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Everything posted by gortex2

  1. As reference that piece is plastic where his antenna is mounted. There is metal behind it but the cover is plastic. In the jeep world many antenna's are mounted in that location and work ok. Remember the ghost antenna is like a dummy load. Works fine for close by or a proper repeater but not much more. Its not uncommon to not hear boo on GMRS. GMRS is not ham. Its for short private comms. On the trail it will work great with other users on the trail. I live in the country. I have a DB404 on a 60' pole and scan all the GMRS main channels. I hear nothing except a hunter or two now and then.
  2. I would just put it on the hood and be done.
  3. The DB20G is a GMRS radio and not rated for anything in MURS, Marine, or HAM. Buy a certified radio to use in those bands.
  4. Well just because you can hear the repeater doesn't mean you can always get back to it. Most repeaters are not balanced as they should be in the GMRS or ham world. I would get closer with a radio and test locally to the repeater before you can determine if its your setup.
  5. Cheap LED bars are our issue. Replace the bar with a quality unit and it should be fine or keep it on a switch. Common issue with cheap stuff.
  6. Yet its used all the time as it is in GMRS. This is what keep bringing up. The only thing GMRS users can control is those who want to follow the rules. Half of this forum talks about using non part 95 radios (CCR HAM stuff) and how to modify this or that or how to get out of the rules. If we concentrated on promoting the proper use of GMRS radios the hobby could be better. We can't control stuff people are doing who are not on this forum. Oh and was at a ham fest Sunday in NJ. 146.580 was used and encrypted as it was blinking on my APX. No clue who but it happens all the time.
  7. Yup. I still use an older version of procomm to one of my controllers as it supported the phone modem. Yes they are still out there. I use Putty for everythign else.
  8. So I'm all for reading the rules but GMRS is a mess now. Even if it is totally illegal and the FCC puts out a report and order or rulemaking paper saying it can't happen that will change nothing as there is no enforcement. Its no different than DMR, P25 and other modes being used on GMRS daily. All we can do is help make GMRS useable. To be honest I'm hoping this is a fad and all these CCR Linking folks will loose interest and go away....Sadly I dont think that will happen.
  9. Just drill a hole and drop a 1/4 wave on it. 99% of the time that will outperform what you need and not require removing it daily t go in a garage.
  10. No all the Trident, CommSpec and CSI models are programmed with a terminal session. They were designed for modems from a site to turn on a PL/DPL or turn it off. So any serial emulator will work fine. Putty and Procomm are the go to most of the time.
  11. No. Its essentially a dummy load. A standard 1/4 wave will work way better than the Ghost.
  12. Which ? The roof rack ? If so yes goes around windshield to the top tray then to the rear of the jeep.
  13. First of all you cannot transmit on any UHF channel you want. 454.200 is a licensed channel. Secondly as we have said multiple times the duplexer MUST be tuned to the working frequency. Until it is tuned to a GMRS channel you will see bad VSWR and power issues. Take the duplexer to a shop and have it tuned. I'm not sure what your trying to accomplish but multiple folks have told you the duplexer is tuned wrong.
  14. I would not. Buy a real antenna and cable. The antenna is the most important part of a repeater. Manage expectations. You wont talk 50 miles with a JPole (well unless your at 5000'). Remember the RT is low power =/- 5 watts. Shorted antenna line and antenna they better.
  15. Find a local 2 way radio shop. They should be able to do it on a VNA in less than an hours labor. Yes you will spend about the same as you paid for it but it will be done correctly.
  16. Duplexer needs tuned. No way around it. Its not on the frequency you are trying to use.
  17. Really depends on what your going to MOAB for. But if your going out on the trails I found more activity on CB than GMRS. Being EJS this year used CB for all trails rides still it will be some time before you see all going to GMRS. At this point even Jeep Jamboree has said they are switched to GMRS but last fall only about half our group had GMRS. I'm curious to see if this year they will be more strict on the GMRS front or not. Have our first ride in 2 weeks.
  18. OK. So I looked at your files. You have problems. RX Radio - Currently is set for 457.550. That needs to be 467.550 for GMRS. The RX PL/DPL is 265N. In your portable you need to set Encode to DPL/DCS and 265N TX Radio - Currently is set for 452.550. This also needs to be changed to 462.550 for GMRS. The PL/DPL is the same (265N) on the TX Radio. Your Portable would use 265N also. So change frequencies, Tune Duplexer and have fun. The CY121 Repeater is a nice little box and ideal for home repeater use.
  19. You should be fine. Not sure why the radio would show that...but its a CCR.
  20. Was just in MOAB in July. I found no GMRS repeaters, but I also didn't spend a ton of time trying to find them. Very little GMRS/FRS when I was there. I heard more on my CB (CH4, 14, 19, 24) of trail guides. I heard one trail guide on GMRS 462.600 on one day while in Arches but never heard any of the users he was talking to so not sure his location. He was definitely talking to a group and explaining the obstacles before they got there. We had GMRS in our camper also and stayed at KOA. Only heard some kids on FRS1 first night. No other traffic for the 2 nights we were there.
  21. Is not CH 1 a low power channel. Should only be 5w max. If your seeing 3.4 with a 10% deviation in a meter I would say its fairly accurate.
  22. SWR before duplexer should be very low if the duplexer is tuned properly. What model duplexer, tester and radios are we dealing with ? Who tuned the duplexer.
  23. True but on UHF your line of sight. In the SAR stuff we do we have trouble with a mile between some teams on VHF and UHF unless we have a repeater. APRS has the benefit of many Digi's so it can help move that traffic. I agree having it available is a benefit but in SAR we have tried pretty much everything and it rarely works on our own systems. We do use the APX to send location data but normally only command will get it.
  24. @mikevman I agree the i20 fit the box well. The only other box that will fit in there is the RICK but that doesn't do CW ID, nor tone panel. I think the CommSpec would fit although tight. They made a "table top" version of it. If it didn't fit in the box it would fit nicely on top of it. I looked in my storage and dont have any at the moment but a quick scan of ebay shows a trident controller which will work well - Trident I used the Trident in our LTR Trunking system. It was nice as it also did community panel so we could migrate customers over to LTR slowly and let them use their legacy conventional radios until they could replace all of them. I still have 2 of the older Trident (Pre Raider) in service on GMRS repeaters. Mainly so I can have both the traveler tone (non listed) and my own PL/DPL tone in the repeater.
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