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Posts posted by kidphc

  1. Agreed. I found the most traffic on 70cm yeasu c4fm, dmr and dstar.

    Rarely heard anything on 1.25m. Sadly, really wanted to, so I could look at those radios.

    Even with the popular digital modes not so many repeaters were set up for vhf. It was almost a 4-5 to 1 ratio of uhf to vhf.

    I looked into old motorola 33cm gear. But not many repeaters around here don't require either a 13cm or 23cm up/down link on rhe opposite side. Guess most of them were running icoms. Kinda frustrating. I thought of converting an old motorola flip phone for 900mhz.

  2. So as expected, a 3/4 wave antenna just ain't cutting it. I tried out a Laird BB4503 (5/8 wave nmo). It out peforms the cut down signal stall in reception and transmitting everywhere (locations). This is stock and uncut.

    Originally, I was planning on cutting the signal stalk whip and putting it on the BB4503 after during some NanoVNA sweeps. I am not sure if I am going to be doing that with the new radio being installed soon. It all may be replaced with a STI flexi tri-band. If I decide to keep the BB4503 installed I will sweep the antenna and see if I have enough bandwidth without going over 2.0 SWR across 440-468 Mhz, At that point i will decide if I will buy a triplexer and install 2 more NMOs. 


    So the decision has been made to put a tri-band in the location of where my 440-470 antennas are located. I wanted to keep it seperate but good god are quality triplexers for public service expensive. Not to mention it got harder to find ones where the band pass was wide enough to let ham bands through.

    The best one I could find was a Comtelco DB3 at about $192. Which was pretty wide banded. The STI-co which was another choice were 3x-4x the cost. The panorama ones averaged $160-300 were also pretty widebanded.

    I may try to utilize the signal stalk whips with the Tri-bander, kinda like I was going to with the 5/8. BTW, the 5/8 antenna is really stiff, we hit a parking garage support with the antenna and it sound like it was going to rip the back half of the roof off. Enough so my wife said we are bringing my car next time we come here.

  3. On 4/13/2023 at 10:10 AM, PACNWComms said:

    Great thread. I have dealt with Motorola, Thales, and Harris for a long while, and ended up working with Harris for field testing both the military AN/PRC-152 series and the XG-100P Unity radio for various agencies (my personal collection shown in the attached picture). Harris brought a multi-band radio with GPS to the table first, but then did not support it well when the sales did not take off (who could afford the XG-100P). 

    In preparation for the 2009 Police and Fire Games, and Later the 2010 Olympic Games in Canada, many fire and police elements in northern Washington State were provided grant money for XG-100P/M radios. 

    I bought a demo unit while working for the oil industry, being an intrinsically safe radio that allowed me to carry one radio instead of three (VHF,UHF and 7/800 MHz). However, I only have RPM12, so know I am missing out on some newer features. Compared to the military Motorola APX7000 (dual band I was issued), the Unity was a great radio. It still is for me now, but is heavy and lacks some refinement of newer Harris radio. They still come up on auction sites and used radio vendor sites for $800-1200 often though. There are people I know that use them for bragging rights as well, for those that want to flex on their radio geek friends. 

    As mentioned by others the "mission plans" on the XG-100P are much like those on the true military AN/PRC-152 as well. Harris makes a great radio, but the price also reflects that. Now, if I could only buy AN/PRC-152's without dealing with export models (type of encryption or lack thereof) as having AM and FM (satcom, HPW and other military specific waveforms) in the same radio in very convenient, but comes at a huge cost many hobbyist can't afford. But, I see that like Motorola making Trbo DMR and P25 TDMA in the same radio, only a wish that may never happen, or will only happen a huge cost. 


    Nice collection. So  many dollars those Harris Prcs.. good god the prices that old Falcons still go for.

    Bragging rights,unfortunately in the group I spend time with goes to the APX 8.5k xe boys. Yes they own them as well as have ones that are issued.. But they are mostly FEMA or local FD.  Wish I could justify nearly 5-6k for an APX, entitlements plus software and accessories. 

    The XG100P is a nice radio, Fighting random reboots, but I think the battery might be done or has an internal short. I am going to be loaned another Harris Lithium battery and we shall see.

    The receive on the XG100P is actually pretty awesome, its better then the XTS500 I have. Even though the filters are pretty tight and the front end is no slouch on the XTS.

    I really like the radio and might actually end up replacing a bunch of hand helds. So much so I almost bit the bullet on an auction for one. But a buddy part of above said group. Coughed and said buy the XG100M(F) first while they are cheap. Welp... $440 dollars later and the XG100M is on its way with a CH721 head. Which means I will be ripping out my hacked XTL5000/05 that has been in the truck for less than a month. Would cost more to get the brick for the XTL5000 VHF hi-power. Really wish I could afford the CH100 head ($1900 still available new) touch screen and bluetooth would be awesome as well as a couple of the FPP features available.

    For those unfamiliar with the XG100M (F). It is a full spectrum mobile from Harris. It was designed for interoperability between agencies. So it has low band VHF which I don't think the  APX mobile has, sure it is older then the APX mobile, but a lot cheaper then the APX


    • VHF low band 30-50 MHz
      • 9 miliwatts
        • Some agencies around DC suburbs still use VHF low
          • Shenandoah PD
          • Maryland state on the western handle of MD
          • couple of others
        • It CAN NOT transmit on the ham bands
          • Filters are to tight
    • VHF High 136-174 Wide/narrow
      • 5-50w
    • UHF  380-520 MHz Wide/narrow
      • 5-50w
    • UHF 700-800 MHz 
      • 2-30 w 700 MHz
      • 2-35 w 800 Mhz
    • P25 Conv., Trunked, 
    • 12.5/20/25  kHz spacing
    • Modulation
      • Phase 1 TX: C4FM, RX: C4FM & WCQPSK
      • Phase 2 TX: HCPM, RX: WCQPSK
    • DVRS (digital vehicle repeater) available for 700/800 Mhz only
  4. Bunch of little things. This radio was set to use system vs zones.

    Took me a bit to figure out I needed to create a conventional set first then I could add it the system.

    Bunch of little quirks like every piece of software.

    Like you can have banks. You don't program it like banka, then bank b.

    It just goes to channel #16 (bank a) #17 it's bank b.

    Not really sure why the gmrs frequencies were programmed into p25 conv frequency set and not to the conv freq set. I will have to ask the guru tonight at dinner.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  5. So good news. As long as bluetooth is enabled on the radio it will pair fine with a computer. With two exceptions.

    Exception one the computer couldn't see the radio. A whole bunch of "unknown" showed up on the computer when scanning for bluetooth. Could be the computer. On the radio it saw the computer fine. So I paired from the radio, acknowledging from the computer. Done.

    Exception two, this is RPM 14. some of the pop-up dialog isn't scaled quite right. Cutting off some buttons. No biggie, worked in QA for years. Use to this kinda thing. Just hit "tab" till it looks like the left button is lit, then hit enter. That is if you have this problem.



    messages_0 (13).jpeg

  6. What is often neglected is obstructions and elevation. 

    If you are using a handheld it becomes even more critical. For instance, I can hit a repeater with a handheld everywhere in my house, but one spot, which coincides with a desk I use often. Turns out there is a building some 4 miles away that is inline with the repeater and the desk. Move over 2 feet and full signalling.

    First, see if you can listen to both the input and output of the repeater and see if there is traffic. Double check tones and frequencies. Triple check how far you are. If you know the general location of the repeater, get close and see if you can make it into the repeater. I usually try this when troubleshooting gets difficult to verify radio settings. 

  7. 27 minutes ago, Lscott said:


    That's why more expensive than I'm willing to pay even used for a hobby. If I needed one for personally owned professional use that would change the economics. None of my radios falls into the later category. 

    Most definitely.  Too bad there aren't many options for APCO p25 in the amateur world. Mostly old commercial gear. Just depends on what you are doing and the quality level of gear you are willing to pay for.

  8. About how much do you have invested in the radio and accessories so far if you don't mind my asking?
    Not at all. Since it's not my radio but "long/short term loan". Nothing really. My friend handed it to me with the hi gain antenna and lithium battery.

    Only thing so far would be a charger (about $80 with shipping for a used harris multi Chem from ebay). Maybe a programming cable ($100, used to about $400 new in bag). Software I am hunting for (probably about $750 if I need to order from harris).

    I have found new/old stock for about $1200 (no bat or charger) to about $1300 for a complete used set. You can find used ones without battery for about $600, normally $800.

    So if I'd go out and buy one I figure close to $2k. Still cheaper then an Apx. Do I like it more then the apx, no but it's 1/2 to a 1/3 of the cost. Big if would be finding one that was widebanded on uhf.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  9. Waiting on the charger, currently. As well as waiting to meet up with my friend to enable bluetooth programming. Can't play with it much since there is a password set on the current mission plan. So can't edit the channels, not even the power levels.


    So apparently, there are three (3) banks to each zone. So 16 "personalities" per zone with 3 different banks to choose from. Essentially, 48 "personality" choices per zone.


  10. Use DSD plus fastlane with your dongle for the best public service you can get, 35 Bucks for lifetime and it handles simulcast better than any of my scanners. 10 Bucks for a year if you want to try it.
    Awesome. Will look into it.

    Using an unification g5 pager, lent from a friend on long term renta.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  11. Making me jealous
    Rightfully so. If it was an apx8k series down right heart attack territory both in sticker shock and joy.

    Update. Spoke to the owner, will not let me borrow the cable, he uses on the xl series (newer line) as well as th3 xg series part of the reason they are expensive. He said he is very protective about his harris cables.

    But we will meet up to enable bluetooth programming. Configuration on the radio has to be enabled, so it needs the serial programming cable.

    I like this radio more and more. Till I can afford an Apx. Which should be in about 20 years.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  12. Should note this.

    The radio when off the screen is white. I was concerned that it was damaged due to what looked like was streaking. In stand by mode, when the screen times out it is black.

    Powering on the radio it showed it was fine.

    Most of the XG-100P i saw when off were pretty similar, in one degree or another.

    Btw: screen photos in sunlight was with the back light setting set to 4 out of 10. So less then 1/2 of the available backlighting.

    Top screen is a white/black background, configurable in settings. *** top screen is not broken. That is a number 1 to identify current channel.

    *** Top screen has its own setting to reverse orientation and change backlight settings. No other customizations that I can see.



    xg100p top screen.jpeg

    xg100p top 2.jpeg

  13. 4 minutes ago, Lscott said:

    Looks very readable.

    I agree. Better then some of my other radios. Even my 878uvii plus washes out sometimes due to glare. 

    Screen doesn't look to be polarized with about 160-170 degrees of viewing. Didn't really disappear till the bezel was starting to obscure the screen.

    Completely viewable with my polarized prescription clip on sunglasses. Which I can't say the same about with most of my other radios.

  14. 3 minutes ago, tweiss3 said:

    That is Kenwood's stuff. All the kenwood softwares allow you to program a codeplug without the radio first.


    BTW, RPM14 from Harris is very interesting. Take what you know about motorola and kenwood combined, and toss it out the window.

    Wonderful.. just what I wanted to hear.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Lscott said:

    It looks like it's done on an individual basis. I haven't played with the software extensively but that seems to be the way it was intended to be done. The other thing is the radio comes in I think 3 different hardware versions. Due to the above I have sort of lost interest in getting one even if it's a reasonably priced used P25 radio.



    At least you can do that. Can't even do that with the XTL5k. You need to hook up to at least one radio to read the serial before you can even open a file.

    What version RPM is that?

  16. 10 minutes ago, tweiss3 said:

    Like I said, It's not a need to have, and I have the time to sit and wait. I don't need Phase 2, just U+V without wideband disabled.

    Like the other LMR/Public Safety radios. There are hacks in various forms. It's just find the person or dealer to talk to. Most don't want to deal with grey line stuff so won't bother. The other 1/2 hide in the dark. So if you don't know, you don't know.

  17. 6 minutes ago, kidphc said:

    I can ask my "Motorola crack dealer" to try and locate one, he is "resourceful" and has contact across the country. At that price point it will probably be much less then 100% ideal. 100% legit, most likely with the all the correct tags. Chances it will be the radio, no battery, no charger, no antenna with cosmetic defects. But don't hold your breath.

    Spoke to him and he said none available with the current feature set. They are out there but hard to find at that price point, and get gobbled up at a pretty penny.

  18. 40 minutes ago, tweiss3 said:

    Exactly. I'm not exactly itching to buy one, its expensive and a bit outdated. I'm really looking for the $800 range, but I don't have the cash burning a hole in my pocket right now either. It's also pushing the cost towards the line in the back of my head "just get a VP8000", since I have someone to help me with issues, and I've actually held it/messed with the menus. 

    I can ask my "Motorola crack dealer" to try and locate one, he is "resourceful" and has contact across the country. At that price point it will probably be much less then 100% ideal. 100% legit, most likely with the all the correct tags. Chances it will be the radio, no battery, no charger, no antenna with cosmetic defects. But don't hold your breath.

  19. 1 hour ago, Sshannon said:

    So one more level of organization than DMR? So, when you add selections to zones are you including the entire Personal group of individual channels or do you assign channels to zones individually?

    Don't have the RPM software or cable yet. So hard for me to answer this.

    But from what I get. You would create individual channels to assign to a zone and a bank.  I believe, but until I play with it, I can't answer straight forward.

  20. 11 minutes ago, tweiss3 said:

    The NX series isn't hard to get. If you are really interested in the wideband, let me know, I can point you to the dealer I used who was very friendly. He also helped @Lscottwith entitlements.

    Appreciate it, got a quote for about $2500-2600 for a dual brick NX mobile with entitlements and software from a friend who is a Kenwood dealer.


    On a side note:

    Too bad there is now real way to get around the Wideband issue on UHF. unless it was enabled on purchase or a demo model. L3Harris has no  part97 grant, nor do they care.  If the USCG Aux can't get L3Harris to enable wideband on the 70cm portion d for their fleet, we will probably never see it. Well unless someone finally hacks it, highly doubtful.

    So adjusting gain and screaming in the mic as I kiss the radio with each word will be the only way to be heard at times on 70cm and GMRS.

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