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  1. Six months with mine, favorite GMRS radio. Considering the new 935H as well.
  2. Not quite MURS, but Canada has VHF LADD mainly for logging truckers. 35 channels, same frequency range. https://www.hfunderground.com/wiki/index.php/VHF_LADD
  3. Crazy that GMRS advice 10 years ago was buy old commercial radios and software. Today so many off the shelf, errr order online, GMRS options to just turn on and go.
  4. I thought main indicated the area you're currently using, so it can toggle between A and B? Whereas the green phone shows what area was just active, either last received a signal or you transmitted.
  5. Isn't that icon for the last active area? So either the last area you transmitted, or received something. Helpful if you hear something and just miss what frequency it was on (A or B area). Not sure if it can be turned off, probably not.
  6. Before the coffee hit I thought the 5ft CB antenna was used INSIDE the cab! Hopefully the vehicle had a sunroof
  7. Repeater is open to use. https://www.howardcountyreact.org/gmrs PL tone looks good on the screenshot.
  8. If I'm not mistaken it's just the Q10H that can do that? It's cross band repeat, like a VHF to UHF repeater. Would be quite impressive, if not impossible, to have GMRS repeater in a single handheld.
  9. Looking at your location, is this the N3KZ repeater network? That system has been on and off from trolling for as long as I can remember. Usually a coin toss if it's active.
  10. Just got my email of repeater updates.
  11. How about retired Navy satellites acting as abandoned repeaters? Coverage is hard to beat! https://vapor95.com/blogs/darknet/satcom-pirates
  12. Oh gotcha, thanks. I'm in that group but I must've missed all that.
  13. I'm a more casual GMRS user in the area, but have noticed the drop in repeater activity. Sorry to hear about Roland, remember talking to him once. I like the occasional "rag chew" on open repeaters to know they're still working. Is talking on radio considered "ham" now? I'm not in the group where this discussion took place.
  14. I'm the typical radio dork, my family is not. Wanted simple radio communication just in case. Though FRS probably accomplishes 90% of what we need it's nice to have the GMRS power/repeater bump should we need it.
  15. Check to see if maybe your local weather station is off-air right now? https://www.weather.gov/nwr/outages
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