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Everything posted by SvenMarbles

  1. I predicted the play on “showing my ass”.. ::golf clap:: Short of that you haven’t said anything else..
  2. I see. Defects. There’s something defective going on with, me.. Because I know radio stuff. As an interest.. In my spare time away from being a father, husband, and business owner. Maybe I should film my ugly face and go off half cocked on a topic that I know just a little bit about like “some people”. Hopefully though, I won’t run out of steam part way in and start making weird “art videos”..
  3. Damn… so,.. you’re saying I passed the sad ham exam, before even taking the ham exam. That’s a distinction, for sure..
  4. I’m literally the opposite of a sad ham.
  5. By the way,... not a ham.. Could pass a tech exam, and continue to general tomorrow morning,.. hungover.. Not interested.
  6. You're right, I don't know who "the players are" here. But frankly I don't care. I do radio. I know the radio things. I'm assuredly not "some people". Those ones are those who care about "who the players are" and the perceived "players" themselves. I don't fall in line with conventional dogma. When I speak on something it's because I've had empirical experience in trying that thing out. And in this case I know ALLLLL about the silicon labs radio chip things vs. superheterodyne receivers. I know where they're good and where they're not. I know about the "chuff" tuning vs constant and variable tuning. The squelch muting, and the vulnerability to harmonics. Bad first IF stages, etc... I'll be glad to have a conversation with any "players" here about it.. I know it's difficult to imagine. That there could be such a person out in the wild whose been doing the radio hobby for decades and just now signed up for MYMGRS, Hi. You've met one.
  7. I dabble in GMRS, among varied radio interests.
  8. Yes I bought my GMRS fishing license 4 months ago. What's your point? I wasn't the type to buy my GMRS license first and learn radio second..
  9. And by the way... I'm a life long radio guy. 30ish years of playing around with things.But I recognize that there are better ones than me. Plenty actually. I subscribe to them all. ALLLLL of the old hams. OG, Jim(W6LG), etc.. I watch the nerd stuff like most people watch the netflix.. So If I've just missed a whole bunch and this guy can tell me about it, I'll take a picture of my ass and put it here..
  10. Well I'm about it.. Where is that channel.
  11. You take a guy with a dbm style S-meter and you stick him some distance away. you key up and he tells you what your reading is. What's nuts about that? It's weird to me that you wouldn't even know how that could be done, but you're over there doing GS7 tests.
  12. You did? That's a strange coincidence.. Can we see your signal generator and radio-lab? You just happened to do a head-to-head of two radios that surely nobody would buy at once, but is the topic of this discussion..?
  13. I want to know more about your SQ4 findings.. Can you just sort of lay that all out in detail?
  14. I see.. did you account for the negative gravity co-efficient?
  15. And I know the metrics of both
  16. So when you said "-120dbm vs -124dbm" that sounds like you're on someone's receive and measuring that anecdotally. Am I right? Because that's not typical receive sensitivity metrics.
  17. I did read that. But I was being polite, because that's not real.
  18. I see. So what's the argument for buying an MXT500 over a KG-1000? you can dummy-buy both, and just turn them on and use the channels.
  19. I don't think they're for anyone who doesn't want to overpay for a radio for what it is. $400 for an MXT500 SOC radio or $389 for a Superhet which is measurably superior. Don't be a goof and buy the wrong radio
  20. Does it program on Chirp with alpha tags?
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