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About WRCQ487

  • Birthday May 19

Profile Information

  • Name
    WRCQ487 Jay
  • Unit Number
  • Location
    Northwest, IN
  • Interests
    Semi retired.

    Enjoying that RF Life :-) Northwest, IN.

    Using Motorola Equipment for GMRS.

    Motorola MTR2000 50 watt continuous Repeater with backup battery system.
    Celwave 6 Cavity Duplexer 562-4
    Andrew/Commscope DB-420 antenna
    7/8 Hardline
    On top of a 130 foot tower

    9 Motorola CDM1250 Mobile's
    5 Motorola HT1250 Portable's

    You can find me on Zello
    Username Jay (WRCQ487-1)
    Also I don't accept contact request unless you have a GMRS license posted in your Zello profile.

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  1. FCC Rule Part 95.1705: (b) Individual licensee responsibility. The holder of an individual license to operate GMRS stations is responsible at all times for the proper operation of the stations in compliance with all applicable rules in this part. (d) Individual licensee duties. The holder of an individual license: (1) Shall determine specifically which individuals, including family members, are allowed to operate (i.e.,exercise operational control over) its GMRS station(s) (seeparagraph (c) of this section); (2) May allow any person to use (i.e., benefit from the operation of) its GMRS repeater, or alternatively, may limit the use of its GMRS repeater to specific persons; (3) May disallow the use of its GMRS repeater by specific persons as may be necessary to carry out its responsibilities under this section. https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-47/chapter-I/subchapter-D/part-95/subpart-E/section-95.1705
  2. Click on the three bars top right hand corner. Click on browse and click on clubs.
  3. So another interpretation from someone at the FCC that really does not know. "We do not believe this permits using various networks to carry GMRS user traffic or communications."
  4. I know what you mean, I originally used the high side input for a external speaker and quickly found out that was not going to work and switched it the other way.
  5. One draw back is that you can't change channels from the remote area, it's not really a problem for me because I use it for family communication and not really bouncing around simplex or local repeaters channels.
  6. So I do that very same thing with my Motorola CDM1250. They have a jack in the back that allows for a second mic and speaker. I use the low output side for the second speaker along with a set of amplified computer speaker so that I have separate volume controls. I have three base units. One at the front of the house with the unit in the leaving room with a second mic and speaker on the front porch. The second base unit is in the back of the house with the unit in the office with a second mic and speaker in our up stairs bedroom. The third unit is in the unattached garage with a second mic and speaker outside in the back yard, so no matter were you are at you can hear it and transmit back. This is the kit I use. https://www.ebay.com/itm/120938110357?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=2EZBpsHPQDa&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=U2rvV5ATT8G&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY This is the speakers I use. https://www.ebay.com/itm/185624807591?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=75Sw-arjSmK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=U2rvV5ATT8G&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=MORE
  7. Thank you for all your help today Jay, it's appreciated. Can you please take a quick look at the images below and tell me if I entered the info in CHIRP correctly? Just want to make sure I have the tones configured right. Thank you! Eric

    Batavia Repeater.png

    Batavia Chirp.png

    1. WRCQ487


      It looks like you have everything programed for the tone and + offset but I have never used chirp or programmed a baofange so I'm probably not much help there. 

    2. WRWI368


      Thanks, just making sure I put the tone in the right place and that it was for Tone Squelch.

    3. WRCQ487


      Sorry but I'm not sure on that. There's a guy on the chain of lakes repeater that is a wiz on the chirp program. I believe he's callsign and name is WRDL342 Moe. I'm sure you could find him on here. 

  8. Awesome, hope to hear you out there soon. Also please be patient, that repeater owner works some crazy hours so please give him a week or two to reply to your request.
  9. So you are hearing the Chain of lakes repeater which is a out 20 miles from you. A HT may be a stretch to reach it but a mobile or base unit would have no problem. https://mygmrs.com/repeater/1710 It's part of a very large repeater link system. Most of the time it's just linked to other Wisconsin repeaters but a few times a week it links into Illinois, Indiana and Ohio with a few other repeater outside of those states. Also here's the linking map and if you click on the dots it will tell you which repeater it is. https://network.mygmrs.com/map
  10. Astron makes a nice power supply that is specific for the Motorola CDM radios. I believe the model number is astron SS-25CDM. If you are patient you can find them on eBay for around $150 or you can find brand new old stock online for around $220. Here's my setup. I did upgrade to the astron ss-25 with the meters. Also have a back up battery setup that charges the battery from the power supply plus switches over with out missing a beat if I lose power.
  11. Because your callsign has an I not a one between the X and 7. Hope that helps.
  12. https://www.ebay.com/itm/263779287455?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=QW_esGMBRM2&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=U2rvV5ATT8G&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=MORE I'm sure you can find them cheaper but that is what you are looking for.
  13. So I believe you are hearing the Crete 600. From Valpo you will probably need a good mobile to make it into it but a base station should have no problem. Here's a link to ask for permission https://mygmrs.com/repeater/6001 Also checkout the Valpo1 and the Laporte repeaters https://mygmrs.com/repeater/2685 https://mygmrs.com/repeater/4944
  14. No need for a crimper if you use these. N Connectors Male Rf Coaxial Connector for LMR400 Cable Belden 9913 RG8 Cable Nickel Machined Brass Construction (4piece clamp) https://a.co/d/4PKXPfH Also here's a video on how to install them. Very easy. https://youtu.be/c6Z8jHE3gC4
  15. This happens a lot when a new user request access to a repeater and they try to add it to their favorites but they add it to their own.
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