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Everything posted by LeoG

  1. Not a lot of research I guess. GMRS is a family radio service for close communications with the ability to access a repeater to help out range. The linked repeater thing has been going on now for months and months and repeater owners have been disconnecting there linked systems to avoid FCC reprisal. If this post was a year old then that would be one thing, now most of us know the FCC has reiterated that linked repeaters aren't allowed. Still better than no communications during SHTF times. I'm sure the $35 didn't hurt that much.
  2. Whatever happened with this? Did you get up and running to a satisfactory result?
  3. Has anyone been able to figure this out with the Tidradio TD-H3 radio. I can't change the ANI ID from the keyboard on the radio and the ODmaster program doesn't even have an option to access the ANI ID. I have a Win7 computer so I can't use the new version of CHIRP and the legacy version doesn't have access to the TD H3 files.
  4. Give him the chance to make it right before you sic the dogs of war on him. Idiots make mistakes too. The eff sea seas is likely going to give him a warning 1st anyway, why let it get to that point when the object of desire is to free up those 3 channels. Pretty likely you'll end up notifying the eff sea seas anyway because idiots will be idiots.
  5. I am trying to be nice. Let the guy know what he is doing. That he is taking up the 3 radio frequencies that are public domain and using them for govt. And he should be worried about someone letting the eff sea seas about his operation.
  6. Sounds like time for an anonymous letter to said individual about him misusing his license. Just a friendly heads up.
  7. Sometimes I don't agree with the rating the net controller gives to the sound quality of some of the members. We have a guy on the outskirts and sometimes he's an R3, other times an R7 but that's rare. We have a couple who can touch the repeater but can't really stay connected who get R1s. Most are R9 because they are pretty close to the repeater and the antenna is close to a 1000 feet off the ground. And even then we have a woman who has a great signal but her modulation is very low. I'd give an R7 but she always gets an R9. Forgot to mention we give our location too. Most are close but there are a few that are pretty far out. I'm 21 miles out and one guy is 42 miles out but still shows R9 into the repeater. Must be up on a hill himself.
  8. I have the Wouxun KG20+ and the squelch on the radio works pretty decent. Because of a lot of DMR interference in my area I am forced to run PL RX codes to keep things quiet. On top of that since I use repeaters which are pretty strong because of a good line of sight antenna I keep my squelch on 7-9. I try to keep it on 7 but on occasion the DMR interference can get through. I don't hear it, but it shows on the meter. Sometimes after someone releases the PTT I can hear the interference for about 1/2 second and then it resquelches. I also run my own small repeater and because of trees and hills the signal is weak. So on that channel I run a squelch of 2. Otherwise when it's at it's weakest it'll be blocked.
  9. To bad you had to get your money back instead of them doing the right thing and replacing a likely defective repeater.
  10. Had our net tonight. Just simple stuff, more like a roll call of people interested in participating in said net. We had a member pass and we held a silent moment after the net manager called out for his reply 3 times. No reply was heard and we put his member number into the books as permanently logged off. After that anyone interested in calling out states their ID#, call sign, name, and radio type (base, mobile or HT). The net manager would repeat it back and log it, then state the R# for the quality of the reception into the repeater. Today we had a member that was trying out 5 different HTs from the same area and the net manager told him how he was received on all. Only one of his radios sounded bad, very muffled sound. Maybe a defective microphone. No big deal or fanfare. At the end he would ask if there was any traffic, there never is.
  11. That's essentially what I did. I bought 10 radios and passed them out to my local family. They are using my radios along with my call sign. They rarely use them. Me and the wife are the primary users and we use the same base station or my HTs.
  12. Your Mom can even use repeaters if she'd like. As long as she is willing to follow the FCC rules and identify herself with the family call sign. Of course if it's a permission based repeater she would need to get permission.
  13. They usually respond when you have issues. Probably cost them more in shipping than the radio costs them to make. And they haven't asked for the defective one to be returned. One day I'll open mine up to see if it's just a bad solder joint to the antenna connector.
  14. Yes, if you are max distance south from the repeater and the person receiving is max north of the repeater you can double the distance of simplex as Steve described.
  15. Actually height of the antennas and openness and flatness of the terrain will determine the tx/rx distance more than the radios connected. Flat open desert with 5 watts will get you 10-20 miles maybe more. 50 watts in a hilly area with trees may get you 5 miles, could be less. I'm in a valley. North and south get me 40 ish miles. East and west have a small mountain range and limit my distance to about 5 miles.
  16. Yep, good little radio. Good amount of features. Power output is close to the 5 watt claimed when the battery is at 3 bars. I have several 3rd party antennas as the OEM antenna is so so. I've hooked it up to a mobile antenna with an adapter and used them in my truck. Somewhat inconvenient so I bought a mobile unit for the truck. I can connect to several repeaters around the area. 7 miles, 17 and 21 without much problem. I'm in an area that has lots of trees and hills so I can get 1-3 miles simplex between the radios. The 771G series of antennas will give you better distance at the cost of convenience of the length of the antenna. Have fun.
  17. Zero feet. It's just a controller and has no transmit or receive capabilities. You need to connect them to two separate walkie talkies which look like they use their own antennas for tx/rx I'm sure you could put the antenna connections into a duplexer to use one antenna.
  18. I had a TD-H3 that wouldn't register on my SW102, it was defective and they replaced it. But it also wouldn't go much more that 1/6th mile for transmitting on high power.
  19. This morning my wife got brave and answered the good morning rounds that go on the repeater. One of the guys there asked if she used a certain repeater and she said yes. He proceeded to ask her if she knew the PL code (it's an open repeater) and the most she knew was it was a 625 repeater. She let the guy know that when I was around I could let him know. She is interested in listening. But not very interested in learning the ropes. It took her a month to figure out the BAND button switches between the two frequencies we have on so if she wants to talk on one or the other. Makes me laugh because it's so simple. But to some it's not. So it's good to ask and answer questions when you need to or can.
  20. H3 is the same. Bluetooth is for programming only.
  21. The Radio Mobile Online Calculator will give you that information if you plug in the correct specifications which may be hard if you don't know the specifics of the repeater you are working off of.
  22. I have that antenna for my RT97S repeater and I went with the UAYESOK from Amazon which turns out to be the exact same antenna with a slightly higher price. I can easily hit the 3 repeaters near me at 7, 17 and 21 miles away. I'm using the Messi and Paoloni Hyperflex 13 cable at the house (84 foot run) and LMR400 with the repeater (50 foot run). If you live in an area with more trees and hills you want to stay away from a super high gain antenna and stick with something in the 6-8dBi range. (convert to dBd by subtracting 2.15 from the dBi value) Both the Retevis and the UAYESOK were under 1.1 for SWR with my setups.
  23. Is it this? I did look at that one because it was one of the few that ranged in for GMRS. Liked the shape of the Abbree better. Looks like you can get 4 of those for a few dollars more than I got one of the Abbree's for.
  24. Well like I said, I have no simplex experience with them and haven't the adapters to test the SWR for them. But I ordered another one so I might do some simplex communications. Maybe let my BIL borrow them for a week to see how he likes them on his radios inside of a building. If anyone gets one of these and can do an SWR test please put it here for the Abbree antenna. I'd like to know without having to go out and buying more stuff. But I like buying radio stuff... stop it, you don't need it. What is this "need" you speak of... More like "want" Oh.. sorry, did that slip out?
  25. Are you using the Diamond version stubby? Most of the ones I have seen are not for GMRS but HAM and go up to 450MHz
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