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Everything posted by Ian

  1. Look, I know it’s an objectively bad radio, but it sat at the intersection of a Venn diagram that makes it uniquely compelling to me. Grocery store’s about five miles, and all I’ve known up to this point is bubblepack junk, a couple very nice Radio Shack FRS units, sadly underused, and now with PTT keys gone crunchy and disintegrated disabling otherwise sweet hardware, and Motorola Spirit SV-22 MURS units. Those are my favorite, but they’re heavy and can barely make it to the gas station, because VHF. I’m not saying that they’re good at receive desnsing, but if you want bad bad, you should look at the Retevis RT-22 and its clones. I’ve never gotten the GD-77 to desense, but those do it at the drop of a hat. I’m not hugely demanding of simplex comms. If I could find decent FRS, I’d be happy with that… except I have, in the form of the Motorola Sport 7. At this age, only about half of the ones on eBay work, and I’ve bought every one available, and I have two. They’re fantastic. Those Radio Shack ones are smaller, but they use AAAs (though they’ll charge them if you have a 9v adapter) and lack CTCSS, but can be set to any one of 22 channels with the DIP switches, whereas the Motorolas can only do seven channels, (1, 4, 8, 11…) and seven codes chosen more or less at random (set with a dial designed to be wrenched on with a quarter behind the battery compartment). As for the GD-77, I’ve bowed to interoperability and run it narrowbanded, since most of my fleet is narrowband-only, and only the Talkabout Distances do wideband. Ultimately, the project for which it was bought was to figure out who the heck was running DMR on channel 16 at the local park. Sadly, either the traffic’s encrypted, or setting up DMR is simply beyond me (for now…). Still, if I’m carrying only one radio, there’s a good chance that’s the one. After I lost one of my Anytones to a drop, I’m leery about carrying irreplaceable hardware into the field (even if it’s just Home Depot) without careful consideration. Commercial-grade Motos (into which I place even the Sport 7) are reassuring, as is “not irreplaceable”. I have a wealth of good radios to pick from as my needs evolve, and I thank you for your advice on them. CCRs have their place… which is “close to whoever you need to talk to.”
  2. Related to the Travel Tone, the Open Repeater Initiative is a program that lets people set up a channel 20 repeater at 141.3 for the use of anyone who wanders in.
  3. Believe it or not, the GD-77S is my favorite radio at the moment. It solves practical problems by slinging squiggles, and it's even type-accepted as a business radio (No FPP). As such, it qualifies as the "surplus commercial equipment" that the 2017 memorandum stated was never intended to be banished from the GMRS, and I believe it's legal under the latest regulations. And at five watts, it's my most powerful cheap squiggle-slinger. Used with Motorola gear (2W) on both high and low (1W), it's absolutely comprehensible in two directions when cell phones aren't getting enough signal to send a text message. Is it "good"? Apparently not. Is it good enough? For me and those like me, yeah it is. (And if it gets dropped, I didn't just break irreplaceable hardware!) Edited to add: And at 5w back and forth, it'll reach from handie to handie all the way to our grocery store, and inside too. As far as I'm concerned, that performance is mind-blowing.
  4. I missed that somehow!
  5. It's split is backwards for GMRS, and frankly even ham conventions. Otherwise, I'd be rocking one with a balloon-lofted discone antenna for fairground communications.
  6. https://www.retevis.com/handheld-gmrs-two-way-radio-rt76 New repeater-capable handheld, currenly in production, $31.19. Any experience with this, or am I going to be the one to write the first review?
  7. Can't get blood from a stone. America frequently tries, which is how you spend twenty years in jail moving from trial to trial.
  8. That's a really cool setup -- keep us posted on what you come up with!
  9. Hey guys and gals! I've got a big pile of 90s vintage Spirits and Talkabout Distances. The antennas have all gone brittle, and are exceeding the point of effective duct tape repairs. There's a mixture of Spirits, model SV-22, running on MURS in blue and green dot, and Talkabout Distance and Distance DPS units. The antennas are all going, and the decay is accelerating. I like handing these out to nontechnical family members, because there's not anything they can screw up other than changing the channel unintentionally. But RF burns are a bad thing, so ... Help me pick out some antennae, please! Ideally, they'll be visually distinctive; Motorola's latest ones are stamped with UHF and VHF, which is nice, but I'm open to third-party ones and have a mild preference for silicone jacketing. Thanks!
  10. https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/1448-seeking-logical-rationale-for-type-95/?p=13112 I believe that using the UV-82C for GMRS would be legal, per the two-year-old FCC guidance linked here. Then again, the left hand seems unsure of what the right hand is doing, and there's a distressing lack of new-production GMRS radios capable of operating to the limits of permitted emissions. This'll be a good time to get the popcorn out... But I'm no longer afraid to transmit with my Radioddity GD-77s (which I've long used for scanning repeaters). https://transition.fcc.gov/oet/ea/presentations/files/nov17/54-Part-95-Misc-Eqpt-Filing-r1-TH.pdf
  11. That FCC publication strongly implies that part 90 radios may be used on part 95 without specific certification; it also implies that 90/95 dual service certification will continue to be available. The way I see it, the golden radio is something like the GD-77s -- part 90 certified ham radios. They'll tune the whole 70cm band, and the 90 cert implies it may be used on GMRS, per that publication.
  12. FRS and GMRS use the same frequencies, though.
  13. https://transition.fcc.gov/oet/ea/presentations/files/nov17/54-Part-95-Misc-Eqpt-Filing-r1-TH.pdf Page 13, second bullet. Emphasis mine:
  14. https://www.amazon.com/DEWALT-DXFRS800-Talkies-Business-Two-Way/dp/B07J2DGCLT DeWalt and others are selling FRS as "license-free business radios" now... Edit: Cobra too.
  15. I'd also add the Radioddity GD-77s; it's a display-free version of the GD-77, and was in fact the first DMR radio without display or keypad, if I remember correctly. It has quickly become my favorite handheld, especially for handing to other people. When programmed for MURS, there's really not a lot of trouble they can get into -- channels 1-5 are carrier squelched, 6-10 are 67 Hz, and 11-15 are 141.3, with 16 scanning weather. (Obviously, TX locked!) In addition, it's not intimidating. You just tell them a channel number, they turn the dial... Basically the same UI that made me pine for 1990s Motorola.
  16. N4gix, do you have any supporting information on the RT-97 being GMRS capable? Because the way they sell it, you'd have to listen on 462 and transmit on 467. I really hope that you're right about this thing...
  17. Yes -- that is a goal.
  18. Nice! Now I have to bug my uncle to renew his amateur license since he's got a 2m rig gathering dust...
  19. Happy hunting, Thames -- I look forward to your inevitable success, new friends, and new skills.
  20. That isn't the stated purpose of the radio service, but I think it's a better use of the band too. I've reached out to random contacts, but usually they just stop transmitting. D: I wasn't doing anybody any favors dancing around the issues. I'm aware my desires are idiosyncratic, and I'm sometimes prickly. I look forward to devising clever solutions to my weird problems, sharing for the world to see, and making friends with the people who have similar problems. I'm really tempted to put another Midland 275 in the family ragtop, after the 100 freaked out. I'm super not impressed with their mag-mounts, and I'm trying to get Sti-Co to talk to me after early negotiations; I want a fender-mounted antenna that doesn't require any new holes for each of our cars, but they went silent when I pointed out that the sales agent was looking at roof-mount "sharkfin" antennas and I wanted their higher-gain fender mount. Irritiating, but unsurprising. Given the family friction, reversible mods are definitely favored over drilling holes, which is me-having-a-long-sigh motivating, but it is what it is. Fortunately, Ozzie UHF-CB enthusiasts have embraced the handheld control head with 8p8c jacks -- ethernet. So I'm looking for a good way to hang a few handheld control heads in a Tacoma's cab, and moreso a late model Miata. Midland's mic hangers are too deep, and give the weight too much leverage to rip the sticky off; command strips with hooks and "buddy hooks" were quickly winning, but in flor-I-duh, the heat and humidity will melt command strips too! Not quite back to square 1, but it's frustrating. At least the buddy hook lets me stash the speaker-mic on the E-brake while driving, but you really can't see the display from above (stupid calculator display!) I'll probably try to get the rest of my "minimally-licensed" radios bought or installed, and I've got like three cubic meters of the lights and luminaries of genre fiction competing with the ham study, which is the real limiting factor once I get done with estate work. I'm leaning toward Uniden CMX-560 and 760 radios, but I really resent that you can't get a SSB CB in a handheld controlhead form factor. It's stupid, but it's a big reason I hesitate. Given the resemblance between the HHCH radios from Uniden on CB and Midland on GMRS, I really have to suspect a common cheap-chinese-radio source behind them, and wonder if I should go there. Speaking of estate work? My grandfather had one heck of a run, a long and happy life, and a short illness at the end - just enough time to come to terms with it. Ideal, in most people's estimation, but I still miss the man. Can't say he didn't do it all right along the way, though. it stung at first, but the more I tried to reach out to contacts, the more I realized that most of them were FRS users who were freaked out by sharing a channel than GMRS users trying to make contact. I've got a ... (goes out to garage) Midland 70-1336b 2m rig waiting for some love. (It'll need a lot of bias resistors replaced to access the A range; the B range is very much business only, if my memory is correct) Thank you! Just need to find some me-time where my brain hasn't been reduced to runny jello first to polish off the studying and take the silly test already! Anyway, I'm out of brutal honesty, and need some sleep. Edit: Oh, Berkinet? GMRS isn't really dead in Florida, I just live in a big hole in repeater coverage, and those I can hear are boring to listen to. I gotta believe they're run by snowbirds, who only use them seasonally. Otherwise, it's hard to understand why tower leases are maintained while everything's abandoned. I look forward to our resident mad scientist and his Oviedo project.
  21. A buddy of mine flies drones. Be careful, left- and right-handed polarization are not the same! Edit: Yes, he learned that the crash way.
  22. On the contrary, simplex has managed to turn screaming-at-each-other into smooth trips to the grocery store while caravanning, so I've gotten the utility out of GMRS I hoped for! Diabetes leads to "hangry" turns quickly to domestic abuse. I've managed to defuse at least three screaming sessions because UHF, so I've gotten my money's worth. Still, I remember hurricane Charlie, and when Verizon was the only network with generators on their towers… since then they've given me two hurricanes worth of disappointment, and my family switched. T-Mo is still crap in a pinch, but at least they can be bothered to ring my phone when I'm home! Okay, two big messages, I'll try to be thorough, but I appreciate the input! That's paraphrasing the FCC's justification for services. My justification is simple -- avoid getting screamed at. That's solved, but I could do better. (Though I've had to pull the Midlands out of service due to malfunction in at least one of them; one of the mag-mount antennas literally fell apart! I'm disappointed with customer service so far.) Truly is. I have to scowl at your luck with CB on I-95 -- what channel are you on? I tend to prefer night driving to daytime, to dodge traffic, personally, but even day traffic is pretty silent. GMRS is silent, but the SARnet repeaters are lively, and are motivating me to get my ham ticket. (Close…) I'll try and join the UCF hamfest when feasible, but I just buried my grandfather and my time is an ugly mess lately, so club meetings are a distant fantasy for the next couple months. Thing with ham is that the screaming diabetic family members are also dealing with "just buried my grandfather" and are short on "bandwidth" (and I quote). It'd be nice to be able to use the cheap radios, but I have some personal issues to deal with, and the rest of my family has more responsibility to the estate, so we'll see how it goes. Ouch. That stings! I'm working on my ham ticket, but it's not likely that I'm going to inherit my grandfather's Japanese-built WW2 VHF gear. Florida seems to be all in on UHF, though, so no large loss. Agreed on all points, alas. Thoughtful edit: If we sprung, as a family, for newer iPhones which supported the 600 MHz band, maybe we wouldn't have comms blackouts and I wouldn't have been screamed at for long enough to buy a radio license and hundreds of dollars of mobile and handhelds (MURS and GMRS) but then I'd never have discovered the amateur satellite field, which I'd be poorer for. Also I can't change other people, but I still need to communicate with them. That leaves not a lot of high-performing options, and I think I can't afford an itinerant license on, say, Red Dot.
  23. If this is a hobby, I can't afford it. If this is a utility, I can't justify those prices. Based on my personal cash flow, occasional capital expenses are more tolerable than subscriptions, but scraping up $400 to buy a Drobo was a feat. I graduated into a ruined economy with a degree that isn't worth nearly so much as my college advice said it should be - would have been, if not for 2008 and the incredible vanishing prosperity. Combine that with the utter lack of chatter on the radio in Florida, and lowering the barrier to entry starts to seem reasonable to me. There are no repeaters reliably in range of my home, though atmospherics can do interesting things -- last week I opened a Jacksonville repeater from Cape Canaveral pretty reliably. Still, I'm elated when I hear a 5 year old talking to her grandmother on channel 3, because it's the only traffic I've heard on the airwaves that I didn't put there in six months or more. The purpose of GMRS is to talk to people on the same license. The purpose of CB is to talk to people on different licenses. They both stink, for one reason or another, at doing that down here. (Last thing I heard on CB was a year ago, a random contact imploring all listeners to "smoke weed every day". They didn't reply when I tried to respond.) The service is dead down here, and frankly so are all the other ones. Puerto Rico may see the point of off-grid comms, and K4SAT may see the point, but central Florida is generally a wasteland, both on simplex channels and repeater, too. Edit: Just in time to make me a liar, the CB finally lights up. Contact, but completely un-understandable.
  24. Dare I suggest some radio direction finding equipment, and a high gain steerable antenna?
  25. The emphasis was on mobile, rather than satnav. I'd particularly enjoy it if it was a double-DIN in-dash unit with CarPlay, but even a dash mounted display with a transceiver you could stash wherever under the dash (like a combination of a Garmin car GPS and a Midland with the handheld control head) would have me over the moon.
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