I replied to an old thread elsewhere in the forums, but did anyone get this fugured out? I have an F221, also, (AND an F121 VHF) and the scan function is a pain to figure out.
I have the 30 GMRS channels and repeaters programmed into Bank 1 of the F221.
In Bank Operation I have ALL SCAN in the text field.
In Scan List I have all ten lists set to M1(Normal), text field says SCAN 1 through 10 for the list.
In Scan Setting I have Stop set at 5, Resume set at 3 and Power ON Scan set to OFF.
In the programmable buttons I have P0 set to Scan A Start/Stop, SMARTRUNK Set to NULL,
P1 set to Scan Add/Delete (Tag), SMARTRUNK Set to NULL,
P2 set to Prio A (Rewrite), SMARTRUNK Set to NULL,
P3 set to Moni, SMARTRUnK Set to BANK.
I'd just like to be able to turn scan on and off. The mic isn't grounded. I don't think. I might have tried that trick years ago of wiring a ground inside the mic, but that might have been on my F121... ANY help appreciated!! Thanks.