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Everything posted by LeoG

  1. OK, added it up and it came out to 166dB loss. It was 1660 meters of trees. That doesn't include houses that are in the way and the slight hill I'm on, but I think my antenna is up high enough so that isn't a factor. Only if I'm on a hand held. 102 watts is 50.09dBm - 166dB = -115.91dBm Sounds about right the way the signal can act sometimes. The best I've seen is 3/4 on my power meter on the mobile radio. Worst is non existent signal but that's unusual. 1/4 on the power meter is usually as low as it goes. I've never had full quieting on the signal.
  2. I stopped calculating at 102dB. There was many more trees patches to go. I basically stopped at 1000 meters of trees. My signal at times can be adequate, but but it varies considerably. I put the squelch up to 4 the other day and my wife couldn't here me during the day. I dropped it back down to 1 to make sure that didn't happen again. According to calculations the input into the antenna after coax losses are 32 watts and the effective radiated power is 102 watts. Let me finish adding up the loss of the trees.
  3. At the base of the antenna or at the tip. This question is for when I input the height on the website "Radio Mobile Online" Of course the general knowledge of knowing is a good reason too.
  4. Well it came in. The packaging freaked me out a bit. It said 70cm which I know is 440MHz, but it also had a "C" sticker put on the end of the original printed label. I wrote Jim and he assured me it was the correct antenna and said it came that way from the manufacturer. After I got a response from Jim from Chatt Radio I noticed the antenna had a sticker on it saying it was indeed the CA-712EFC antenna On top of that the stated 9.0dBi gain listed on all the websites I've seen but the gain is listed on the package and in the literature as 9.8dBi gain. Not much of a boost. But going from 7.2 to 9.0 vs 7.2 to 9.8 is 1.8 change vs 2.6 additional gain. Nice.
  5. I already took your advice. I ordered a Comet 712EFC GMRS 9dBi antenna. It will be here tomorrow. This is for the repeater site. The antenna will eventually be put above the tree line using Messi and Paoloni Hyperflex 13 as I stated above.
  6. You should know this already. Repeater at the shop is 50w with 40w out of the duplexer. 50 feet of LMR400 to a Retevis MA-09 7.2dBi gain antenna that is currently at 40' at the base. At the house I have a 20w Wouxun XS-KG20+ that outputs 25w. 84' of Messi and Poaloni Hyperflex 13 cable running into a copy of the 7.2dBi gain antenna at 42 feet off the ground. The shop is 100 ft higher than my house. Sometimes the signal is pretty strong 3/4 of the power meter. Never full quieting. Tonight it's running low, between 1/4 and 5/8 on the power meter. Signal varies, tonight you can watch in swing up and down on the meter sometimes. Most of the times I'm using the repeater with a 2w talkie inside the shop to talk to the little lady. Other times I'm miles from the shop. In the northern direction I can get pretty far but am limited by hilly terrain.
  7. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/tr/pdf/ADA048304.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjn3cCT-dyIAxUeF1kFHa86GJUQFnoECCsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw06iZ047tec0lBcnnzoBaVK I found this in there which could be somewhat relevant to any tree problems GMRSers may be having. The red line is mine at what I guessed is 462MHz which ends up at 0.1dB/Meter attenuation for tree leaves. Now I see why I have such a big issue with receiving my repeater signal at my house. My antenna height is in the thick of the leaves. 40' high at the base with trees at about 72' tall. I was doing measurement calculations and I stopped when I hit 102dB of attenuation
  8. We can't talk about good looking women on the radio? Guess I'll have to forfeit my license.
  9. As soon as you are a few hundred feet away you can no longer consider being in control of that equipment. Get separated by a hill, no longer in control. They change channels and you can't find them, no longer in control. You are dealing with humans. You have no control.
  10. At 467 my handheld will trigger my headlamp, my stove and the Fein vacuum in my shop. My 20 watt mobile will turn my neighbors motion lamp on.
  11. LeoG


    If you got the same kit as me it is an MA-09. It is pretuned for GMRS and there isn't really a way to tune it as it's a sealed unit for the most part. I was getting a 1:1.2
  12. Nothing special here Pyramid Universal Compact Bench Power Supply - 4.5 Amp Regulated Home Lab Benchtop Not sure how accurate the output voltage is because my radio says 14.0 volts. But it seems to be pretty stable. I've seen 14.1 on occasion. Just enough for my 20 watt Wouxun XS-KG20+
  13. I think a lot of my problem is this is a graph of gain and not power. And your explanation of the concentric circles makes more sense to me because the outer circle is of max gain and as you go inward you are subtracting dB gain as compared to the outer circle of max gain. With my current antenna, I have no diagram of gain and I don't have an issue with trying to hit the repeater whilst under the antenna. I have my HT on low power and I'm using a stubby antenna. Although I have heard crackling in my signal which I though of as strange because of my proximity closeness to the antenna but it is likely I'm in the dead spot and my signal is superficially getting to the antenna only because of the brute strength of the signal by being so nearby. So if someone was making this graph they would need to have a constant power radiating signal and they would move it around the antenna in a 360º spherical pattern while taking measurements at each azimuth point and recording the strength of the signal and then find the strongest and weakest signals and determine the logarithmic strength between the high and low and then plot it on the graph. Not sure if they need to do a spherical measurement or just a simplistic 2D simple circle going around the antenna in a vertical pattern.
  14. Steve, I wonder if we could discuss the diagram further. I assume this is a view of the horizontal. the 90º being the ground or parallel to the ground. The circle around it in degrees are 0º being up towards the sky and 180º being down to the ground. I see 90 and -90º being front and rear, but in an "omnidirectional" antenna it shouldn't really matter. Obviously there was a .01dB difference at 90º but that's moot in real life and only exists in a lab. What I want to understand are the shapes of the lobes. I also see the concentric circles going inward there are also numbers which I assume are decibel ratings going from 0 from the outside circle to -40 on the inside circle. The look like they are spaced with an algorithmic strength. So how are the lobes equated to distance from the central point which is the antenna? And why are the 0 through -40 numbers in that arrangement and not reversed? As the distance from the center goes out further I would assume the signal gets weaker. I assume I'm getting confused because this is a gain diagram and not a power diagram. I would really like to understand how to read this as well as you do.
  15. Pretty sure I won't be able to help myself about reporting what ends up happening with my system. I'm hoping that getting above the trees is one of my main issues. If I had patience I would wait for winter to come in and all the leaves on the tree to be on the ground. If my signal at the house and elsewhere improved then I would know for a fact that one of the more prominent issues I'm dealing with. I know in the direction without trees I have a good signal 6 miles away. Which of course isn't that far, but the hilly areas I live around are somewhat insurmountable issues that can't be worked around other than height.
  16. Already got my antenna on the way. Should be here Wednesday. 5.25dBd gain would likely be a good higher altitude antenna though.
  17. Pretty sure it's a deep fake. Towards the end you can see Jake's lips not in sync well. But it was very well done.
  18. My family isn't THAT important
  19. Well... ordered the COMET CA-712EFC antenna. The NC9 is a bit much I think. Time will tell.
  20. They ticket you and then you have to pay or go to court. Either way they screwed with your life. Go ahead and tell the cop that he can't legally give you this ticket and all he'll say is tell it to the judge. And your life is still screwed with and now you have a cop that doesn't like you.
  21. If you put an antenna up and they put an antenna up on their roof you might be able to contact each other. Everything depends on what's in the way. If there's a hill/mountain it's not happening. If it's a bunch of trees it's possible, if it's flat country and open then it shouldn't be an issue at all. Is there a member of your family that is in the middle of all of you? That would be the ideal person to house the repeater.
  22. Depends on who you are trying to contact. If you are trying to contact your house you don't need a repeater, just the antenna setup. If the repeater setup is 1/2 way between where you will be and who you want to contact that's a good reason for a repeater. In my case I've setup at my shop which is a couple miles from my house. Not exactly a good place normally but my house is in a valley and my repeater has a 100' higher ground level. So when I am a town or 2 away I can still talk with the little woman whereas if I just set up an antenna at the house it wouldn't have made any difference. There is a mountain range about 5 miles east of my shop I'd love to setup on. I would have access over the mountains and be up 500' higher than my shop. But that's a pipe dream.
  23. So the area I'm trying to get to is 6.35 miles away, there is a 120 ft difference in height and it has line of site. So the angle of incidence is 0.21º. So it seems I'm basically near the center of the lobes. Guess I don't have to worry about this since my 80ft above ground ain't no mountain.
  24. So how do I read this? Is this an approx to what this says? My numbers other than beam width/angle. Is this a 3dB width meaning the 9dB angle would be less?
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