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Everything posted by Socalgmrs

  1. Yup. No amount of watts, money, “quality” can make up for location. Antennas help greatly aswell. I can put a good antenna up on a 20w radio and reach much further then a junky antenna on a 50w radio.
  2. Don’t know you but I like you. You say what I always say. This post sums up gmrs. I see people all day long that spend big bucks on 50w set ups, cant get more then a few miles, they come on here and get bad advice and spend a bunch more money on differ lent High priced stuff then quit because they couldn’t transmit 500 miles into 10 different repeaters. Then I see people spending $20bucks on an HT and getting 10-20-30 even 50miles simplex from a cheap 5w ht because they have good height and line of site. And those people get called a lier oh and to the original post… gmrs is not a hobby its a radio service one uses while doing a hobby. Ham is a hobby gmrs is not.
  3. Wow loads of extras to not work when you need them to. And all for $100+? Man can’t wait to get one and use it every day for a week untill it stops working. It’s super fantastic gimmick
  4. Really? A woxoun having issues? Really? Number 759 on the reasons why I won’t own a woxoun.
  5. Some radios don’t have all the tones in them. I’d highly suggest you program on a computer. It’s 100xs easier.
  6. The fcc says you can not charge to use a repeater. So if you’re seeing fees it’s either a club and those are dues or it’s not legit.
  7. Yup sure do. UNLESS some one is not playing by the rules but then it’s not really a gmrs repeater so still yes.
  8. Well this is all over the web, you tube, manuals ect. The easiest way is to hook it up to a computer and use a program.
  9. Who cares. Gotta say it does not matter at all. I’d say there are many other things to think about then theoretical watt limits for an ht. Most 8 or even 10w hts don’t put out 8 or 10 watts anyway. Most 50w adios don’t do 50w so none of this really matters. Especially if you’re buying a type accepted gmrs radio. Plus a 5w or a 10w really doesn’t matter for distance anyway so why eat battery like you already said for no reason.
  10. What software are you using? Usually this can’t be done you just manually type in for each different software you’re using. That’s why I only use chirp and only have radios that use chirp. It would take forever to program my 20plus radios if I used different software all the time.
  11. No one but your self can answer there. It’s totally a matter of what you want and what you have to spend. But stay away from woxouns, retivis, radioditty midland and rugged.
  12. I can’t stand wouxons. My self and every one I know has issues with them. They don’t hold up to hard daily use. They have programming issues. I do not in any way understand why they are so popular. They cost 3xs what a better radio costs. I wish they would go away.
  13. Midland….. hahaha. Just grab a good radio for less money and less head ache
  14. Gotta be patient they have a life and many things going on and it may take a day or it may take a week. You could always send a message.
  15. This is a totally unsound scenario with zero re world issues. I’m going to bet that no one’s home has ever been broken into because they used a call sign on a radio. It amazes me what some people have the time to think About. I can’t imagine being this paranoid.
  16. I’ll also add “some people” also use it as a way to make videos beating up on people, making fun of people, and generally being a pain in the world of gmrs for the sole reason of making money because no other skills exist. And then there are the clubs that want to be ham but the people running said clubs can’t or won’t get there ham licenses so they slap down 10s of thousands of dollars to slap up huge 100w repeaters on commercial towers then charge big money to be part of the club that then encourages it’s users to talk 24/7 on 3 of the pairs in a very busy metropolitan area. these clubs call the gmrs radio service a hobby and only want people in the clubs that have money to spend on high end radios.
  17. Socalgmrs


    Well. You already posted yesterday and I guess didn’t get the answer you wanted. However it’s the same question that is asked Atleast once a day every day of the week. Gonna have to do some reading. The answer is out there.
  18. I can not stress enough, use a computer program. Especially with these woxoun radios. They have issues. It’s 100xs easier than face programming.
  19. Don’t know but I’ll tell you it does not matter at all. My woxouns and Motorolas and kenwoods all work exactly the same as my poofwangs. Your much lore limited by antennas and surroundings then what type of receiver a radio has. Midlands are a huge waste of money at best anyway. Total low quality gimmicky junk
  20. It’s just a cheap radio but if your cable and antenna are of good quality and high DB gain you can do a few hundred miles on 20w.
  21. Nope. No issues at all. Totally different frequency range. Plus the gmrs uses ground plane and the cb does not.
  22. I love the solar IDEA but…. Solar panels are terrible for the environment. Absolutely horrible from start to finish. So are lithium battery’s. Much of the worlds lithium is dug up by slave children making pennys a day. OR it’s dug up by huge diesel diggers and trucks by way of giant holes dug into the earth or wiping away whole mountains. So as much as I’d love to get “free” energy from the sun the financial and eco trade off is not worth it at all. It’s the same BS as the electric car thing. They are horrible for the environment long before they even hit the road. But I do wish it was worth while.
  23. Great time to buy that special some one a radio for Valentine’s Day
  24. Strange. I’ve got cheap radios and professional Motorola radios that sit in side by sides and trucks down to -10 in Montana at the family ranch and none of them ever go out.
  25. Welcome. 2!things. Don’t go out into the desert alone. The hats outdoors rule number 1. 2nd thing gmrs is a bring your own friends kinda deal not a listen and talk to others. as for hering guys talking yes probably on a repeater. Or a base station with much better antenna and more power then your jeep set up.
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