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  1. just thought but it makes more since to my brain if the different classes of ham radio were actually general, technician, extra. where you learn about general ham radio first then you get technical then last of all you learn about the extra stuff. Just a thought.
  2. Will give it a try
  3. Perhaps. It is an IPhone after all Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Image didn’t come through [emoji3525] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I’m going to make sure my Roger beep is on so maybe people will actually talk to when I use my radio. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. And please make sure I can add that to my radios when you have it working Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. All I can say is I have learned a lot from him and I think his videos are great. Just like with Ham Radio Crash Course. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I almost got connectors that look just like that but sma to bnc on both. I just liked the black ones from signal stuff more.
  9. I can hear people on the repeater no problem
  10. I think I actually have success. I can key up the repeater with one radio and hear it with another radio close to me
  11. I’ve triple checked all the tones. I now get what sounds like the repeater responding. I’ll transmit them when I release the ptt button my receive light comes on and there is a brief sound like someone keys up for a second then release the button without saying anything. Maybe progress
  12. That response was meant as a humorous answer to his simple no. Based on his videos on YouTube
  13. Thanks for not waisting any of my “valuable time” with letting my down easy by going into a lengthy explanation as to why you can’t.
  14. Fine.
  15. That just might be a good idea for me to do. Now can you wave your magic wand for your favorite viewer and get my current uv-9g to reach the repeater that is about 20 miles away with current set up please?
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