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Everything posted by bshort

  1. The Hustler G6-450-3 is a stout, long life antenna.
  2. I have the KB8VBR gmrs, 1.25 and 2m slim jims and they are all around 1.2. I also use three ferrite beads as well. Is your antenna close to a metal roof?
  3. I had a brand new KG1000 that transmitted 2mhz off right out of the box. If you have a meter, confirm it's actually transmitting on frequency.
  4. Now are you talking about the same repeater or traffic on the same frequency, but not that particular repeater? I receive traffic from different repeaters using the same freq and it can be hard to differentiate which repeater it's coming from if you don't use tsql.
  5. There's d-bags on both sides of the spectrum. The gmrs putz that calls out like an old cb'r and the over-compensating ham. I've seen both about equally.
  6. The fun at parties guy.....cool.
  7. As a community repeater, I'd like it to be able to verbalize messages.
  8. My original plan was MTR2000, Arcom controller and a Hustler G6-450-3 antenna. Just have to confirm the ability of the outbound tone. I do have the Comet on my base station and it's been a great antenna.
  9. I have 5K allocated for the entire project. The antenna will be on a mast that is 45' agl and the location is in a large valley. Due to some of the congestion in the area in regard to repeater traffic, we will need TSQL ability. Hardline run will be about 40'. I was thinking of using an old Motorola MTR2000, but have read that it doesn't transmit a PL (haven't confirmed that though). What would you choose?
  10. The installers want the material that's easiest to install.
  11. Kenwood 8180H can be had on Fleabay under $200 and can be programmed via Chirp.
  12. There's quite a few in the hills above you.
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