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Everything posted by Shadow471

  1. That would be awesome.
  2. Well, just tested a bit. The firmware locked to only TX on GMRS. It is a dual band, so set the B VFO to my local NOAA. But it's programed in Narrow for all channels and the .5WATT channels are missing, as the radio will not go that low. I saw Low power channels with 5.6W and High power channels at 19.6W. Surecom SW-102, with Dummy load, its a 1W higher on both low and high. The first 14 function are hidden and not accessible. This might be a deal breaker in its current state. I'm not finding the tone settings. The repeater channels are there, but not modifiable. Also the channel's are not named, so it's only the Freq and memory number. Does not work with CHIRP. Even with the Anytone CSP V2.0, you can not modify the current memories or create any new ones. I was able to switch all memories to Wide band, batch change to all. But without the tone option, it's worthless for duplex. Still testing. Haven't emailed them yet.
  3. I use the 701C, its in stock on Amazon and it's better than the stock antenna or the standard 701. I am thinking of the 771G, only for it being taller and maybe a bit better range. The 701G and 771G are exclusively made for BTWR.
  4. I didn't see the FCC ID, but they listed the Mod IDs. This is a single band, UHF. I think it's a single receiver. They must have just recently tuned it for GMRS. The AT-778UV is a full dual band dual receiver. I've tested it and it's a very nice little radio, but there was not a lighter plug included, it was a hard wire. This one does have the lighter plug. Much smaller than the 778, which would make sense as its a single band/single receiver. One think I don't like about the 778, is that the volume know does not stop at the top/end of the range, it just restarts at the beginning/bottum. But it was soo much better than the BTECH 25x2. I did order it. would be great if it worked better that the Midland 15Watt models. If the MXT275 was Wide band, I would have kept it and been done. 8-)
  5. Its not a dual band VHF/UHF, UHF only Its selling for $75. I'm going to skip it and wait for a high end option. GMRS: TX: 462.5500-467.7250MHz RX:462.5500-462.7250MHz FM:86.7-108MHz
  6. A list showing low to mid-priced used commercial Part 90 gear vs a same cost CCR, would be greatly beneficial to the service. If we show the masses that an originally $500-600 radio, used and so much better than a CCR. You would hope, should help to push more of the Part 90 radio into the hands of the newer enthusiasts and out onto the repeaters. I know it would have helped myself. Larry 8-)
  7. Maybe the GD77s and one of the 6550s
  8. So noticed that the KG-805G was being listed as a "BASIC" model on BTWR. Well this morning, BTWR is showing it as discontinued. https://www.buytwowayradios.com/wouxun-kg-805g-basic.html I saw a post somewhere that BTWR is working on a rugged version of the KG-805G and BSR is working on the KG-UV9G. Just a bit late in the year to get these before Christmas. 8-|
  9. Missed out on the Kenwood. Although, I'd prefer ICOM. 8-(
  10. The KG-805 is a single band radio. So the KG-805G is UHF only and limited to TX to the GMRS range 462-467. I had MURS and NOAA in my setup in CHIRP for my BTECH GMRS-V1. When I imported in into and sent it to the KG-805G, the "other" memories were erased. The coming KG-UV9G is a true multi band RX on 7 bands, not just the normal 2 bands that dual band radios have. 73 8-)
  11. So far I use my KG-805G the most, even trying it in the car with a AMP. Out of the 3 different HTs that's i've tried out. Best receive signal of all. Cleaner and louder thanks to the SuperHet reciever. I am also waiting for the new KG-UV9G to be certified and released. That might end up being a very powerful HT. I've seen the KG-UV9P, and its really nice. https://bettersaferadio.com/bsr-wouxun-kg-uv9g-gmrs-two-way-radio-scanner/ Just my .02 cents, but haven't gotten into the Icom or Kenwood,,, yet. lol
  12. Well there's a new mobile coming out. Reviews on the model its based on are very good. https://www.buytwowayradios.com/wouxun-kg-1000g.html?___SID=U I also read some talk about an MXT400 II. Nothing solid. I returned my MXT400 and MXT275 before the return policy expired. Really wish that the MXT275 was WB, everyone noticed the lower RX audio. I also have the BTECH GMRS-v1. I missed the return date. Oh well, its the loner , if needed. Due to the fact that you can only RX on teh first 30, I didn't even want to try the GMRS-50x1. I have and mainly travel with the Wouxun KG-805G. I have about 20-25 saved channels. 3 or so the same Freq, and 2 with split tones. With the Wouxun having a SuperHet, you can hear the difference side by side on the cleaner received signal. Trying out the 805G with a KVG VR-P25, 20-30 Watt Digital Amp. I'm getting the full 30Watts. Just need to see what kind of receive I get when traveling. Also waiting for the to be released/certified: https://bettersaferadio.com/bsr-wouxun-kg-uv9g-gmrs-two-way-radio-scanner/ I played with my buddy's KG-UV9P, feels and operates very solidly. Just my limited experience and .02 cents. Maybe sometime int he future move to an Icom or Kenwood. I don't know much about which models are OK for GMRS. 8-)
  13. Looks like a new radio. Its MSRP is $129. But its on eBay for $99. I also see its on sale for $74.99 direct. https://www.retevis.com/GMRS-20w-1-44-Inch-display-Mobile-walkie-talkie-RA25 Anyone know the brand or hear/have this model? Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  14. From my reading all I could find. Its based on the KG-980UV Quad band. Based on KG-950UV Quad. Based on the KG-920UV Dual. A true dual transceiver with Left/Right split design with dual speakers even. Uses SuperHet receivers. GMRS/UHF band side is being pushed up to 50W from the 40W UHF on the KG-980UV. Two KG-1000G can be used as a GMRS 50W repeater set. Listing for $320 only $10 more than the $310 for the KG-980UV. IMHO much better package then the MXT400. I'd live to try it out, but I don't want to be first one too. And as stated the MXT400 is over priced, so is this unit also? I returned mine just shy of the 30 day return. Was much more useful with the programing software. Also as stated, how far are you from a new or even use Jap/commercial unit. But only testing will tell us. Just my read and .02 Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  15. I'm getting a 1.04 on the Midland Mag mount. Centered on the roof. About a foot back from the moonroof. On Channel 19. Kia Nero, small SUV, sport mini wagon. Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  16. From my reading, the MXT275 is set to NFM. Can this be changed? Sounding like, no. I don't feel like I need a 40W (MXT400) or 50W (GMRS-50x1). I like the compact and versatile package of the MXT275. Just got it a last week. But so far it's in the house with a UT72 mag mount on my metal framed desk on teh second floor. Hitting my local mwGMRS net repeater about 40 miles away, nice and strong. Can't wait to test it out in the car. Waiting for the NMO Mag mount with UT75 NMO. 72
  17. I ordered the KG-805G. So I'll be able to test the receiving quality vs the BTECH GMRS-V1
  18. Thanks for the info. I went and ordered the KG-805G. As the BTECH GMRS-V1 is just annoying me and it's still in the return policy. I'll standby for the KG-UV9G.
  19. Does anyone know if the KG-805G uses the SuperHeterodyne receiver? I know the KG-UV-9G does, still waiting to its cert and release. This will be my second "Pro" model, after the BTECH GMRS-V1. My biggest issue with the BTECH is that is does not transmit from the saved memory channels.
  20. Has anyone saved a repeater setup and then tested using that memory setting to transmit. I'm a newbie to GMRS, but not to tuning/coding/programming. I started with Motorola MS350R years ago. Then the BTECH GMRS-V1 and didn't realize that is will not transmit from the saved memory channels. I have about 20 repeaters saves, as I travel through out my state and nearby states. This is a killer for me, I'm not going to have a cheat sheet and change setting while drive around. I ordered the KG-805G and waiting for the BSR KG-UV9G to get certified and released. It sounds like the best or sill be the best GMRS HT. Also waiting for the MTX275 Does the KG-805G have the Superheterodyne receiver? I've heard the difference between the on-ship (BTECH) and the SuperHet Thanks and take care
  21. Any updated status on the release date?
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