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Everything posted by Socalgmrs

  1. Welcome. 2!things. Don’t go out into the desert alone. The hats outdoors rule number 1. 2nd thing gmrs is a bring your own friends kinda deal not a listen and talk to others. as for hering guys talking yes probably on a repeater. Or a base station with much better antenna and more power then your jeep set up.
  2. I use it off roading,!horse back riding, fire evacuations, cell phone down times, riding quads and hiking. Many of the local clubs talk for hours about adios and antennas. One guy as like 10 antennas for 1 hand held radio and he tests them every week. One guy asks what time it is every 30min or so. Another group chit chats at 4am. This not so much a hobby as a way to communicate while doing a hobby. I have way better things to do then chit chat about radios on a radio.
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