I tried replacing my damaged duplexer with a budget version and I'm just not happy with the desensing of my reciever. I can get about 10-12 miles out of it on rx, but with the transmitter off, I can hear signal for almost 25 miles. So...
I'm looking for something affordable, but not bottom of the barrel. A br/notch/mobile will work alright. Bp/br are outside my budget. Something in the 500 range. A few I've found are cell wave, emr, and icom. The icom I had was decent, but is there something better in that price range? Icoms run about 400, if I could get a better performing one for 500-600 ide do that instead.
There's a flood of the cheaper ones, and it's kinda hard to tell which ones are decent. The un branded, and fumei duplexers are just not good performers. It works, but not very well.