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amaff last won the day on October 21 2024

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    Herriman UT

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  1. Biggest thing you can do is, at a minimum is don't go alone. InReach and other satelite devices are great. I do carry a radio with me "just in case", but I let people know where I'm going to be, when they should expect me back (or at least be able to hear from me that I'm out of the woods, as it were), and if I'm later than expected and can't be reached and they end up sending someone to look for me, I've let them know that I have a GMRS / FRS radio and what channels I'll be listening on. Other than when we're on a peak that puts us within eye-shot of one of our repeater antennas or overlooks the valley, GMRS ain't getting out too far when you're in the mountains. But it can be useful if you build it into your system. What you should NOT do is go alone, go without having someone waiting for word / checking in, and expect that you can pull out a handheld radio and dial 911. Because that's not now this works.
  2. Exactly how I was thinking of it. It's not too much different than listening in on a ham (or really any other analog, think Fire / EMS) frequency.
  3. That's actually a good question. Would being able to monitor it remotely count as remote control, and not communication? You aren't talking out through it that way.
  4. If you say so. I'm glad you seem to have their decoder ring because that is some word salad
  5. Maybe they hope the Walgreens truck driver is on myGMRS
  6. Does your brother have receive tones programmed in his radio? If not, he'll hear everything on that frequency
  7. "Sir, we're not falling for that one again."
  8. Right, just like when using any other channel.
  9. Yes, you are allowed to transmit on 15=22.
  10. I also missed that 1 silly little "b" haha
  11. In Chirp, you can turn the Duplex to Off. In OD Master, you can clear the Tx frequency field. I don't know of a way on the face of the radio to enable or disable transmit on a channel
  12. Yeah that's not great. I just tested mine (like I said above) and they do the same. If I'm transmitting on an open frequency on Radio A, and listening with an RX tone enabled on Radio B, Radio B WILL transmit with busy-lock on. If the Radio A is sending the correct tone, I get the "I can't" beep when I try and transmit on the busy-lock enabled Radio B.
  13. Either they changed something, or yours is broken (or something else is preventing transmission). I have 4 that I just tested, all of them will Tx with the keypad lock *on*. Both when I lock it manually, and when I let it auto-lock.
  14. It doesn't seem to bring any new information to this... he says he's using the busy channel lockout, but it's not actually locking him out when the frequency is busy. Only when his frequency is busy on the same tone as he's using. The video shows how to enable the busy channel lockout...which he's using. @Kenlynj does it do the same thing if you leave the RX tone off? This would be a niusance as you'd hear everything anyone on that channel transmits, but it would be useful for troubleshooting. Not sure what the keypad lock has to do with what he's talking about.
  15. No, but I did agree to follow a set of rules and generally speaking I like to stick to that unless there's a real good reason not to.
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