and ordered a Retevis RA89. I saw a "hack" to unlock it so it'll work with GMRS and it's also CHIRP Next compatible so I should be able to program it easily. Yes, I KNOW it's a 10 watt HAM Radio so it's not "legal" for GMRS but truthfully I don't think it matters all that much out in the middle of the desert and the extra power will help me reach out just a touch further.  I just hope my H8 doesn't give me any issues because it seems like a good, solid built radio. I don't plan on upgrading the firmware on it either, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, LOL.

  10. Sending them all back. They won't/don't play well with CHIRP Next. Channels that have been deleted still show up. Channels that I install won't show up. Firmware update bricked one of my radios. These are a HUGE Cluster F#@K and I don't have time to deal with or put up with it. I'll order something else to play with that won't give me such trouble.

  11. I have no clue what a "CRM113 Discriminator" is. LOL. All I know is that NONE of the H3's I have work in CHIRP. They all miss uploading channels or show channels on the radio that are not downloaded from the radio. I think it's some issue with the radio's memory and the way it handles channels. All 4 are going back and I'll figure out what to get next.  On a positive note, the H8 seems to be working ok(cross my fingers) so I'll hang onto it for now.  Maybe I'll try a Talkpod A36Plus. They're suppose to have Airbands.

  12. I tried to update the firmware on one of my H3's to see if it'll fix the issues I've been having. I've tried dozens of times but it keeps failing at about 10% to sometimes 40% download. I'm running the .exe in WINE on my Linux Box, I've installed extra drivers in hopes that it would fix things, no luck. I've tried using Win7, Win10 and even Win11 in WINE and still no luck. Any ideas of how to get the update into the radio?  If I can't get this figured out I'll just have to send the radio back because right now it's a "brick". Thanks

  13. I now have 2 of these since they're pretty handy little radios and I've ordered 2 Clear ones to use for my Airband Radios. Anyway, I was swapping the one I had set for Airband scanning over to GMRS and some of the frequencies that I would upload (especially in memory slot 33) wouldn't show up OR channels that I would delete in CHIRP Next would still be there after upload to the radio. Not sure what's going on. I did a reset to try and clear things and I did manage to get the GMRS channels install then manually delete the DPS channels that were in the totally wrong memory slots but I'm not sure why they keep showing up or won't delete without manually doing it on the radio. Has anyone else notice anything like this?  I really love this little radio, I'd hate to think it has something wrong with it so soon. Thanks.

  14. Don't count out the TIDRadio H3 and H8. They're both pretty decent for the money and IMHO a step up from the UV-82. I really do like the UV-82 though, it gives me a decent power output(not underpowered like the UV-5R) and it has a nice feel to it. You can also get USB-C batteries and a lot of different SMA Female antennas for it. Unlocked you can do MURS, GMRS, HAM and a lot of other frequencies that you'd be licensed for or need to use in an emergency.  I really think the TD-H3 is a real sleeper right now and the price will probably go up once people learn how good it really is.  FM Broadcast radio, Airbands(108MHz to 135MHz), VHF-136MHz to 174MHz and UHF-400MHz to 600MHz gives you a lot of range.

  15. So I guess I used the wrong term when I said "scramble". It's actually Simple Voice Inversion which is legal from all accounts that I've read and watched.  It's not hard to break if you know how but most folks won't know how so what they hear sounds like they're hearing Single Side Band.  This could be useful if you're talking to someone and giving your location or a meeting place so that others won't know where you're going. 

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