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Everything posted by gortex2

  1. TX and RX is what you use. RX is repeater output. TX is repeater input. PL/CTCSS/DPL tones are the same format.
  2. It was on our license back in the day. I'm not sure I have any old copies around. Never specified a PL tone just 462.675/467/675. Then you only got one frequency when you got a GMRS channel. My first one was 462.625/467.625. Later on a few of the larger GMRS based groups pushed the 141.3 as a traveler code. Our area had a REACT repeater on 131.8 (still active today) but was an old repeater that used reeds. I searched for 2 years and finally gave up. Some history on that is here and is a good read. http://www.nsea.com//index_files/nseainfo.htm Our REACT team was very involved in GMRS and CB at the time. Sadly it fell apart as soon as most of the guys went to HAM radio. Our SAR team took over the GMRS repeater and have upgraded it a few times. Its on the schedule to be replaced this fall and will incorporate the 141.3 in the list of available PL tones.
  3. A repeater at 4 watts will talk no further than a portable at 4 watts. No need to install an amp. You would be best served by purchasing a quality antenna and feedline.
  4. Depending on your location there may be repeaters and other locations quiet as a mouse...
  5. Or just grab a RT97 for half the cost of the KG1000 setup.... KG1000 - $369.00 x 2 Duplexer - $150 (Fumie China Duplexer) Various cable - N-PL259 (Radio to duplexer) - $25-50 Power Supply - $100.... Granted the RT97 is a high power repeater but 99% of the folks that will be putting up a repeater are doing it at home on a garage or house. The RT97 is a all in one box. Just program and turn on. Simplicity for many. And to be honest if you have a great location the repeater will do fine with portables. Just another option.
  6. Rich owns and run mygmrs.com. You can get him on the main gmrs page. https://mygmrs.com/user/rdunajewski
  7. For once I agree with OffRoader and we need more info. What is LAW ENFORCEMENT EMERGENCY RADIO NETWORK ?
  8. I guess Im confused what you want to do. Is not the TX radio programmed for 462.700 ? If so you can talk on your portable to 467.700 and hear it on your RX radio. You can then answer on your TX radio and your portable will hear it. Also if your portable is on simplex (462.700) you can transmit and receive on the TX repeater radio (462.700). Thats how the repeater works. Your RX radio should have 467.700 RX Only and your TX radio would have 462.700 TX/RX as you can't make a TX only personality.
  9. Yes if the radio is set for RX/TX on the 462.xxx you can talk and receive on it. The GR series repeaters used to ship with a mic for that reason. It would allow a "dispatcher" to talk back to his vehicles without needing another radio on site.
  10. So your on portables. Drive a mile from the repeater. Then test. Dont test with both radios in the vehicle at the same time. Dont believe anything the repeater says for coverage unless its a true coverage map. The "circle" is only based on what they enter and is not accurate. The distance you get on simplex is about average in a neighborhood. Not sure what you were expecting.
  11. Looking at Connersville 650 neither PL/DPL are listed. It says request permission. Did he reply with information ? https://mygmrs.com/repeater/4934
  12. How close are you to the repeater location ?
  13. Well regardless of reasons when you sign a contract to be on a tower things need followed. We ran into this when I was at the radio shop. Our owner let a small ham club on the tower and the install was horrible. He gave them 3 months to resolve the issues. They did nothing so he kicked them out. Regardless of service its not your property. In todays world I can't imagine the tower owner didn't kick the stuff out already. When rent isn't paid normally it was 3 months and I went and powered off the equipment until we got paid. Sounds harsh but its the reality. Lessons learned by that club. This also enforces the issue to all the new folks on this board buying $25.00 radios the real cost of repeater ownership and time commitments it takes to do a proper site.
  14. Nope. Many GMRS/FRS units are narrowband. There are radios that will do wideband. If you plan on many repeaters then I'd shop around. If your plan is to talk to your buddy in the vehicle behind you or to a neighbor narrowband works just fine.
  15. Solution is to send a PM to Rich
  16. Personally I'd also order a $15.00 UHF !/4 wave NMO. Those pepper shacker transit antennas dont work well.
  17. ^^^^^^^^^^^ I hate linking for that point. And its the same conversations on ham or GMRS. The only GMRS repeaters around me are run by hams and just use it as another ham repeater. Drives me nuts.
  18. While I agree we need more in some areas half the people on this forum complain about spending money on a decent handheld or mobile....
  19. I guess that was my point. Some discussions get wrapped around the axle for days or weeks. We have thousands of folks using GMRS with no licenses. Following best practices and doing what you can as a licensed user is all you can do. I have no ID on any of my repeaters and as your friend had multiple inspections by the FCC with no issues.
  20. So either order a UHF 1/4 wave or move the antenna. Those antenna's are junk anyway. You can grab a 1/4 wave on amazon for $15 that will screw right on the mount.
  21. I know there are valid points from all but this is an awful lot of discussion about a repeater that may cover a mile.....
  22. By the time you buy all the parts you can but a RT97 thats made to do what you want....
  23. I was at a shop in the early days of NXDN for ICOM. We took 2 25khz channels and ended up with 8 6.25khz channels. Issue was filtering and combiners. Ended up putting 4 repeaters over the facility and using the others in simplex mode. Was a cool idea for sure. Never dealt with any of the NXDN trunking stuff but hear it works well. Not sure if its still using 6.25 or 12.5 though.
  24. I wasn't trying to mandate anything. I just don't get the reasoning. Yes digital is the new age but why not say we need digital on CB, Marine and other services also then. GMRS has been around for a long time. With limited channels I don't think digital is the best option. It further limits the usage of the channels and causes more confusion. How many posts are there daily on folks who can't get the repeater to work ? Now add DMR, or P25 and its a mess. I cant even listen to most of the ham DMR stuff because of how bad some of it sounds now. Hot spots, CCR DMR radios and poor backhaul creates a lot of audio issues. Done right I agree DMR, P25 and NXDN sounds good but in an "open" service with no one being the "buck stops here" there is no management of that. This is the issue amateur radio has. Some clubs public best practices, or recommended settings but I still get alot of ID1 pop up on my display at times. I think the only way digital would work and work well with GMRS is to dedicate 1 or 2 channels to DMR that are not current channels. Which the FCC will never do. Then again taking some amateur 440 channels away and giving GMRS second use on them seems prudent. I work in the field and deal with P25 daily so I get the advantages of digital when done right. If It was allowed I'd have a P25 repeater system up already. As a public safety users I'd push P25 over DMR as I could use all my public safety radios. In the end I dont think the FCC will ever change the rules. Look at the mess they already created with some need a license and some don't on the same channels. My guess is another 10 years it will be just like CB because there is no structure or anyone helping direct the hobby/service.
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