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Everything posted by WRCZ387

  1. Got the e-mail notification,I just placed my order I've been happy with the 771G so far, getting more so each h-t has one They're now offering BNC & SMA-M connector models also I'm hoping that the NA-701G comes back in soon, I'd like to try one of those I ordered one of the NA-701C (commercial tuning) from myGMRS to test out in the meantime
  2. Are you asking about just Part 95 radios or any radio that can do the group scan? I'm asking before I answer, so I don't open the usual can of worms
  3. The NA-771 is tuned to the amateur frequencies, not GMRS, that's why the SWR was so high 440-450 MHz compared to 462-467 MHz, that's a 20+ MHz difference The stock antennas are usually very broad-banded & inefficient I just looked at mine & it's labeled 136-174/400-520 That's probably the antenna from the UV-82 radios The least expensive quarter-wave for GMRS [that I know of] is a Nagoya NA-701C, which is tuned to the VHF/UHF commercial frequencies [so it would also cover MURS on VHF] and is way closer to GMRS It's sold in the mygmrs.com store for $14.99 https://shop.mygmrs.com/collections/antennas/products/nagoya-na-701c-antenna You spent $7.79 & some time to get an antenna that will perform on the GMRS frequencies I'd say that you broke even
  4. It will be easier to use channel mode instead For example: Say your repeater is on 462.600 Arrow to REPT17 Say the CTCSS on both input & output is 100.0 Press Menu, then up arrow until you see R-CTCS OFF, press menu again, up arrow until you see 100.0 HZ, press menu to confirm Up arrow to T-CTCS OFF, press menu again, up arrow until you see 100.0 HZ, press menu to confirm You should now be set up to use the repeater The radio will automatically know the receive & transmit frequencies and you have manually entered the CTCS tones If the the repeater uses split different tones for input & output, the steps are the same, just select the tones that you need
  5. Good Afternoon jas, I'm in North Clearwater/Dunedin & I have heard the signal on .700 also It's often enough that I locked out .700 on my scanner, as I usually have the repeater outputs scanning continuously 73 Greg
  6. I have a Nagoya NA-771G half-wave and it has performed well for me so far I have a TYT branded SW-102 meter and I tested the 771G on 5 radios, 2 Baofeng, 1 BTech, & 2 Alincos SWR ran from 1.03 to 1.20 depending on which radio & which end of the band I will order more when they're back in stock I will order a NA-701G quarter-wave when they're available just to see how that one works vs the 771G 73
  7. From the specs, this user has a slightly different model of Tram antenna, but hopefully the tuning method is the same, or at least similar http://pascogmrs.us/tram-1486/ If not, I would do a web search for the instructions for your particular model I hope that this helps 73 Greg
  8. If I'm wrong, I know someone will have the correct info Blue & Green are 154 MHz & use wide-band which some ops say will give you better audio quality The other three are 151 MHz & use narrow-band which some ops say lessens your audio a bit If you do go the MURS route, you're limited to two watts, but you can use an external antenna like replacing the stock antenna on hand-helds, or connecting a base or mobile antenna to them, depending on where you're using the radio GMRS lets you use more power, but MURS may work better for your situation, being VHF not UHF sending your two watts into a better antenna may level the playing field so to speak It's a situation where you may have to try both & see which works out better 73 Greg
  9. From Western NY originally, I do miss a White Christmas
  10. Merry Christmas to all I hope Santa is good to everyone 73
  11. Here is a link to a free log sheet https://www.businessformtemplate.com/preview/Amateur_Radio_Station_Log They offer both .pdf & .doc formats If you download the .doc version, you can customize or tweak it to your needs I remember the Radio Shack log book I also was into CB in the mid-70s, loved operating on SSB, both local QSOs & shooting skip
  12. You're welcome 73 Greg WRCZ387 Clearwater, FL
  13. gman1971: There is an http://anytone.us/ website that I found They state that they have stopped selling Wouxun radios and now sell Anytone instead http://www.wouxun.us/category.php?category_id=94 is the link to AT-D578UV firmware and programming software updating The 1.06 is the most recent version listed, but it's a spot to check for newer updates It's NOT anytone.net (they only had v1.05) or anytonetech.com (no software at all) Maybe this will help if you decide to give the Anytone rig another try 73 Greg WRCZ387 Clearwater, FL
  14. I found these links I don't own this radio, never used any Wouxuns CHIRP doesn't support this radio Maybe these will help https://www.buytwowayradios.com/downloads/dl/file/id/64/product/3094/wouxun_kg_uv899_software.zip http://wouxun.com/download.aspx?flid=1088 73
  15. They added a slightly longer version of the video on the 28th https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZiSC4sgKYw
  16. Good Morning; Have you considered Alinco? They offer a Part 90 200 channel UHF mobile with 45 watt - 25 watt - 10 watt transmit, the DR-438 is UHF, the DR-138 is VHF http://www.alinco.com/Products/ham/mbl/DR-138HT/ http://www.alinco.com/Products/ham/mbl/DR-138HT/DR-138_438brochure.pdf Remtronix is the USA distributor for Alinco, I did need set-up support for my first h-t and they were great, both over the phone and via e-mail https://remtronix.com/land-mobile-radio/analog-radios/dr-438t/ The list price is $249.99, but shop around on the pricing Remtronix is selling it through Newegg: https://www.newegg.com/alinco-dr-438t-two-way-radio/p/16Y-0031-00004?Description=dr-438&cm_re=dr-438-_-9SIA5RC1W26967-_-Product Programming software and cable package: https://www.rtsystemsinc.com/DR-138-programming-software-and-USB-cable-s/2266.htm I almost purchased a new-in-package Midland mobile for $50.00 at a pawn shop last year (I don't remember which model) I passed on it and after reading all the posts here, I'm glad that I did I have not read any negatives about Alinco radios I have two different Alinco Part 90 h-t's, I intend to get a 3rd model h-t, and then I will probably buy the DR-438 and a ¼ wave NMO GMRS activity here around Clearwater, FL is starting to get off the ground, so I haven't gotten much use out of my radios yet, but I did use one of the h-t's on vacation in East TN in June, and I was told that it sounded really good, I'm going to stay with Alinco Just my two cents Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
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