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Everything posted by gortex2

  1. All of mine came with lighter plus as well. I have a pile of them in my barn cut off the radios
  2. Still alot of vague info. How much 213 ? Slim Jim is most likely not the best antenna for a repeater. The RT96 should receive just as well as the KG. You will have loss in the duplexer and what ever cables you are using to connect everything. Could be up to 3 db of loss. You really need to do troubleshooting on this. Start with hooking the KG1000 to the antenna with no duplexer. Can you hear the distant location direct ?
  3. I guess my message was vague. A narrowband repeater (12.5Khz) will repeat the midland fine. I have 3 repeaters all running in narrowband and the midlands have been rock solid along with the other MSI gear on the channel. I am sure some wideband repeaters may not open if the PL modulation is too low to decode.
  4. What is your expectation ? What antenna, What Feedline ? What duplexer ? Alot of a repeater is antenna and filtering. Granted Id pick anyhting but that radio for a repeater but know guys have been successful with them. I'd look at the rest of the system before I'd worry about a radio
  5. Thats why i asked about use case. Thousands of folks use the midland and midland is selling them like crazy. Other than die hard GMRS users 90% of those that buy this radio dont care or even understand. I went with them for my parents and they work great for the purpose. People on this forum get all worked up over them but they work solid and to my knowledge are the only GMRS mobile that is designed for GMRS. All the others are CCR mobiles with various software packages. Good bad or indifferent Midland does have a market. Oh and a midland will work fine on a repeater in narrowband mode.
  6. I know a few around me use VHF marine channels as I'll hear them on the river talking to each other. We carry a few in our SAR command post for this purpose. There are tons of models of marine grade handhelds out there with various features including wx alerts and beacons. I'd go that route.
  7. Most commercial antenna's will work much better than the ham/hobby stuff people buy on amazon. Laird makes gear for public safety, and commercial markets. The antenna is one of the most important parts of the equation when it comes to RF so buying quality normally helps. I do run that antenna on some of our SAR vehicles for our TLMR stuff. Works well.
  8. Midland mxt115 or 275 are ideal for what you wanting to do. All depends on expectations. If simplex use is your most use case excellent units.
  9. Ya I checked MOL and found nothing. We had a few for investigators in UHF TLMR when we did the system. None I ever saw had a belt clip. Most of the guys would put them in there pocket of the jacket.
  10. That battery doesn't allow for a clip. the XTS was dropped quite some time ago and it does not look like there are replacements online. I'd look for some sort of leather style case for it (universal).
  11. All the midland handhelds meet that requirement. Thats the issue. The ones using baojunk of various models dont care. Hence the issue.
  12. @MichaelLAX my issue with you is you continually tell folks to use uncertified radios for our service. Your the troll here. Have you noticed others have left the site over your BS ? Doubt it cause you dont care. Go back to your basement and play with your action figures. Maybe California will break off the US and we will all be happy.
  13. Can you snap a pic of the battery. The NTN8266B comes back as the belt clip but there are 2 different ones.
  14. So what did you come to GMRS for then ? I'm curious because I see more and more hams going to GMRS when they have it already in HAM. I think in some part that's what's messing up GMRS. Its almost become a "ham light" to me. I get more and more baffled daily on the wants and needs of GMRS users. Ive been a ham for years and use ham radio when i want linking or data or other things it provides, but when i want simple point to point stuff GMRS is what I use. Yet the UV5R is not certified for any of this....so why state the reqs when you dont follow them ?
  15. I asked on my last one a couple weeks ago. The reason the dont require it is as we all know a portable doesn't need a license. The only ones technically that need it are on mobiles. Granted 75% of the jeeps have mobiles but thats the reasoning. The do post on the site that a license is required. https://jeepjamboreeusa.com/gmrs/ DO I NEED A LICENSE? Because Jeep® Jamboree requires GMRS, it is important to note that the Federal Communications Commission does require a license to operate these radios. That being said, it is super easy to get your license on the FCC website. The license covers you and your family for 10 years. After finishing up the application process, most people receive their license within 48 hours. As of April 19, 2022, the FCC just slashed the license cost in half, bringing it to $35 rather than $70.
  16. Sadly thats what GMRS is becoming. Linking and nets and all that is not the original focus but its out of the bag as ones say so nothing that will change. Only way to seperate is keep them not linked and don't advertise them. I a bit on the fence over listing vs not but since I removed all my repeaters from the interwebs they have been quite. Prior it was non stop squelch noise, static and test test test but never any real conversations. Mostly radios that could not really hit the repeater or were programmed wrong. I removed them all from online sources changed the PL/DPL and its been good since.
  17. Most likely because many people use the radio on simplex only. the XT511 was designed to use at a base camp or something of that nature. Its nothing more than a glorified FRS radio with a mic instead of picking up a radio. Has its purpose.
  18. Unless the local repeater offers that you can't. Go to the main page and look at the network for repeaters on networks. https://network.mygmrs.com/map
  19. hmm...I didn't read anything about murs and repeaters. I read alot about other services.
  20. 1/4 wave on roof is ideal especially on a GC. Drop an nmo in the roof and dont look back. You will be much happier.
  21. My guess is a quality radio may not see that issue either. Granted high power next to any radio can cause issues but a radio with little to no filtering on the recevier doesn't help things.
  22. If you share the XTS codeplug it may be easier to determine your issue.
  23. Was in both the main page and forums multiple times last night with no issues as well as now. Not sure what your issue is.
  24. Maybe the unit is just broken. It is a cheap toss away radio. Without a real test on a monitor or watt meter you'll never know if its the radio or not.
  25. So the midland antenna requires a ground plane Not sure what you used with it. I would get a TRAM UHF base antenna and LMR400 for starting point. As said as high and you can go the better but keep your cable as short as possible. Dont coil 50' of cable behind the radio.
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