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Everything posted by tweiss3

  1. I wonder if a 2 channel mixer would work in your scenario: https://www.amazon.com/TENEALAY-powered-control-passive-X21/dp/B09WDMYYBP/ref=sr_1_11?crid=1XLFC7M6VRV4Y&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.4bQEOxlyEj8bOlCw2zKw3_3rnoi7s-PpUCUvllW2j67vtfzleIbvwsankw6gUQMNNN3qnxnVdjkERVcbCqcyWZINNy9LoeKZ3LxPQuyIadVUEXl9Nd-R6YEY--CCDWVOdTriTI0YhXmo-6fn8GRqjP1Eg4pLl1dFX9Xa0qzrSHynmNRxJyKPQdmftxyhhBQCKVefjz2djhWeIDNh3vK-s21eUrQWgaPRvlxNgRnokyCQAHGcVqkWJsilKHXv3bgk5DTAm0ivjiNyf5xLN15eZKidLoMhg3LMFEf8Xa4bbn_Zf4Poy_0_eaH5qj5UQJcXNo09_qOTXNjvzOKMUzW1EJjNsSdrYpAxmM2WRYsdFOaXZgu6ZtwouTOnuMONpRHZpEhTFnwjO7N9neTB2xBjUEtNr_YhYuruNmTNyu9RjHZ3ABp0wGpa_kyAoYuw7I_o.QA1I3W92xO6VV6l2FgL9sXWmcNRqC03_aEDDL2itOOY&dib_tag=se&keywords=stereo+mixer+2+channel&qid=1740410863&sprefix=stereo+mixer%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-11
  2. I'll argue the -120 dbm number. Yes, that is the squelch spec for almost every radio now, but you can't understand anything at that signal strength, -110 dbm is the bottom end of what a trained ear can claim to understand. Either way, theoretical flat earth is nearly nothing compared to real life experiences.
  3. I think we just had that conversation elsewhere......
  4. Assuming unity antennas, 2 HTs at 5W, and a received signal of -110dbm, that appears to be free loss in the range of 455km (283 miles) theoretically. Counting curvature of the earth, and using simplified equations for RF line of site from the NOFIG manual, you are just shy of 7 miles, this ignores wattage as a factor. This is all without any obstructions, like the middle of the desert. Outside factors really chop into those theoretical numbers.
  5. If I were to carry a radio on a bike today, it would be a HT either on my belt, or in the chest rig. Neither are ideal, but are better protected from falls/submersion. As for recumbent type bicycles/trikes, you should be able to get a decent mount on the frame and run a hamstick if you really wanted to.
  6. I had a backpack setup of a FT817 mounted to pegboard. HF went through a tuner and would connect to whichever antenna system I brought with me. On the side it had a 2 piece PVC mast where the stock 6/2/0.7m antenna was above my head with a set of 6M stingers hanging down. I was able to hike with 3 bands, and I did take it on a bike ride once. Control was through a bluetooth CAT controller and a phone app. Let me see if I can stir up any photos.
  7. I know, and they have 10 in stock in Talmadge. I need to make the 20 minute trip to DX and see if it's in the show room.
  8. I need to get hands on with the new IC-7760 and a TS-890. I'm not sure I'd ever pull the trigger on either unless I'm convinced I like them and they would be significant improvements over my 7300. I won't say I would never spend that much money on a radio because I have, but those two interest me. I'd like to see the 890 and 990 refreshed though.
  9. I think you need a speaker that is designed to have two sides input into the one speaker, like the Yaesu MLS200.
  10. It's probably linked via AllStarLink https://www.allstarlink.org/
  11. Speaking of solar, I drove by a solar farm today, still 70% covered with snow/ice. It hasn't snowed in weeks.
  12. I put together for OST programming, thought it might be helpful for others. The forum can't copy tables, so it is attached is the excel file. Included is also a "complete" CTCSS tone list with corresponding P25 NAC from the NIFOG manual. CSCSS vs NAC vs DCS - Copy.xlsx Hopefully this helps someone.
  13. Make sure you have the channel set to WIDE.
  14. Congrats. I'm glad you have found something fun for you. Great thing about amateur radio, if what you are doing isn't interesting to you, find something else to do with it.
  15. If you go through the trouble to make an account, they will "sell" you the software for $0. Buying radios is now supposed to go through a dealer.
  16. What antenna is that? Is it a 2-piece? I've heard of water intrusion problems with 2 piece antennas, or even at the base were it goes fiberglass to aluminum/steel, could be the antenna and not the coax.
  17. A 50 mobile base station will only be helpful if someone is sitting in hearing distance from that radio. The repeater would benefit all users, HT or tractor mobiles, as every one would hear every transmission.
  18. That should run almost any 100W base station radio, its rated to 25A continuous.
  19. What were you trying to use as a power supply? I currently use some pretty darn cheap power supplies until I pony up for a real one with battery backup. I have batteries as a backup, but it involves pulling the powerpole from the PS and swapping it to the battery box. If you get a good 30A power supply, you should have zero problems with any single "base" radio. If you get a power supply that needs adjusted, you tune it for 13.8V with zero load.
  20. What confuses you? Icom does not come with an internal power supply, you must provide your own 12v (13.8v) power source that can provide enough amps for the radio. 7300 requires over 21A, 7610 requires over 23A and the 9700 requires over 18A. I'll revise my statement, the 7851 has an internal power supply.
  21. I have a table of interoperability from NOFIG of the DCS codes, and which normal means an invert (i.e. 023N = 047I). It is in excel format. It also has CTCSS tone to P25 NAC for what it's worth. One heck of an OST (operator selectable tone) list.
  22. Anyone interested, I found an updated version with the revision date 2023 that works on current android versions: https://bitbucket.org/VK2ETA/andflmsg/downloads/
  23. That's what I was talking about earlier. On version 1.5, I get this message: I'm on Android 15 with the January security patches. If anyone can repackage it for android 15, let me know.
  24. I guess what do you determine significant? You should be able to make that up in antenna gain really easily, but 902 is more line of site than 440/GMRS, so you aren't going to be chasing skip.
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