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  1. Perhaps he threw them in the garbage.
  2. That’s an awesome setup! I haven’t heard of Droidstar…
  3. That’s a pretty interesting idea using an old phone for a EchoLink ham… I tinker around with it from time to time but I haven’t really messed with it in great detail. I think it’s a neat little means of communication but yeah if you don’t have any service then it’s no bueno…
  4. That’s an awesome little setup you have there!
  5. I’ve been on both ends of this… I will ask permission
  6. The Tids seem to be great radios for the most part. I’ve read a lot about them. There wasn’t much information nor reviews on the Alinco G46 and that made me skeptical. I knew more about the Tids than it.. but I’m glad for the most part with my choice.
  7. LMR400 is pretty good stuff.
  8. I really like it despite.. it tends to prove good quality and the fact that I can pick up repeaters I couldn’t before impresses me. It’s a little scratchy on the road but I think that’s most likely any radio it’s price or lower.
  9. Oh, brother… but when she finally does… lol!
  10. I feel ripped off… I paid 99.
  11. I have a Yaesu VX-6 ham and a Alinco DJ G46 GMRS. I’m just looking at different antennas to tinker with. Hoping to get into ARES and SKYWARN so I’m looking around for antennas for that.
  12. I’ve been on an antenna kick here lately. A man gets a couple radios and the next thing you know he wants to reach the stars… So.. this is for ham and GMRS but these are the radios I’ve been looking at. Share your antennas and antenna wisdom. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1742230257/roll-up-antenna-kit?ref=listing_page_ad_row-1&sts=1&plkey=27521a89d8b390d58cda3185ac3c2725ddd9d70b%3A1742230257&listing_id=1742230257&listing_slug=roll-up-antenna-kit&variation0=4539522800 https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/cma-sma165 https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0C7KZ3KJK/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A12GQLPLI45DLZ&psc=1
  13. So far, I like the Alinco. It’s very convenient in that all I have to do is program it and I have only a few buttons to push and talk. However, with that (for those who don’t know) this radio is not manually programmable. Must be programmed on a computer. Which stinks to an extent… if you have to put in a repeater or such on the spot. I haven’t explored much with it as far as other features. I don’t think it’s feature rich in many respects and it’s a pretty straightforward radio. I have performed checks while out and it hits repeaters that the Beofengs weren’t. So that’s impressive. Overall, I’m happy with it other than the programming issue and they packed it in the box a certain way and the antenna is bent… which plays on my “perfection complex”. But I’m not perfect either…
  14. Interesting! And good to know.. I was always under the impression that you had to begin and end with your call sign. As well as ID every 15 minutes.
  15. I’m new myself but I have heard that it’s good to have a system like, if your call sign is ADCD123, you can give the call sign and your wife can respond with ABCD123Alpha. Or Bravo, etc. But I’m learning too. So I’m monitoring this thread.
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