Biggest thing you can do is, at a minimum is don't go alone.
InReach and other satelite devices are great.
I do carry a radio with me "just in case", but I let people know where I'm going to be, when they should expect me back (or at least be able to hear from me that I'm out of the woods, as it were), and if I'm later than expected and can't be reached and they end up sending someone to look for me, I've let them know that I have a GMRS / FRS radio and what channels I'll be listening on.
Other than when we're on a peak that puts us within eye-shot of one of our repeater antennas or overlooks the valley, GMRS ain't getting out too far when you're in the mountains. But it can be useful if you build it into your system.
What you should NOT do is go alone, go without having someone waiting for word / checking in, and expect that you can pull out a handheld radio and dial 911. Because that's not now this works.