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Posts posted by kidphc

  1. Let me expand.

    Phone = voice (Mostly fm modulation, some are going to be digital aka dstar,p25,fusion,dmr,nxdn)

    Ssb = am single sideband voice
    Am = self expantory
    Data = digitl packets aka ft8, ft4 for the most part
    Rtty = radio teletype
    Image = slow scan images

    All of this is covered in the technician amateur radio license material. If you want more ino.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  2. In California, the hands-free legislation initially protected two-way radio operation and later clarified that only mounted radios (with corded microphones) were exempt. However, work trucks and some other commercial groups legally continued cell phone usage. and ... and ... and ... I honestly lost track!
    I am sorry to hear that another state thinks of such a law as a solution. As a teacher / admin, I prefer education over punishment!
    Here is the reality: People (here in CA) are using heir phones just as much as they did before the law !!! It actually got worse because they are now "hiding" their devices.
    Texting while driving is not a good idea if it involves your finger - but before the law, people would hold their phone up to the wheel and would be able to see the street and the phone - now, they are holding their phone very low and take their eyes completely off the road to text.
    Where I live and drive, many motorists are suspiciously looking into their lap or down at the middle console while driving - "like, all the time, totally".
    Fortunately, my car has apple car play and I can use my voice to text - still a distraction but a legal one
    I have yet to see any state enforce it. Some states even just mark it as a secondary offense.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  3. Did some further research. Although the law does not spell out "you can use a radio". They tried hard to limit it to "cellular mobile devices". I think you are safe.


    "257.602b Reading, typing, or sending text message on wireless 2-way communication device prohibited; use of hand-held mobile telephone prohibited; exceptions; "use a hand-held mobile telephone" defined; violation as civil infraction; fine; local ordinances superseded."

    NOTE: "use of hand-held mobile telephone prohibited"

    I am not of advocate of texting even with APRS devices. It's tedious even when standing still. So as long as you aren't texting, or reading on your Garmin or ham APRS rig you SHOULD be completely fine. Consult a lawyer to be safe, then put them on rerainer.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  4. Not really, but height would.

    No real magic in antennas, especially from manafacturer to manafacturer. Hence, why you see similar bandwidth and gain values.

    But if you can get the antenna above the ridgeline, then you will see improvements. Maybe even huge gains in reception and transmission distances.

    Once up there you can look at yagia (trade more gain for losing omni direction pattern) etc and all the usualy yada yada.

    Your antenna can only really get out to places it can "see".

    Sounds also like your antenna is very obstructed by the house. Usual recommendations are try to get ²/3 of the antenna above any near field obstructions at least.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

    My HF 228 foot OCF dipole is resonant on 1.9 MHz (and a few others / MIMO), but the antenna network has a 9.1: SWR at that frequency.  I literally work the world on that OCF dipole on 5 bands.  The principles in that book are the main reason I tell people not to cut pre-tuned antennas to adjust the SWR.  My radio performance at home is proof positive that its true.
    What's the power fold back like on the swr meter?

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  6. Very new to, well everything, Im trying to enter my repeater tones to the radio, KG1000plus, According to my local repeater listing on Mygmrs, he's on 462.725.
    He lists his input tone as 114.8 and his output tone as 141.3. 
     So I'm attaching code 114.8 to my tx freq 467.725 and im attaching code 141.3 to rx freq 462.725. 
    Do I have that correct or am I doing it backwards?
    Thank you so much for any help with this!
    Sounds right. Could also just set output to csq/none.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  7. The weather was great. A bit warm on Friday and sunny. Saturday it rained a bit early in the morning. By 10 AM everything was dry, NO MUD, partly sunny and it cooled off to the low to mid 70's. Looked like a really good turnout.
    Yeah heard the weather was just about perfect. They did say that the infield was a mess. But it was just the design of it.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  8. On 5/25/2023 at 8:22 AM, tweiss3 said:

    How has it been working for you? How is the bluetooth programming?

    Bluetooth works fabolous for programming. Haven't had an error yet during programming. But the radio is close and fully charged. Only negative with this style of programming is you plow through the battery life.

    Bluetooth works well with the headset. There is no separate bluetooth profile for PTT buttons, so that is kinda out. I believe there is a bluetooth hand mic that will work but its from Harris (might be a Pyrme retag) and it is expensive as well as rare.

    Radio has been working great. Its my go to radio, was a BF8HP then a Anytone 878uvii +, now it is the Harris. 

    The biggest cons are no APRS, duh.  No Bluetooth PTT profile. Cost and Weight.

    I was told a guy at Dayton had a cache from a police department of the XG100P. They were full feature set, new in box, with the charger, battery and antenna. One of my friends said the serial numbers and feature set matched the invoice which was in box. He was letting people buy "1" for around $450. He said the line was incredibly long (of course it was)

    God I wish i could of gotten one. But I didn't even go.

    Looking for a low price point stopped me from recommending that style of antenna.  My personal vehicle has a Diamond NR770HB, with that design spec.
    It is rough... since yes it's 2x the cost of a tram/browning of similar design.

    But built at a different level. So might as well throw it out there, especially with "best" being at the top of the list.

    He will have to decide his budget. I think the Diamond is a better antenna. But I WANTED survivability, which influenced my choice heavily.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  10. Thank you for the responses.  The ground plane will not be an issue, since it would be on my vehicle roof.  However, I am moving in about a month, which means I lose my enclosed garage, so I think I will wait since height will no longer be an issue at that point.  I'll also decide if I prefer VHF or UHF to make things easier 
    If you can run a 1/2, 5/8 over 5/8. You can get both bands nicely. 31" sounds like a lot but if it is a flexible type then it won't matter.

    Can't tell you how much abuse my larsen 2/70b took when it was on the roof of my suburban. Most parking garaged by me are 6' to max 7' clearances.

    Now try to add gmrs into the antenna mix. Slim pickings and most are incredibly stiff to get the coverage from 2m-70cm-gmrs. They end up being chunky inflexible antennas with barely acceptable performance.

    Nowadays I try to avoid tri-band antennas. They sacrifice too much, especially in performance.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  11. Really kinda tough like Marc says.

    Mainly because 1/2 wave 2m ⁵/8 over ⁵/8 uhf is going to be about 31".

    Really, any 1/4 wave 2m , 3/4 70cm antenna will work. ³/4 wave is just terrible from my real world testing but mostly on the transmit side, it received well. So any of the company's that build it will work equally (about) as well. Tram browning larsen etc. They are all going to about 18-20 inches.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  12. Assuming those are the correct tones (I didnt verify), then, yes..  You can simplify even more by omitting the RX tone, which is optional.
    We actually are doing that here because of multiple repeaters on the same frequency with different tones. Lots of cross repeater chat going on now. Just gotta let the repeaters all drop before next person keys.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  13. I've noticed that problem before too, not exclusive to Motorola as it showed up on my Kenwood HT over P25. I think it is more related to the Noise Suppression (or ANR in Kenwood) in low background noise situations. ANR is designed to cancel out sirens and industrial noise like fire truck pumps, and when its looking to remove a loud noise that isn't there, it causes problems.
    Could be why i was told to disable it.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  14. If you are a Jeep enthusiast and love to drive around with your doors off, but hate that the road noise is so bad that you can use your radio, I highly recommend getting an XTL5000 or another Motorola model that was designed for use by first responders and has noise cancelling microphone features. I have had a total of three XTL5000 radios and I have never realized there is a noise cancelling feature before this one.  This feature absolutely rocks. 
    With every mobile radio I have every owned, I could never drive around in a Jeep with the doors off because the tire hum and wind noise would make it so my voice was washed out.  It made the radio unusable while the Jeep was in motion.  I decided to mess around with the mic auto gain control and noise suppression.  I found that I can have the roof and doors off and still use the radio.  I have aggressive 37" tires that hum so loud, that with the wind and tire noise, I can't talk to my passengers if the doors are off.  BUT... now I can still use the radio!
    I setup my home-based FTM-300DR to record and went for a spin.  The slowest I was going was 45 mph, at the very beginning.  The fastest I was traveling during this test was 70 mph.  I'm pretty happy with the results.  You can hear the processor work its magic when I first start to transmit.
    Impressive aren't they?

    Warming popcorn for your install of the ftm500.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  15. Easy, just use BNC connectors for quick swaps between HT antennas, the mobile antenna in your vehicle, and the mounted antenna at home! No more “stress” on those SMA connectors…

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    True not true.

    The bnc relieves the stress created by installing and uninstalling a cable.

    The type of cable, how it is comming out of the connector and the angle of said cable all apply stress.

    Those Abree 48" long tactical antennas put a lot of stress on the sma.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

  16. Outside of some of additional (small) loses from connectors, it might not look as clean as a base install.

    I can not think of anything but potential damage to the sma connector on a handheld from either connects and disconnects or strain from a heavy coax on the connector.

    I can not think of many downsides.

    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk

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