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Posts posted by WSAA635

  1. 2 minutes ago, gortex2 said:

    How about just buy a GMRS radio then buy a HAM radio for other stuff.


    Because I like to add VHF/MURS channels as a back up for the GMRS channels. The Yaesu FT-65r seems like it'd work but $95 for a SOC radio seems pricy. Wouxun KG-905g would be nice if it was CHIRP supported but it's not. 

    I may just drop back and punt and get another A36 Plus and be done with it for a while. 

  2. The Radioddity GA-510 looks pretty interesting. At $50 with a 15% coupon the price point is good and it's a 10 watt radio that comes close to those specs. Just need to see if it can be unlocked for GMRS use.



    Ok, so on further review it seems that the GA-510 is the same as the Tidradio TD-H6 and the Baofeng BF-H6.  I've really on the fence with Tidradio. The H3 and H8 weren't good radios IMHO so I'm a bit "gun shy" at getting into another Tidradio. Need further investigation on this radio.

  3. I'm still thinking about the Wouxun KG-905g but it's not in CHIRP Next and WINE isn't playing well with Factory CPS programs. The Yaesu FT-65r is still on my list, especially at $95 bucks from Gigaparts. OR maybe I'll just get another TalkPod A36 Plus and UV-82 and call it a day, LOL. This is worse than all those years ago when I got into firearms. Thank God I've settled down on them and have the 3 or 4 that I actually need/like now. It only took 48 years.😂

  4. 2 hours ago, BoxCar said:

    A common misconception. Tuned antennas are needed for transmitting, not for receiving. The radio receiver tunes any length of wire to the desired frequency but the longer the receiving antenna is, the stronger the received signal. (More surface to pick up signals.)

    This is the way I've understood it as well. The tuning of an antenna for low SWR is for transmitting. Receiving just needs area for the incoming signal. 

  5. I was trying to download from the radio but kept getting an error. Kind of a moot point now, sent it back, I'm too old and to impatient to deal with something that won't work properly.  I started a new thread with the hopes that ya'll can help me figure out what my next radio should be, even if it's just another A36 Plus. Heck, I could probably get 2 of em' for the money I'll have.

    Anyway, thanks for the P.S., I've not been posting as much as I should/want too but it's nice to know that someone is watching. 👍

  6. I guess "Technically" I have my bases covered with the UV-82(actually comes in at 5.5-6 watts) for GMRS/MURS and scanning Public Safety channels and then Talkpod A36 Plus for GMRS/MURS and Airband scanning. The UV-5R makes a nice beater that I can throw in the center console of the truck so I have something if needed.

     I thought the Wouxun 905g was a VHF/UHF dual band radio? I guess I missed something AND I wonder if spending $100 will really get me anything noticeably better than what I already have.  I did have the Wouxun KG-UV9P that I unlocked but could never get Airband on it even though I was suppose to according to the specs. Also, my budget is going to be around $125 so I'll have enough left over to a decent antenna.  That Yaesu FT-65R really does intrigue me though but at $140 it's just at the edge of my price range with nothing left over for a better antenna.

  7. I've been having a run of bad luck lately with the radios I've bought. Out of them all I only still have one UV-5R, two UV-82's and my most recent Talkpod A36 Plus(knock on wood that it keeps working). ALL the others have gone back for one reason or another.

    I'd like to have just one nice radio to have that's VHF/UHF(airband would also be nice)that CHIRP compatible, easy to set up and program that doesn't need a firmware update that bricks the radio and, if at all possible,(but not totally necessary)10 watts. 

    I've been giving the Wouxun 905g a look on Amazon now that it's $100 bucks. I'd like to keep it around $125(maybe $140 for the Yaesu FT-65r) but something that's not going to give me issues like I've been having.  Post up some suggestions that I can find on Amazon and I'll give em' a look. Thanks.

  8. On 3/7/2024 at 2:34 PM, WRXB215 said:

    LOL! I suppose it's because I've never installed Windows before I don't know what the install process looks like. I've installed various *nix systems and I use Windows daily but I've never installed Windows. 😁

    You're lucky. I had to install Win98 about every 4 or 5 months just to keep my system half way working.

  9. I'm trying to upload my 5RM to CHIRP Next so I can program the channels into it but keep getting an "Unexpected error communicating with the radio" message. I tried my UV-5R and it uploaded without a hitch so it's not the cable or the com port.  I did download the CPS from Baofeng for the 5RM and can "see" the functions and change them but for the channels the top bar is all squares without any readable text(probably a WINE issue) so I have no clue what goes where.  I've installed drivers and that doesn't help either. I'm sure there's an easy fix that I'm overlooking or haven't found on the YouTubes yet but if anyone has a clue as to what's going on I'd appreciate some help. I really don't want to hand program all those channels into the radio. Thanks.


  10. I downloaded everything. Followed the instructions to a "T" and keep getting "Communication Timed Out" message and check the baud rate. I know everything is set up right, I have WINE set to Win10 and even tried Win11, I've installed drivers and still, NOTHING. So, what's the deal??? I guess another Bricked Radio is going back to Amazon?


    On a side note. All the "cheap" radios I've bought(UV-5R, UV-82 and A36 Plus) have worked fine. So why can't manufactures make a $50+ dollar radio work as well as the sub-$30 dollar radios do??


  11. A better antenna would be the logical place to start. There's quite a few Antenna Tests on the YouTubes that you can watch to see which ones are giving the best fars. Most see to say that the Nagoya 771G is a good choice, other's like the Signal Stick and rate it as the best. Your Mileage May Vary.

    Randy(Notarubicon) has some good videos on his YouTubes channel that talks about getting more fars, I'd check them out.

  12. A GNU/Linux op system if for those of us who refuse to pay Bill Gates/MicroSoft for the privilege of being able to use our computers and don't want to give up our Freedom to a Large Major Company who(if you read the End User Lic. Agreement) basically gives MicroSoft permission to take over their computer and install or uninstall anything that THEY feel the need to do. You also have to pay money for that slavery.

    Why more people don't simply download a good Linux Distro and do the install is beyond me. Linux is actually much more user friendly than Windoze is in that it doesn't FORCE updates and force you to use what they say you can use.  There are so many Free and Open Source programs that you can use under Linux to do "stuff" without the need to pay for or otherwise compromise your machine to a Major Corporation.  I do all my video editing with Kdenlive for FREE and it works as well as any of the paid programs that you'd use in Windoze.

     On those rare occasions where I must use a .exe I can install and use WINE to run them FOR FREE so I get the best of both Worlds in a manner of speaking.

    People who think Linux is still ALL Terminal based and Hard to use haven't given a good Linux Distro a look in quite a while. Linux Mint or one of the Ubuntu flavors are just as easy(if not more so) to use as anything MicroSoft has put out and you don't have to Sell your Soul to the Devil to use them. 😘


  13. Well, I picked up my H8 off of the table this morning and was manually going through the channels and MURS Channel 3 was missing. It had 1, 2, 4 and 5 but NO 3. What gives with these Tidradios auto deleting channels?? Needless to say it's going back for a refund. I'll use the funds to pick up a Retevis or maybe another Talkpod. This is getting ridiculous.

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