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Everything posted by WRFV510

  1. i think the antennas are in the rear glass.
  2. Just bought a 22 Jeep Grand Cherokee and it has a sunroof. I drill holes but there is only like 5 inches in front of the xm antenna to put the antenna. id be using a Laird ETRAB4500N or a ETRAB4503
  3. I Just bought a 22 Jeep Grand Cherokee with a sun roof. There is only about 3 feet of roof i can put a hole in. The XM radio antenna is also in this little area. im using a XPR5550e at 40w. How close is too close the XM antenna or will i have to worry about it.
  4. what version cps did you buy? any motorola dealer can get you a entitlement key for wideband easy. who did you buy it from on ebay?
  5. in my town both traffic lights put out a signal one opens the squelch on 462.7250 and the other on 27.1550.
  6. I bought a Laird RDE5798 450-470 MHz 3dB Phantom Elite, Black. 1.5swr on 462.5500 and 1.7 on 467.7250. tested it out and other then a little static in the worce areas for our repeater it works pretty good. i can talk to my dad the hole 40 miles home with it. The repeater is 5 miles away from my house. I also tuned the Laird BB4505CR and got it to 1.5 on 462.5500. 1.2 on 465.0000 and 1.5 on 467.7250 so good as its going to get.
  7. I ended up doing LMR-240 and drilling the hole. 16" from the rear of the cab ahead of the spoiler was perfect. only problem is that the Laird UTRA 4301S3NB has a SWR of 2.0 and is not adjustable.
  8. There is the MFJ-874 covers 1.8Mhz-512Mhz , its 2 SWR meters in 1 box.
  9. well that puts my mind at ease some what. I have 2 BB4505CR antennas. the other one was too short and read 2.5 on low channel and 1.2 on high channel. so I know I just need to shorten the one antenna. I also Have a BB4503. that is 1.5 across the board. I cant make the cable shorter. The only place you can mount a radio my size in this truck is on top of the dash. So it had to go top to under the dash and under the center console to the back pillar then up the pillar to the center of the usable roof. I wanted to post pics but i guess you're not allowed too.
  10. I just installed my xpr5550e in my 21 Silverado crew cab 2500HD. I had this radio and same antenna on my 17 Silverado crew cab 1500. A Laird BB4505CR. The only thing that has changed is the Coax. I was using RG8X. now im using LMR-240. both are roof mount installs. On the 17 I had swr of 1.2 on 467.725 and 1.5 on 462.5500. now i have 2.1 on 467.725 and 1.3 on 462.5550. 2.1 is not acceptable to me. would the different length of coax make a difference? I had to use probably 5 more feet on the 2500. The 17 had no sunroof so the antenna was in the middle. the 2500 has a sunroof and has a 16" ground plain. Being the swr on the higher channel is higher i guess i could shorten the antenna but i have another antenna. A Laird Technologies UTRA4301S3NB that i wanted to use but the swr on that is just about the same. I solder my 1st nmo roof mount. is it possible i screwed it up? I checked it with My Fluke 88V and had no continuity between center and outer.
  11. when i did the 17Silverado. the metal was so thin that it warped from the wind hitting the antenna. I was thinking putting a 2nd piece of sheet metal under the roof to strengthen it. I do have the Laird NMO hole saw.
  12. well i think drill the hole. there is enough room. never dropped a 2021 Silverado 2500 crew cab headliner
  13. I looked into getting a remote head kit but there's no place to put that either. the head is too big for the slot next to the wireless charger and i would be in my leg room or the passengers if i put it anywhere but above the dash. If I put it above the dash id have to cut a big hole to fit the connecter through and i might as well just put the whole radio up there. there's plenty of room. The PMLN7131 would be ideal but $479 is just not worth it for me. Id like to see the console plate but i use the wireless charger and i guess that covers that up. I have the safe in the storage compartment. this is my install on my 17 Silverado
  14. Just bought a 21 Silverado 2500HD Diesel. Im going to install my Motorola XPR5550e in it. The only place i can see is on top of the dash in the pocket. It has a sunroof So im not going to be putting a hole in the roof. i bought a Back Rack and a 12" plate for a ground plane. ill do a install post after i get everything. Just wanted to see if anyone else has photos of there installs on 19+ Silverados. I hope my Back Rack is grounded.
  15. so basically drilling a hole in the center of the cab roof would still be best. Thats not possible on my truck as the sun roof slides under the roof skin.
  16. I just bought a 2021 Silverado 2500HD and want to put my radio in it. Instead of dropping the headliner im going to put a back Rack on it and put a Laird BB4505CR (requires ground plane) or a BB4505CNS (no ground plane). Both are 5db gain. If I used the BB4505CR that requires a ground plane. I would have to make a plate to put it on. If I remember it requires a 7" ground plane. Would 7" be best or if I made it 10" would that be better? or I could just cut a 3/4" hole in the middle of the back rack and use a BB4505CNs no ground plane.
  17. they go make a hard screen protector for the 7550 7550e ITEM #: AY000267A01
  18. i just ask for a radio check. when i reply to someone saying testing they usually say they are just testing equipment and dont want me to give them a signal report. like i do when im programing a radio. I use another radio to verify. i just have the courtesy not to use the repeater for that.
  19. for the cost i bought both a BB4503 and a BB4505cr. i keep the 4505 on the truck. i cut the whole though on the roof. CB is behind it.
  20. politely is all no codes. 10 codes are acceptable. no political, no swearing. these are the rules. https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=2a71439886c0741d1d61e3bed1980d26&mc=true&node=pt47.5.95&rgn=div5#sp47.5.95.e
  21. I finished up my install of my XPR5550e GMRS radio and Uniden 980. The mic hang up clip is grounded so it stops scanning when i take it off the clip. This things great. I have CPS v16 so I can do my own programming. me and my dad have a XPR7750e too. so I have the radios set up so it will display who is transmitting. i can even send a signal to my dad so his radio rings until he answers and he can do the same. My brother has my XTS3000 so when ever they transmit it comes up with there name. I have a Laird BB4505CR 5db and a Laird CB27S antennas. there both black.
  22. looks like my ground goes to the starter and chassis so unless i unhooked the - terminal then hooked the radio back up id be good. but the better practice would be ground to chassis and eliminate the problem all together.
  23. It says in my Motorola manual too to NOT ground direct to battery. My truck does have a power monitor but why cant it be direct to the battery? the monitor just gives a warning to start vehicle if the battery goes down too low so hooking the + direct to battery is going to do the same thing as far as the monitor is concerned.
  24. i can see it on mine but not yours.
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