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Everything posted by SvenMarbles

  1. Just the absolute best, regardless of money? Someone will probably say get a Motorola. Best quality/performance/price ratio? some would say the TD-H8. For more money, great quality but is a mainline locked up 5 watter? Wouxun KGQ10G. Best is going to be subjective based on what your parameters are..
  2. V/M in the upper right of the face. It stands for VFO or Memory
  3. Height is the main variable for improving your GMRS performance. The 5 feet could be just what gets you past a hump somewhere, or it could not matter at all, depending on said hump.. If you've got the coax coiled up, you might as well be up there the extra 5 feet.
  4. You’re exactly right. And I’ve tested a variety of things in a variety of environments, on a variety of LOS frequency ranges. The lower decibel rated antennas round out the radiation pattern in such a way that a 30ft elevation change a mile up the road doesn’t just choke out a signal. Conversely, on a wide open flat plane, the higher decibel gain antennas “put the thumb over the garden hose” a bit for a little bit more punchy audio. It’s been my experience that, all things considered, it’s just never worthwhile to take that 2.3-3db gain off of the car in favor of the 6+. Because guess what,.. in that wide open plane, that lower gain antenna gets out as well. So why not just roll with something that gives you the best chance of WORKING all of the time? To not prioritize that over being able to “sometimes have punchier audio” seems silly. So everything considered, and just generally speaking,… The lower gain mobile overall just works better . Only if you’re just an absolute turbo-nerd about sounding the absolute best in modulation does it make it worth it to unscrew and rescrew something different. Or you want to be able to step over someone. You’re just as readable and intelligible on the lower power. Claims ERP or wattage being the difference of hitting a repeater or being heard by a station, on UHF, given the exact same conditions and terrain, are a fallacy.. I genuinely think many people simply don’t understand this about antennas, and always assume to buy the highest gain mobile antenna possible. Yes, for your base that you have up high on a pole, get the gain. Not mobile though…
  5. That all checks out to me. Install it, run it, and decide if it works well for you. Don't see why it wouldn't.. Stay with lower gain mobile antennas. I'll be the only one on here to tell you that probably, but trust me. Or actually TRY both and see for yourself. Everyone else is just reciting ideas.
  6. Well that's about all I'd hope to achieve with a power supply. In my case probably a 20-25 watt radio at most and maybe use the front receptacle to power a desktop receiver I have.
  7. I decided I needed a power supply to grow with that’s higher in amps. I found this one on eBay and ordered it, but know nothing about it. Very little info exists on the internet. Just curious if anyone here was running one and what you think of it…
  8. No man . The point is that I’m not doing that. It’s real life out here. If you spend any amount of time off of UHF FM. AM mode on VHF and lower. It’s noisy. The FCC isn’t going to show up in FCC vests and kick in any doors if I complain about anything. We do loops or do out best to set our wire back far on large properties if we have them. RF urban noise has just become a part of the fight.
  9. We have this new 2020+ problem where us two people don't see reality the same.. I read the plain text of 15.5, and I reed gud. I have no idea what part of that says anything resembling what you're talking about..
  10. Now listen,.. If I had a neighbor a house or two away from me who was doing radio as well, and he mentioned that he thought I was doing something that was giving him noise on something. I would ABSOLUTELY do what I needed to to squash that. And then he's also my new radio friend. But aside from that sort of circumstance. Nah..
  11. So when I want to listen to 780 WBBM on my kitchen radio every morning with coffee, but I get the hashy noise because I have a neighbor with the cheap Chinese switching power supply, 15.5 says "sorry bud"..? I think I'm actually encountering "harmful interference". Any radio dork here who also likes to receive the HF/Shortwave band is a victim of it.. By the vapid population who surrounds us, who also don't realize that they're violating FCC regs. My point is,.. We who do the radio, should be the ones to curb our ability to do so, so that these goofs don't hear any noise? Even though they don't know the difference between radio or Instagram? K..
  12. Read 15.5 to YOURSELF. slowly..
  13. Yeah man.. a wireless pad phone charger isn't an authorized or intentional radiator on 780am, is it.. And it's not industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) equipment.
  14. I don't get it..
  15. Yeah you too
  16. I don't pretend to know the FCC codes front to back, so I looked that up. https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-47/chapter-I/subchapter-A/part-15/subpart-A/section-15.5 I'm also not a lawyer. But I don't even see what part of that makes it so that I have to just DEAL. Man whatever. Not trying to start fights with goofs on here any more. Maybe you just didn't think i'd look. You'll "quote FCC rules" and I should've just been like "whoa, the important man has spoken". Go jump in a lake..
  17. Good lawd.. Ok god bless you...
  18. Everyone out here these days is making Aliexpress NOISE. But since I know what radio is, I gotta be the one to pipe down?
  19. Hey do I get t bit*h when my neighbor over here has some Chinese wireless pad phone charger that's putting hash all over my AM? What authorities do I need to notify?
  20. You think so? Those people who are just doing their vanilla life thing watching TV and stuff? They're going to have their spectrum analyzers out just friggin policing the RF floating by? Hey I'll tell you what.. When I get that knock on my door from that neighbor I just made a new friend anyway..
  21. I wouldn't, because I know how this stuff actually works in practice. Especially on Terra Firma. 50mw will get a block or so away on UHF, and as an "untoned" signal, it's not getting into any public safety systems' comms for example. I use a HackRF with a 20mw transmitter as a piece of test equipment. If I barely leave the room with it, it's ineffective. 5 watts is 5000mw. That's,.. not the same. Also there's that whole ABSOLUTELY pure line of sight that sat comms enjoy. Yes 5 watts will go into the sky forever. But it won't leave your neighborhood past the dirt hill 2 miles away..
  22. Spurs on harmonics, even on the dirtiest Baofeng aren't a factor, They're 50mw worst case scenario, and they aren't going to bug anything of significance.
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