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Everything posted by WRCZ387

  1. For what it's worth, when I read violations like this, I don't paint all hams with the same brush, I blame only the violator, I know that others may not feel the same way, but personally, I blame only the bad apple, not the entire tree Just my .02 73
  2. This was my 1st CB radio, my parents bought me one for Christmas just before the CB boom hit Channel 1 was CB channel 14, I borrowed crystals for channel 10 for a weekend trip to Ontario, Canada so I could listen to the truckers [this was obviously before channel 19 became the nationwide road channel]
  3. Two of my Alinco h-t's have 1000 channels & the other has 4000 channels I have the state that I live in & the states that I want to visit as zones, I have the open GMRS repeaters programmed in I check the db for additions & updates I don't know when I'll get to visit them, but my radios are ready
  4. MTC in TX has the DJ-G46T on Black Friday pricing for $69.90 https://www.mtcradio.com/black-friday-alinco-dj-g46t-portable-5w-gmrs-ht/
  5. Feature wise, it's not going to work for everyone If you need to program/reprogram it on the fly, no, it's not the best choice, BUT: If you need an h-t that can be set up [especially with basic/simple, or no functions/options], then handed to a non-radio user & not worry about them pressing buttons, changing settings, etc If you just want to program it, turn it on, select your channel/frequency/repeater, & start talking [Ron Popeil & his "set it & forget it!" comes to mind] For the users who need or want those scenarios, IMO the DJ-G46T fits the bill
  6. Main Trading Company in TX https://www.mtcradio.com/used-gear/ I've had good luck with them Edit/add-on: you never know what a seller is going to have available, but I've purchased both used [IC-F2000T] & New In Box Old Stock [IC-F50, IC-F60, IC-F80DS] from MTC
  7. SMH, I shouldn't read & respond to posts after a long day at work, I forgot that you said you have a Yaesu, DOH!
  8. I'm using a Smiley 5/8 Slim Duck 155 MHz on an Icom IC-F50, & I've had good luck with it https://bettersaferadio.com/smiley-antenna-slim-duck-murs-mms-marine-noaa-155mhz-5-8-wave-sma-m/
  9. The Diamond SRH77CA is a dual-band antenna cut for 2 meters & 70 CM amateur frequencies, plus the connector is SMA-M You'd be better off buying an antenna tuned to the GMRS frequencies which are a 462 MHz/467 MHz split For the Alinco, the antenna needs to be an SMA-F connection I would consider one from Smiley Antennas, centered at 465 MHz https://bettersaferadio.com/smiley-antenna-slim-line-whip-gmrs-465mhz-sma-f/ https://bettersaferadio.com/smiley-antenna-slim-duck-gmrs-465mhz-5-8-wave-sma-f/
  10. I have the DJ-G46T & love it It's a cousin to the DJ-A446 PMR446 model & the DJ-A40T Part 90 commercial model I have several Alinco Part 90 h-t's & I love them [DJ-MD40T, DJ-MD5T, DJ-AXD4, DJ-500TB, DJ-A40T for UHF, DJ-A10T for VHF] I also have two Alinco amateur h-t's that I switched to commercial mode [DJ-VX50T, DJ-500T], but I've been using the Part 90's mainly I've been using them since 2019, & I recommend the Alinco brand to anyone, any user, whether they're ham, GMRS, MURS
  11. Maybe these will help: https://www.jpole-antenna.com/shop/462-mhz-land-mobile-gmrs-j-pole-antenna/ You'll need to buy coax for it https://dpdproductions.com/collections/gmrs-base-mobile-antennas/products/gmrs-blade-indoor-antenna Comes with 18' of coax
  12. It probably would Awhile back someone was using DMR or some other digital mode on .700 in the Tampa Bay area & it made .700 unusable I used to hear P25 on another repeater, but that wasn't that often, that was usually the repeater owner & anyone who has P25, I don't think that many users do, I have a P25 capable h-t, but I'm not going to use P25 I could be wrong, but there would probably need to be a complete switchover to digital, or separate frequencies mandated for analog & for digital for things to work with no interference
  13. Alinco DJ-MD5T programmed for GMRS, MURS, NOAA receive, rail receive Alinco DJ-500TB programmed for GMRS, MURS, NOAA receive Alinco DJ-A10T programmed for MURS, NOAA receive, rail receive Icom IC-F50IS programmed for MURS, NOAA receive, rail receive [this is the h-t that I use at work]
  14. You're welcome 73
  15. http://www.hamradiolife.org/icom/icomcps/cs-f-500_V2dotO.zip If he needs to buy a cable, go to bluemax49ers.com, use the software advisor to look up what he needs, they sell two cables, FTDI & prolific, he can download version 2.3 of the software from there also Hope this helps 73 Edit: I apologize for the poor typing, I slept in due to the hurricane, just got up, no caffeine or sugar yet, ugh
  16. You may want to look at Used-Radios.com™ for a radio or radios, they'll program up to 16 channels for you to get you going Then BlueMax49ers - Beyond Cables That Work! for cables & software so you can add to/edit your channels down the road If you see a rig on Used Radios that interests you, you can check the software advisor on Blue Max 49ers for compatible cables, available software & pricing before you buy the radio I have been getting into Icom commercial h-t's, I know other users like Kenwood & Motorola, nothing wrong there, everyone has different preferences, needs, tastes, etc I have a couple of Part 97 amateur h-t's that I switched to commercial mode, but I'm treating those as backups, I prefer my actual Part 90 LMR's, I have & like both Alinco & Icom Although I do have, & like the Part 95 Alinco DJ-G46T GMRS h-t also 73
  17. I would have ordered one for my work h-t SO fast.....
  18. Call or e-mail Remtronix & ask them to e-mail the software to you I have a loaner unit to test & they e-mailed me a copy of the software You'll need an Alinco ERW-15 USB cable, or, the RT Systems USB-29A cable also works, that's what I used, the cable terminates in a 1/8" stereo/two-band plug I used it today in the car with a 1/4 wave NMO mag mount, it sounds great on receive, it has a clear speaker, I was told the transmit audio is good I'm going to give it more of a workout this week, both in the mobile & portable with different h-t antennas
  19. I saw that, the PMR446 & A10/A40 series probably have common roots https://www.alinco.com/Products/bis/DJ-A10/DJ-A10_40.pdf
  20. I believe that it is superhet, it's based on the Alinco DJ-A446 PMR446 h-t https://www.alinco.com/Products/bis/DJ-A446/DJ-A446.pdf If you have DJ-500 series/DJ-MD5 series/DJ-A10/A11/A40/A41 series, the batteries, chargers, DC adapter, etc are compatible I've corresponded with Remtronix & they said that Alinco is gathering info for features for a GMRS mobile I have 6 Alinco Part 90 h-t's, both mono-band + dual-band, & I've had good luck with them
  21. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should
  22. I just looked at the CHIRP supported radios list, it's not on there
  23. Nope, nope, nope, nope I enjoy my QSO's on GMRS, I'm good with those I actually have no interest in conversing with train engineers, boaters, cops, firefighters, etc Maybe in person, not on the radio I'd rather spend my $$$ on radio equipment, not FCC &/or civil fines thank you very much
  24. Just curious, like the OP, why did you pick 151.625 originally to program into your radios? There are various frequency lists posted on the Net for preppers, SHTF, etc, Red Dot & Purple Dot were on the lists Most of my h-t's have the capacity of storing 128 channels, [1] has 199 channels, [1] has 4000 channels, so when I first got into GMRS a few years ago, I went all out [yes, crazy] on programming for every which way I thought that I would need, or might need Now, I've read a lot more [thanks to everyone on mygmrs & radioreference], I'm a little more knowledgeable, & I'm more responsible on what I have in my rigs I do have the NOAA frequencies, & [3] local rail frequencies programmed in, but I make sure that they are on 'NO TRANSMIT' before I unplug the h-t from the pc, let alone before I leave the house
  25. I had 151.625 MHz programmed in my h-t's for "just-in-case" or "just because" But then I gave it some thought, considered the fact that it's a business band frequency & I decided to delete it If I can't communicate on FRS, GMRS or MURS, forget it
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