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Everything posted by tweiss3

  1. If you are just listening, the Motorola XPR7550e has one the most sensitive receivers, the can be had for around $300 if you look for the right deal.
  2. I did help setup. When I left, all the antennas were up, and all but 1 had the final run of coax connected to their radio. I did make a time lapse of the antenna erection, but I haven't had a chance to review it yet, I did get uploaded/backed up to the gopro server, just waiting on me I guess...... Boy was it a hot weekend.
  3. I'm helping set up for our club, but that is it, I have 8 other things scheduled this weekend, that I'm going to be elsewhere before operating even begins.
  4. How far out does your wife hike in the mountains? As much as I would love to say "radio is exactly what you need", if she goes over the peak or out too far, radio isn't going to help without some infrastructure beyond what you setup. If you really are in a place where there is no cell service at camp and hiking, you will probably be better off using something like Garmin Inreach (you can message between devices and track each other). There is a subscription cost, but it's the only way to guarantee you two can communicate. If it's not very mountainous, or you are ok with large deadspots, I agree with the above. Get the largest push up mast you are comfortable with and stick an antenna on top. 25-40 feet will get plenty of range. You can also use a trailer hitch mast mount, then the only trick is some guy lines to keep it stable.
  5. 1/4 wave in all directions from the antenna. For UHF that is approximately 12" diameter, for VHF that is approximately 36" diameter.
  6. I think its the only way to stay legal on the few very-narrow frequencies that require 6.25kHz spacing.
  7. Not to derail this topic too far, but as far as Part 90 is concerned, under repeater use the mobile units will never need to identify. But under simplex use, which is actually not a small part of the Part 90 users (especially with itinerant use), atleast 1 unit is required to identify (instead of the repeater) for the user base, in the clear. It seems like its easy to pull off, but in asking around, other then Kenwood (in NXDN personalities only), its not possible, and usually ignored. FYI, the NXDN CW ID has it's own emissions, 4K00F2D. Back the the question from the OP, yes it would be legal, both from a recording (since GMRS is not encrypted/scrambled) and from radio generated CW.
  8. I'm still not sure why Kenwood only allows this on it's NXDN "personalities". I wish the offered it on analog, P25 and DMR personalities as well. To use it for GMRS, you have to make the personality NXDN, but input the channel as analog, but it does work.
  9. I can see this both ways. Both as a "does it matter if I spend the least possible" and "does it matter if I spend hundreds". The real answer is spend what you are comfortable spending, as long as it has all the features for your situation. And remember, GMRS is BYOC (bring your own contacts), so you pretty much have to be ok with buying at least 2 of everything to talk to your wife/kids/granchildren/etc. That being said, ignition sense in the commercial radios is a huge advantage. My wife's car, it just comes on when it's started, and turns off 10 minutes after the car turns off. With the right settings, she hears nothing but me when needed. I don't have to instruct her or get her to remember anything. Grab the mic and respond is it. Worth spending the few extra bucks for the setup in her car.
  10. If you have a ground plane (radials, through hole mount on roof of a car, cookie sheet, etc.), then you can use almost any antenna design, 1/4 wave, 1/2 wave, 3/4 wave, 5/8 wave. If you do not have a ground plane, or your ground plane is too small, you must use a no-ground plane antenna, such as a 1/2 wave or 5/8 wave. Of course, both of those work better with a ground plane. This is a good article to describe the radiation/gain patterns for the common types: https://practicalantennas.com/designs/verticals/5eights/ Of course, the benefit of 1/4 wave is its the smallest of the designs, and is very wideband, but the 1/2 wave is only 12" for UHF and can cover the entire UHF band (380-512) acceptably as well. 3/4 wave is 16-18" and is more narrow band (but can cover UHF ham and GMRS), and 5/8 or 5/8 over 5/8 is the largest. The ultimate decision depends on which compromises you are willing to take. Since I already have a 1/4" wave VHF antenna (at 18" tall), placing a 1/2 wave UHF (12" tall) 20" from it wasn't much of a compromise, I got gain, a better horizon radiation pattern, and didn't increase my clearance requirements. I do only use antennas with a base spring because he 18" VHF hits on parking garages I regularly have to park in.
  11. 3/4 gain have like a 30 degree up tilt, and negative gain at the horizon. It's why I have a 1/2 wave installed for UHF instead of using a diplexer to put both decks on the NMO 2/70sh
  12. No, RF ground and voltage ground are two different things. You can still use the mount, but use a 1/2 wave antenna, it will be about 12" in length. I am currently using this antenna on my car https://www.arcantenna.com/products/bmwu4002s
  13. Incorrect. The NMO mount takes the shield of the coax cable and creates the ground plane with the roof of the car. When you have it above the the roof on a roof rack, the shield doesn't get to roof to make the ground plane. You can use a 1/2" wave on a roof rack mount https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/cma-rs-660u. You can also use a ground plane disc if you wanted better performance, or to use a 1/4 wave whip https://theantennafarm.com/shop-by-categories/antennas-mounts/antenna-accessories/misc-antenna-parts/11713-taf-disc346-detail
  14. This is an old photo, as I now have the 1/2 wave UHF 19" to the passenger side from this antenna, but I have my VHF antenna (Larsen NMO2/70SH) about 12" in front of the aluminum roof rack cross brace. I haven't noticed any issues since it's been there for 4 years. This is a great alternative. I've even seen a 56" x 36" rectangular plate, closer to the roof level, that could hold 2 antennas and a light. As long as it's 18-19" in all directions for VHF and 6-8" for UHF, it should be a sufficient ground plane. Antennas noted as no ground plane will work without one (such as 1/2 wave), but with a ground plane the work better. My UHF 1/2 wave is noted as omnidirectional without a ground plane but with a ground plane it adds 4db gain.
  15. Couple of options, local handy man, a electrician, or lookup one of the local radio shops that service the public safety guys, they can point you in the right direction to an antenna installer/tower climber. The handyman will be the most economical of the the lot.
  16. No, you print the official copy, as the FCC will not send a hard copy of any license anymore. GMRS and ham are 1 page (ham has a place on the bottom to cutout and make a wallet carry version), but commercial licenses can be multiple pages.
  17. As stated above, the NEC is minimum, the R56 manual is significantly above the minimum, but is a industry standard designed to protect the millions of dollars of equipment in the RF shack at the base of towers as well as prevent damage to other infrastructure connected from outside. Note, in the event of a lightning strike to a site built to R56, the antenna will be destroyed, and likely the coax on the tower will need replacement, but the remainder of the equipment should survive.
  18. No. However, it only indicates that the operator has an amateur radio license, not that they are operating within amateur radio service. If one were to get pulled over the following apply: 1) There isn't any way for them to know what frequency/service you are using. Show them your amateur license from the FCC, that's the end of discussion as written. 2) It's probably going to take some overzealous cop 3 amateur radio licenses submitted during stops before they ignore radio usage all together. 3) It's pretty clear they are targeting cell phone/tablet/computer usages. They very clearly allow cell phones used for GPS navigation only, allow cell phones for calls/texts when integrated through apple play/android auto on the dash, as well as they recognize that e-logs are a thing for CDL drivers and they can't say a thing because the federal DOT is requiring their use. Don't be stupid, it will be fine. It also is a good call to just get your amateur tech license to maintain your exception status.
  19. For this reason, echolink is the devil. It's a nice occasional alternative, but some people should be barred from it.
  20. Its the requirement of Part95, mobiles/bases cannot transmit on 8-14, so they firmware lock those from transmit.
  21. Should be able to imitate a roger beep with one of the voice keyer memories.
  22. If this 800MHz antenna is connected to a scanner, you should make sure you have plenty of separation and/or insert an RF limiter between the antenna and scanner to make sure you don't fry the scanner front end.
  23. tweiss3


    I guess it depends on which year Miata, but GMRS could be as simple as a 6" whip middle of the trunk lid with an NMO mount. The CB will be harder. I'm not sure how effective the stock power antenna is, or how well it will resonate for CB, even with a matching coil or tuner. Ideally, you would be looking at something with length, like the Larsen NMO27B (49") on the trunk lid. There are other options for CB, but the real trick to CB is getting a good long antenna that resonates. For radio choice, I can understand wanting a handheld control head for space reasons. You may have to mount external speakers for each under the seats you can hear them, wind noise at highway speeds can really drown out the radios.
  24. From what I understand, local computer programming has been available for quite a while, however, the intilization of the APXNext requires connection to the cloud for activation, then you have enable local programming, then you can program with your computer like normal. It's not very desirable. And yes, the RF professionals is a small circle, everyone knows everyone. Heck, I know who has a specific RF combiner bought from surplus, as well as the original tech that installed it 20+ years ago.
  25. I'd be interested to know if the interference stops at some point when you get closer to the site. It would also probably be helpful to plot where the interference is first noted and when it disappears to get some vectors. Either way, beyond not being able to hear other radios in your party, I'd say its a good test showing selectivity and rejection of your Moto vs. other inexpensive radio on chip designs.
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