Some of the friends who go cycling with me use FRS radios for communications during our group rides. We usually use an FRS/GMRS channel with a CTCSS tone. Usually this works fine between FRS and GMRS radios we have, but one of our riders bought an Arcshell AR-5 which would not communicate with other radios in our group.
I assumed it was just a regular cheap FRS HT, but when I downloaded its factory setup into CHIRP it came up with this weird assortment of frequencies (and preset CTCSS tones) assigned to its 16 channels - most of which are out of band for FRS or GMRS and none that actually match FRS/GMRS frequencies!
It's a 2 watt radio and also has a removable antenna, so it is like a weird not quite FRS, not quite GMRS mutant, and for sure not on any frequencies it should be on for an unlicensed transceiver! I was able to change the frequencies in it to use legal channels for 1-7 and 15-22 but it would not even transmit on legal 8-14 channels (like the firmware was not allowing it).
Weird junk radio.
Anyone else ever seen on of these? How can they even sell these legally on Amazon?
Does anyone know if these frequencies are for some other country? UK? Europe? Elsewhere? (image shows what was in the radio when I first downloaded it on the left, compared to the legit GMRS frequencies on the right)