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Everything posted by gortex2

  1. Been a quarter of the cost to buy a Midland or other functional repeater.
  2. Good reason not to list a repeater/.
  3. That's been an issue since the site started. Some folks are on the forum daily but rarely get on the actual website. Also some at one point thought to add every repeater under the sun regardless if its even there. Others listed a repeater was online for a while then left and don't reply nor care. Lots of reasons. I actually removed my repeaters from the listing as I didn't want folks asking about them.
  4. Similar in my area. I have repeaters and in 5 years at my new house I have yet to hear anyone on any of the GMRS only frequencies. Every once in a while I'll hear a hunter on FRS1 but that's rare. I use GMRS for what it was originally intended for so its all good for me. When I need to talk to folks its on the Jeep trails and the jeep is in front of me. Sadly many come to GMRS as a substitute to HAM or CB and think everyone is on it to chat. That's not always the case.
  5. Takes about 10 seconds on the search bar. He is who owns both the website and forum. https://forums.mygmrs.com/profile/5-rdunajewski/ I'm sure when you read the forum rules you saw his name.
  6. As reference neither radio you reference is Part 95 certified. Both are ham radios.
  7. Back in our shop days we used FRS to test repeater sites from certain locations. Send guy up tower and talk to him from the site. Surprising where they would talk and not talk.
  8. Reach out to Rich
  9. Most of us use a certified radio for the service we are on. Rules are Rules. Regardless if you follow them or not they are there. No manufacturer is going to take on the FCC to change rules to make it better for you. They will make 3 radios all identical with 3 different firmware just to sell 3 radios. Why would they want to sell a radio that can do many services. Thats not economics. As you can see in the ham world the big 3 have not ventured much out of ham and have no interest in doing so.
  10. Being @pcradio is going to use his radio and in his simple mind believe its ok I dont know why we are debating this topic yet again. The entire CCR mentality is why we are in this mess. You didn't have this problem when you had to order a crystal and provide your license to buy a radio. Things change. Get over it. The CCR will continue to ruin radio for all of us.
  11. Channels 1-7 are low power (max 5 watts). Repeater channels will be high power. I would check your power source also.
  12. OK. I have never seen this happen. I can only guess and say its poor quality stuff, or improper tuning.
  13. Again I guess I'm more confused now. Is this an N connector on the duplexer ? Looking at your picture I'm not sure where that part would go. On all my flat pack duplexers they are N. There is no insulator in there center. Can you show us a picture of where this is ? @Radioguy7268 is correct. No matter what you jam in your loosing power thru the duplexer. Back it down to 25 and be good. I have used the flatpack ones in the past for small repeaters and never seen the issue you are describing with a proper N connector and quality cables.
  14. My question is how is this happening. On GMRS the duty cycle should not be enough to melt it down. This is analog correct ? How long are you keyed for to do this damage ?
  15. Price of 3 you could have bought a real duplexer.....
  16. As said someone used a PL259 instead of a N Male on the connectors. They need replaced.
  17. I have WX channels in any radio that will accept them. I dont monitor them routinely but do change to them during weather events.
  18. Out of the box into my 2600 service monitor I never saw more than 45 watts on high power. Remember specs is 10% +/- so if your showing 40 I think your good to go.
  19. DB404 is $500 alone. Add in shipping and hardline and connectors and your at $1000 really quick. As said its all about budget. I know alot of folks use the Ed Fong and rave about them. Personally I think they are junk but up to you. The FG Series Laird antenna is a good all around base antenna. Some good LMR and a FG will work well for a basic base radio. If simplex is your plan then thats a good option.
  20. DB404/408 is a really good antenna. I have some on towers for 25+ years. 1/2" LDF at minimum for anything over 20' although some of my repeaters run 7/8". Mast is a huge topic. 10' 1 3/4" aluminum is my go to for basic house mount, but would place a rohn 25 tower for most. As said plan to spend some funds on it.
  21. Take it to the shop. You stated you have no idea how its programmed. It could be on GMRS, or public safety or Land Mobile frequencies. A shop can put in on proper test equipment and possibly read out whats in the repeater.
  22. Many better antenna than the Ed Fong. I dont know what draws folks to that antenna. The Laird Antenna is good but even the TRAM is better than an Ed Fong.
  23. I didn't look up the FCC ID but think that was an old repeater that was part 95 certified. But regardless nice to see FCC doing something.
  24. Didn't see this on the forum so if it is apologize for the duplicate post. https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DOC-394174A1.pdf
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