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Everything posted by Socalgmrs

  1. Heheh let it’s a crappy woxoun. What do you expect. That will be the least of your worries as you use the radio.
  2. I’m always amazed at the stuff people bring to this group. My radio randomly did something strange. (It may have with these junkers). Now you all need to tell me how to fix it. When did people stop thinking or reading for them selves? Use he software I’m sure your not using to re set that setting. It’s super easy IF your already programming in a computer like most don’t do.
  3. I would not use that at all. Send it back or something
  4. Welcome to owning a radioditty. I’ve never seen one that worked right. I don’t get why any one needs to change firmware. I’ve owned 100s of gmrs radios and never once had one do anything like this and I’ve never down firmware upgrades. With all the issues these and other radios have on this very site I’ll never understand why they are even still In Business. Don’t agree? Take a look up and down this forum alone let alone on her forums.
  5. Not even close to correct. Ham has over 100 repeaters just in the Los Angeles basin. Then probably another 100 or more in the rest of so cal Not dead at all. Many are used for public safety, emergency communications for mountain community’s, local cert teams….ect So ham is well and alive But I’m sick of gmrs users taking up the repeater frequencies to chit chat and rag chew. Gmrs is not a hobby or ham lite it’s a tool.
  6. Your gonna have to look that info up on the map section but from your location south there are waaaay to may repeaters it’s crazy. The south la, oc and ie are covered in them so much they have repeater wars and law suits. It’s kinda nuts. They all eat chew all day long. Clubs and groups have nets that last several hours. One club has 3 repeaters and they are over powered and walk all over every one else. None of the repeaters or clubs are used for anytning but chit chat and hostile take overs to prove they have more money then other repeaters and clubs. Remember gmrs is not ham. It’s ment to be used when doing something not just chit chat or rag chews.
  7. In the middle Kidna obvious. That antenna is going to stink on gmrs 462/467 but hey go for it. Most likely it will kill your radio. You’re spending how much on a nearly new bronco () and want to skimp on the most important part of a radio set up? The antenna needs to be where the most money is spent. A radio is a radio but it’s the antenna that matters. A $20 5w radio with a good antenna can easily do 60 plus miles but a 50w radio with a junky antenna might not get 2 miles.
  8. Any one that thinks I poles or Ed fongs are hood antennas have never used anything else. They don’t work and are totally junk. Just get a real antenna.
  9. An issue with a raditiddy radio? No way and after a pointless firmware update? Really? Been in radios over 20years never once have I update firm ware. Why bother. It’s a radio. It tx and rx and 22 plus 8 channels that’s all it needs to do. Dump the junk radio and stop messing with it and just use it.
  10. And why do people like wo oceans. I mean just this week alone how many posts have been made about them. And this month and year to date. Why why why any one would ever spend the money they sell for on junk like this is beyond me. They must be very good and advertising.
  11. THIS and many other reasons why I keep saying midland stink. I have radios 1/2 the cost that have lasted over 10 years of hard use every single day all day long. Midland is just not up to the task especially for the money they cost.
  12. I use 771s but the slime ducks work a little better but costs more then most of my radios so I won’t use them. I know you didn’t ask but I would t waste time and money on any woxoun let alone the junky kg-1000. They have many issues and are not as good as radios 1/3 the price. As for antenna mx26 is good. The comet 2x4 works even better. Through mini mount is the only real way to go but an nmo mag will work fine also.
  13. Yup. It’s not a gmrs radio so why would it have gmrs “channels” pre set. But as you already found out just like many other non gmrs radios you can program them in chirp and make them work. But they are not gmrs so not ok
  14. I use abbree. They are cheap and I don’t mind if one breaks or goes missing. We have a whole bunch of ht radios. The main reason I do so well with distance in my area is flat dry desert. We use our radios 7 days a week all day long.
  15. Yuck. Why bother you can get amazing antennas that work waaay better, look better and are cheaper. They are junk.
  16. Only the people on the repeater need to id every 15min and at the end of a conversation.
  17. With a stock rubber duck I get about 10miles in the open. With a 771 I can do about 40miles in the open. I always carry a 42” foldable when on horse back out in n the wild that gets me to more than 60miles in the open. The help under curtain circumstances.
  18. I run a gmrs comet712efc works great in gmrs and a duel band comet 6nc and a duel band comet 9nc. Both work just fine in gmrs
  19. Yup battery was low. Did you charge it? I run 15 uv9 radios and they die every day. I’m have not had one problem with any of them in many years. Even the ones the get left out in the snow or 120deg days.
  20. Gosh I hate these whoa ocean radios. It’s 100xs easier to program in a computer. I’d try that.
  21. I totally disagree that gmrs is not a good service for emergencies for a small community. Radios are cheap range is good and set up is super simple and 1 cheap license is needed for a whole family. It works out extremely well here where I live. Our valley is about 60 miles wide and about 100miles long and 1 repeater covers most of it and another one covers the rest. Then we have a bunch of neighborhood repeaters that keep smaller areas in contact. The cost of an ok repeater with a great antenna can be offset by having every donate a few bucks. Heck you can even get a professional Motorola repeater I already set up on eBay for around $300 add coax and an antenna and as long as you have good height yiur going to cover more then enough ground.
  22. What does the local code say? What does your insurance say? What does the maker of the equipment say? I’d stick with that instead of opinions of these guys. If something happens and insurance won’t pay or the city/county finds you at fault for burning down your neighbors house or causing a wild fire you’re gonna wish you asked the right people.
  23. Many many things can cause this. Might not be digital at all. Might be some one doing it for kicks because hey dont like the repeater. Might be a cheap repeater having a melt down. Might be other interference. Might be aliens? Don’t know but it’s part of radio for sure. I hear it on all gmrs and Murs frequencies at one time/place or another. It’s not just a gmrs repeater issue.
  24. Awsome. This is a big part of the ham hobby. Have fun and make those world wide contacts.
  25. Are you programming on a computer it’s 1000xs easier. It’s only 2 in to the repeater and out from the repeater. This is honestly the same question asked 10xs. Week. It’s really not this difficult to do. We do t need to know the exact tones just put them in tx and rx. Some lazy people will chime in and say you do t even need the rx. If you can program tx you can program rx. It’s exactly the same. I would however recommend you reach out the the repeater club. After all that’s what a club should be for.
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