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Everything posted by gortex2

  1. GMRS will work about as well as the 440 ham band. A NMO Mag mount with 1/4 wave UHF antenna is one of the better antenna's you can use. Any commercial LMR 1/4 wave will work fine. You range sounds about what I see during caravans on Jeep events or travel with family. To be honest MURS may of been a better option and no license, but no repeaters.
  2. I am trying to get someone on site to read my FR4000. Its been on the air for 10 years and it does ID. Normally hear it after a conversation. If I can get someone on site to read it I'll advise. If you want to add the ID-O-Matic I would think using the MIC jack may be simpler that the rear but either should work. Manual for it is here - https://www.repeater-builder.com/icom/pdfs/fr3000-4000-im.pdf Also here is the document from ICOM on CWID - https://caraham.org/resources/Documents/Learning Conference 2013/ICOM/ICOM CWID repeater setup.pdf
  3. I am very familiar with what HAM radios does, however the poster was talking about linking. My comment was the linking in ham radio would not be there either. His comment was - In reality very little ham or GMRS stuff will be working without the cell sites or internet up in regards to linked systems.
  4. Sorry but in the event of a disaster 90% of those links will be down. Most are on consumer internet circuits at homes with no generator. Ham is in the same boat 95% of the time. Unless its a hardened site with hardened internet it can't be relied on for anything. Again if you want to talk across multiple states pick up your cell phone or get your ham radio license.
  5. Another issue your are not thinking about is filtering for the repeaters. Taking a single 25khz channel and breaking it into 2 12.5 khz channels is not going to work. And if we are worried about frequency efficiency then set your radio for 12.5 instead of 25khz. GMRS could go to narrow band like LMR did.
  6. Many folks don't want there repeaters connected. None of mine in NY or Virginia are connected. They are used for what they were intended for. Otherwise I pick up my cell phone.
  7. People complain about buying a quality GMRS radio. If tomorrow the FCC says yup you can use digital what are folks going to use. DMR has been huge in for years now and other than the CCR world none of the big three make a DMR ham rig. So this means CCR junk on GMRS. Additionally same as ham if they don't specify a format folks will use whats suites them. For me P25 is the way to go. This just adds to the cluster. We can't get wideband/narrowband figured out on GMRS and folks want to add more complexity.
  8. Did you put the call sign in it via software ? How do you know its not transmitting ? It does not transmit with tone so if you have tone on your radio you will not hear it.
  9. I say this over and over. At least once a year folks decide we need to change GMRS to suite their needs and who cares what others do. I have been in GMRS since we rented a repeater PL. Alot has changed but in the end not much really did. analog and simple has been the game. If you want DMR or other stuff go to ham or business.
  10. Actually 10mhz window is pretty common. Our Trunking system has both 458 and 465 mhz inputs so need the 10mhz window in the TTA and multi coupler to get both splits. When I was with the shop our PMR trunking system had 456, 457 and 465 frequencies. There we had 2 bandpass windows (455-460 and 464-470)
  11. Sorry I should have been clearer. A "TRA" is a Tone Remote Adapter. The TRA hooks up to the Radio then a "Tone Remote" is wired back to the device with a phone line. Normally this is a 4 wire connection however in this application a 2 wire would also work. The Tone remote is similar to a phone and has a PTT on the handset as well as on the unit with a speaker. Looks sorta like this one Newer ones are capable of signaling functions as well as other items. Basic ones can normally be had pretty reasonably on fleabay. Just dont get DC remotes or DC Remote Adapter. Unless you have experience with DC circuits it gets messy. They still work very well but the industry pretty much went to Tone style years ago. You can have multiple Tone Remotes hooked to one TRA. In my environment I have a TRA on each floor of my house and one in my shop. I also run Ethernet ones in those same locations but those are not for the faint of heart cost wise.
  12. I run the 275 in both my JK and JT. On the JK its wired direct to battery for 12V+ and Ground goes to stud next to battery on fender. On the JT power goes to the AUX Switch harness in the front kick panel. Ground is on a stud on the kick panel. Antenna on JK is a stainless bracket on front driver fender at hood with 1/4 wave UHF antenna. On JT antenna is on my light mount on the cowl passenger side. I see no noise on either radio. How is your battery ? I did have some issues on the JK with noise and it ended up being the LED headlights I installed from amazon. I swapped them for Holley ones and no noise sine. I'd definitely double check grounds and the antenna mounts for good ground connectivity. When checking the mount disconnect the antenna cable from the radio so your not using it as the ground.
  13. Depending on use sorta. As some mentioned BT sometimes will work, however from experience at my house even with LMR BT mic I loose connection when i leave the same floor as the base radio. I use a TRA on my control station and have remotes on each floor. Unless you switch to commercial gear that's not an option normally on GMRS gear. This doesn't help the outside yard use but for inside its a standard solution thats used in many public safety and commercial applications.
  14. There will be P25 in use also but mostly encrypted.
  15. The info provided is from Radio Reference. There is a ton of information on that site regardless of some folks complaining about it.
  16. Thanks. I thought about security stuff on my work PC but my personal did the same. I'll keep digging on my end. Thanks
  17. Has anyone had issues with the links in the weekly emails ? I can't open any of the links. Here is one from todays email - https://m8by3gd4.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fmygmrs.com%2Frepeater%2F6485/1/010001881d98529e-284e6b66-fad7-403a-b066-17129d3b9cc9-000000/L7Vw0Spbr13Ka5qdP6ZTHI2R1cE=321 I noticed this a month or so ago but thought it was just that email.
  18. Looks good Marc. Always nice to see a thought out install. My 8500's are both on the back wall of my JT with my FTM400 deck. Wanted it all high enough to be out of water. Been there in the JK.
  19. Drop a NMO in between sun roof and HMSL and be done with it. I installed a UHF and VHF in that location for a SAR member. His is a GM Denali but same setup. Running 1/4 wave on both with no issues at all.
  20. I would check with the repeater owner to verify he is ok with a net on his repeater. I have a few repeaters that are used but if someone starts a net I'll shut them down. Just my opinion. My repeater were not put up for ham lite purposes.
  21. drivers missing on cable ? USB or serial >?
  22. Dont forget insurance. Many towers will require a basic liability insurance.
  23. Finding a good location in that area for a repeater will be your issue. None of the public safety towers will allow it, so its either pay american tower or one of the large tower companies or find a tall building and get something up there. Both will require lots of leg work and most likely funding. Then a good repeater will be required. Im in SW VA and I have a repeater on my house and get about 4-5 miles from the house. Then there is nothing for miles.
  24. 2 Reasons. Some folks list a repeater and never put it on the air. Also some people have great ambitions but in the end buy insufficient stuff and it doesn't work as they envisioned.
  25. 102" and your right. I used to grab them at RS for $20 now they want $75-100 on ebay for them. I kick myself as when I left one of my old shops we put piles of them in the dumpster along with the 54" ones for lowband. You think the whip is hard to find try to find a Motorola Ball and Spring. They are gold when found.
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