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Everything posted by gortex2

  1. Does no one search the page. This was the post prior to your post.
  2. Again we are beating a dead horse. If you want to use some 10 code use it. I can say in Public Safety world very little of the 10 code system is still in play. Other than 10-4 you wont hear it much in public safety. In SAR we have a few "CODES" for critical information but to be honest just go to encryption if we need to discuss that.
  3. So you want to change GMRS to ham radio ? I don t know of a part 95 certified hotspot. I also don't get the concept. If you cant talk to the repeater dial your cell phone ?
  4. I can assure you a 50 watt mobile vs a 35 watt wont gain you much if any. Antenna systems are the important part. The longer the antenna cable the more loss. As reference a 100' of LMR 400 will be 3db. That means at your antenna its 25 watts on a 50 watt mobile (in a perfect scenario). Receive signal is the same. 3db isn't a lot but it can be the difference between hearing a user and not. I'd focus on a decent antenna and figure out how you can eliminate as much feedline as possible. You didn't say what antenna your using now so its hard to tell if one antenna is better than the other. The Tram/Browning seems to be a good base antenna from what I have seen. Personally I go for the Laird FG series for my stuff. Most dont want to spend the extra cash but I like purpose built quality antenna's so i do stuff once and not many times. I run the FG4500 on my portable repeater for camping. I use the FG4603 on my parents house and others who want a basic control station and I use the FG4607 on one of my repeaters. All other repeaters have the DB404 as they are on commercial LMR towers. Most of my hobby stuff comes from Antenna Farm as they are simple to work with and decent priced. Here is a list of GMRS base antennas they offer. https://theantennafarm.com/shop-by-categories/shop-all/base-antennas/gmrs-base-antennas/gmrs-omni-directional-base-antennas For work stuff I use Talley and Tessco.
  5. Yup. My last new rig was the FTM400 at $500. Sadly nothing really new at a price point I will grab another. Would love to replace my TMD700 in my JK with a new FTM but can't justify the cost for not as good of a radio.
  6. For your application I'd go with the Midland. Many in the off road world are using them and it will be simple to use. The MTX575 has the handheld head but cannot be programmed via PC. The MTXT500 will allow you a few custom channels in addition to the standard.
  7. If the PI is ever reasonably priced I'm sure they will. I thought last year he offered a downloadable image for your own gear ?
  8. I think yo will see HAM gear with less and less product. Sadly the CCR world is where 90% of the ham community has moved to. There are still guys spending $2000-3000 on a HF rig but to spend $600 on a dual band mobile makes their head hurt. I love my older HAM rigs but very few "new" hams would spend what I paid on any of them. If they can't sell gear and make money they wont.
  9. Sorry I disagree. GMRS was never a service to meet folks or talk to others outside your group. It was intended for private family communications. This is yet another topic that comes up many times thru the year. Some folks say 4 for 4x4, some say 19 because CB uses it (even though we can't above line A but most say who cares) and others say use CH20 that was the original "emergency channel". No one will ever agree and its not worth the effort. If someone asks me I say 20 as that's what my FCC license showed for years. To each their own. If you had searched this forum you would see multiple threads on this topic. None ever conclude with a true answer. As to your points above - # 1 - If you call me I wont answer. I dont use GMRS to meet new people. I use it as it was originally intended for. # 2 - Use PL or listen to FRS and the CCR World. Go to HAM, CB or any other band and hear the same. # 3 - 462.675 was the unofficial emergency channel (such as CH9 in CB). Many folks set up repeaters on that. Our SAR team inherited a repeater from REACT (go research that). It was on GMRS 462.675 as that was the emergency channel at the time. Over the years our SAR team upgraded it and incorporated the "travel Tone" when that came to be. Never once, including my REACT days did anyone ever call for help on the channel . I'm sure in a week we will have 200 posts on this thread with pro and con of all but in the end there is no need for a travel, emergency or call channel in GMRS.
  10. No thanks. No need to know me or where I am in my opinion. GMRS for me is a utility and not a hang out to meet folks. They have websites for that.
  11. Many repeaters are outdated as there is no requirement to update or maintain stuff. In addition there are repeaters that are listed that have never been put on the air. Depending on how the repeater is programmed it can or cannot do what your seeing. Personally all my LMR repeaters ID every 15 minutes or 30 for hobby stuff. No need to ID after every transmission but I've seen that in the ham world on some stuff. I would not say your doing anything wrong its the way the owner set it up.
  12. Here is the best one to use in that area. Multiple voters thruought your area. https://www.mygmrs.com/repeater/5746
  13. Not really. A repeater should already repeat your transmission.
  14. basic rule of thumb is 60 miles from boarder
  15. There are repeater pairs available. That was 2 links i found in 10 seconds of google searching. You can send them a message and ask if they will do a RPT channel if not find a coordinator to help.
  16. I wont get into the process but there are places you can go. https://sites.google.com/a/mst.edu/robert_ruark/radio/licensing-a-business-band-frequency https://www.buytwowayradios.com/business-radio-license-itinerant-4136.html I use EWA for all my business licensing stuff personally but that's just my preference .When doing Public Safety I use APCO. You can fill out the FCC Form 601 yourself and not include a coordinator but it must be completed and submitted 100% correct or it will bounce back.
  17. My point was we are worried about ID yet not worried about non certified radios. Both are breaking the rules, yet one we jump up and down over and the other we help with. In the end it doesn't matter. People do what they want. IF they want to ID then ID if not dont do it. No one will knock on your door just like using your ham radio on GMRS.
  18. I wish threads would lock over time to be honest.
  19. If you can find them, ICOM had a GMRS portable. It was the IC-F21GM portable and had a 16 channel dial on it. We sold a ton at our shop. They come up on ebay alot but normally way more than I'd spend. The ICOM F21 was the same radio but in business mode. https://icomamerica.com/en/products/landmobile/portables/f21gm/default.aspx
  20. Apparently you don't know what an Iternate Frequency is. One coordination and can be used anywhere in the US. I have multiple in UHF and VHF. Can be used anywhere in the US. They are there for business's that move around the US and do work all over. Go into an area setup a repeater then tear down and move again next month. But you keep believing that you can use GMRS and go wild west vs reality.
  21. Are we arguing about this again ? There is litterly a dozen posts on this. Give it up. IF people follow the rules they will ID, If not it is what it is. I think the pillferation of the CCR ham radio and modification to use on GMRS would be more of a concern....
  22. Simplex in digital mode yes. No encryption in Analog (p25/DMR) P25 repeater will also carry encryption. None of this applies to GMRS channels.
  23. I think your just using that as an excuse. Unless your near Canada a business Iternate license is pretty easy to get and will allow US use with repeater rights. Granted you wouldn't want to use CCR units on it.
  24. As reference I operate 6 repeaters and none are listed anyplace. They sit quiet until needed.
  25. In all reality until the repeater gets in the mix they can do what ever they want. The only requirement for a repeater is having a license.
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