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About Greg43545

  • Birthday June 3

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  1. I attempted to do a GMRS repeater search for my area. I provided the required information and then an orange/red error box appeared with the following message: An error occurred while determining your location: User denied Geolocation I then attempted an advance search with the same results as above. I attempted to locate on the website how to correct this, but was unable to find it. Can someone please provide the information on how to correct this?
  2. In your opinion, 1) What caused the " burning " ? 2) Has the isolator ( rubber cup ) reduced the transmit / reception efficiency of the antenna? 3) Would you recommend this antenna for the purpose I described above in the original post?
  3. Thank you Michael, I appreciate the reply. If I may ask what type of HT are you using with it? Greg WRJD 307
  4. I recently purchased a Baofeng UV-5R Pro for use in my vehicle. I plan on using it as a mobile for GMRS ( Yes, I'm licensed ( WRJD307 ) and I will obey the power regulations with it as prescribed for GMRS ) and I'm also studying for my HAM Technician License and plan on using it as a starter radio for HAM when I'm Technician licensed. I've been looking at Mobil Antennas and two in particular have caught my attention. One being the MXTA26 ( 6Db gain ) by Midland and the other being the Browning BR-450 ( 5.5Db gain ). I'd like to get opinions on: How do they compare to each other? ( Transmit range & Reception Quality, etc. ) and If either would work better with the Baofeng UV-5R Pro than the other?
  5. I know there is an MXTA11, and an MXTA26 6dB Gain Antenna. Does anyone have one, and if so, how does it compare with the MXTA25 3dB Gain Antenna?
  6. Thank you. I too consider this matter closed as well, and would like to get back to the topic of the thread.
  7. I didn't report anything to a Moderator because I didn't feel it was necessary. I complemented O-B-1, Marcspaz, and you on your replies because they're always professional, helpful and informative. I blocked those replies and individuals that I felt were not. I was mistaken that, unlike Facebook, when you block someone that their posts remain, and for that mistake - if there was any confusion - I apologize.
  8. I've researched the LMR400 and think you're correct and have ordered it from here. Thanks! https://www.theantennafarm.com/catalog/lmr400-50-nm-6826
  9. There were several replies made that, instead of being instructional, were snarky cynicism and I removed them from this thread and blocked them as well, that is why you don't, or didn't, see them. I'm here to ask questions and learn. I can take "constructive" criticism if that is an intention of the poster, but don't feel it's necessary to be berated. You and berkinet have always responded with positive instructions and I appreciate it - thank you.
  10. First of all I would like to thank you for your professional response, some here could take a lesson from you on " civility ". I assume you're going to go with the LMR400 cable, how many feet do you estimate it will take to set up your antenna to your radio, and what are you estimating the cost will be for the coax? What make and model ground plane kit are you considering and where did you find it? I would like to research it as well.
  11. My family all used to be into Citizen Band radios for mobile communication when on the road - mobile to mobile and mobile to base units. Then the 'nutjobs' all got into CB's and turned that world into a ' toilet bowl ' with profanity, unprofessional users, and just plain rudeness. So my family got out of it because of that and availability of cell phones for communication. At the same time, I moved to Florida after college because of work, so I was not able to be involved in our local family communication decisions. After I retired though I moved back to NW Ohio to be around family ( yeah, go figure - I moved North when all other retirees move South. Long story. ) I have lived through Tropical Storms and Hurricanes while living in Florida for 30 years and I know that one of the first things to go out is power and cell phones, The house is equipped with a Generac generator powered by a large propane tank to provide power so that is covered. Now I'm trying to get my family into the GMRS community in case of emergencies. We have a couple repeaters in the area that are free to use by all and should meet our requirements if need be.
  12. OK thanks, I will make a note of that and keep it in mind.
  13. OK thanks. The Bundle came with the 3dB antenna, so I'll set that up and see if it meets our needs. If not, I'll step up to the 6dB antenna. Thank you.
  14. Thank you, THIS has really helped me to understand what I need to do. I appreciate the help. I know once I get the radio set up and start performing these functions it will become more of a second nature to me and I'll be asking less questions ... ;-)
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