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Everything posted by WQBU369

  1. thanks to all that helped , up and running, ive been away for awhile but thanks again
  2. So its up and running only issue is pl tone generates a hum in audio but hum goes away when shut the encode off decode no problems , any ideas what to change in settings ?
  3. Will do ,thanks again , you have been a tremendous help .
  4. Update , got programmed up and running , i seem to have hot audio and a hum possible pl tone to hot or something, should i mess the tx adjust numbers ?
  5. How it was tuned im not sure but supposedly tuned for my pair , i took it out of an old repeater i had laying around and just programmed up the vxr7000 with my pair and put the duplexer inline but this weekend im gonna pulled it all apart again and run some more test without duplexer in line , maybe what’s happening is the repeater is passing to much to filter out and its getting into rx , i got to try different things , im just hoping the rx in repeater aint toast , thanks again for all the info , ill keep you guys posted
  6. Its a duplexer out of one of my ericsson drc 200 repeaters so should be tuned but maybe not , its been awhile since ive opened that repeater, i just took it out and used it with vxr7000 , it get 30 plus watts coming out so im thinking either tuning of duplexer is off or rx on repeater is shot cause i cant even key it from down the street , wondering if i have coaxs going to wrong side of duplexer , tx should be on low side of duplexer, 462 tx and 467 high side rx , correct ?
  7. Ok update , i got software working , got all my frequencies programmed in but now it seems like maybe something wrong with receiver, it puts out around 30 plus watts , maybe my duplexer is shot or bad receiver, anyone know a reliable shop that works on these units ?
  8. I think i sent you message, not sure if i did it correctly
  9. Ok so heres the latest , I recently got a mic for the unit just to key up and see if frequencies actually went into repeater, apparently they did so software end of it works so it must be a setting or the repeater is just shot , but it does key up and tx , getting 30 or so into dummy load ,is there setting i should be changing in the common section under hardware or maybe rx adjustment or tx adjustments, thanks guys for the help
  10. Yes tried with and without duplexer , programmed only one channel , like you pointed out it seems to rake the software programming but it just doesn’t rx , i have no mic for it as i cant see what it tx is actually on , i think that would also help me to see if frequencies are actually going in but it may be time to wrap this unit up and look for another, i will keep you guys posted on any progress here thanks all and keep the ideas coming if possible, thanks
  11. Yea i just added all those channels to show you guys that i can add channels but the actual frequency doesnt seem to be going in but when i read repeater it will say its in there
  12. I can turn on and off all the buttons not a problem
  13. I didnt have this much problems with my ericsson drc200 repeater, been up and running for the last 20 years with only 1 power supply change , i was hoping this vxr7000 was gonna be an upgrade but it’s probably something im missing , i have faith That we will get this with all the input from you guys , thanks everyone
  14. Yes , im also being told that when its plugged in the repeater should display prg on , my repeater says cln on when cable is plugged in then when im done reading or writing repeater it displays channel numbers as it should so i cant get a clear answer on the cln on or prg on thing
  15. Yes , it displays the cln on while the cable is plugged in , i can read and write the channel numbers and when i unplug the cable and restart repeater i then can scroll through channels with the channel buttons on repeater but when i key up ht to test if frequencies went in the repeater doesn’t rx or tx so im not sure if frequencies actually are in it
  16. This is what i see , like i said it looks like its connected to repeater cause the blue line goes across and says download or upload complete but repeater doesn’t seem to have my frequencies in in it just a channel number
  17. Ok appreciate that , im not home now so in the morning ill give it a try but it says v1.08 and comport working , i actually see it upload and down load on pc so i know there’s connection but i dont know if the repeater is supposed to say CLN ON when cable is plugged in , I assume that means cloning on but ill look in morning thanks man
  18. Yea tried that and no rx red light but very odd that when i write to radio and then read it it shows my frequencies are in it but its just not keying up, did yours show CL ON when you plug in the cable ?
  19. Im able to use -d” option and change from vhf to uhf , the repeater is vxr7000u. When i can send frequencies and everything to radio and then read it back to computer, my issue is when i check the repeater the only thing being displayed and changed is the channel numbers so in other words uf i send 16 channels to repeater all 16 will go in and i can use the up and down button on repeater to scroll through them but nothing displayed on screen as in alpha and even when i grab an ht and key up nothing is heard on repeater so im not sure what im missing , thanks for the help
  20. My repeater looks like it downloads to repeater but still dont see alpha tags and when i key up radio on the frequency i hear nothing from repeater
  21. Can anyone help with some info on how to get vxr7000 programmed , dont know what im missing in software but i get data error when writing to unit , i see alot of old info on web but nothing so far
  22. my pro seems deaf next to the kg935
  23. Anyone ever hear of this antenna BRC HP500, thoughts ?
  24. So youre saying if i live in a area with alot of trees and hills unity gain is the way to go ?
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